Dr. Biku Abraham

Dr. Biku Abraham

Designation: Professor

Education: MCA, M.Phil, Ph.D

Professional Experience

Teaching  : 22 years
Research  : 7 years


UG  : Computer Science
PG : Computer Applications

Ph. D : Data Mining


  1. Abraham, B., (2023), An Enhanced Career Prospect Prediction System for Non-computer Stream Students in Software Companies, Computational Intelligence for Engineering and Management Applications. Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, vol 984. Springer, Singapore. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-19-8493-8_60.
  2. Biku Abraham, (2022),“A Predictive Model for Student Employability Using Deep Learning Techniques”, Electrochemical Society Transactions, Volume 107, Issue 1, pp.10149-10158, doi: 10.1149/10701.10149ecst .
  3. Biku Abraham,(2017),Issues in Networked Digital Payment Methods in India, International Journal of Advances in Cloud Computing and computer science, vol.3, no.2,ISSN(PRINT): 2454-406X, ISSN(ONLINE): 2454-4078
  4. Biku Abraham, Varghese Paul & Nebu John Abraham (2015), Dictionary Based Behavioural Data Compression: A clustering approach, Middle-East Journal of Scientific Research, vol. 23, no. 2, pp.214-218, ISSN: 1990-9233.
  5. Biku Abraham, Varghese Paul ,& Nebu John Abraham (2014), Dictionary Based Compression Using Clustering: An Application of Ratio Scale Data, International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, vol. 9, no. 22, pp. 16863-16871, ISSN: 0973-4562.
  6. Biku Abraham, Varghese Paul ,& Nebu John Abraham (2014), Compression of Market Research Data Using Clustering, Journal of Applied Sciences, Vol. 15, no. 2, pp.  271-276, ISSN: 1812-5654.
  7. Biku Abraham & Varghese Paul (2013), Compression of behavioural data using clustering technique, Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Microelectronics, Communication & Renewable energy, DOI: 10.1109/AICERA-ICMiCR.2013.6576033.
  8. Biku Abraham & Varghese Paul (2013), Compression of text files – store as matrix file, Proceedings of the International conference on Mathematical Modeling in Computer, Management and Medical Sciences, pp. 65-68.
  9. Biku Abraham & Varghese Paul (2011), Secured Double Data Compression based on Huffman with Sparse Storage, proceedings of the National Conference on Computing Concepts in Current Trends, pp. 268-271.
  10. Biku Abraham & Varghese Paul (2010), Highly Effective Secured Multistage Data Compression technique, CIT Journal of Research vol.1, no. 1, pp.  128-138, ISSN 0976-3244.
  11. Biku Abraham & Varghese Paul (2010), Effective Compression of a variable to fixed length codeword based on Tunstall, Proceedings of the Second National Conference on Information and Software Engineering, pp. 19-22.
  12. Biku Abraham & Varghese Paul (2009), Huge sized text compression using substring aligned binary codes, Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Information Processing, pp. 745-747.
  13. Biku Abraham ,Character aligned binary codes using heap based on Huffman Proc. of International Conference on Recent Trends in Computational Science, June 2008.
  14. Biku Abraham& Ambili P S  , Data Compression and analysis based on Huffman using binary tree Proc. of ACENET-08, March 2008.
  15. Biku Abraham & Ambili P S  , A Fast method for data compression based on Huffman using binary tree, Proc. of NC_VCOM -08 , March 2008.


  1. Life Member of CSI
  2. Life Member of ISTE

Research Interest

  1. Machine Learning
  2. Data Science


  1. Indian Patent with title “An AIOT based water toxicity prediction system for fresh
    water fish farming efficacy”. Application Number : 202141047537A, publication
    Date : 05.11.2021

Received Rs. 12,000 as funding for the project “Transport Positioning System” from Kerala State Council of Science, Technology and Environment.


  1. Information Sciences, Elsevier
  2. International conference on sustainable advanced computing organized by Christ
    University, Bangalore
  3. International Conference on advances in computing and communications organized
    by Rajagiri School of Engineering and Technology.
  4. International Conference on computing, communications, security and intelligent
    systems organized by SCMS School of Engineering and Technology.

Contact Details

Mobile: +91 9447797909

Email: biku.abraham@saintgits.org