Dr Rajesh K S

Dr Rajesh K S

Designation: Professor and Head, Department of Computer Applications

Education: MCA, M Tech(CSE), MBA(Finance), Ph.D(CS)

Professional Experience

Teaching  :23 years

Industry: 1 year
Research :  9 years


PG :Computer Science & Engineering- JNTUH, Hyderabad
PhD(CS) : Natural Language Processing – Dravidian University, Kuppam, Andhra Pradesh.-December 2015.
Research Topic: A new dynamic statistical maximum likelihood alignment algorithm for sentence translations in bilingual corpora (Malayalam & English).


  1. An article “Natural Language Processing- an intelligent way to understand context sensitive languages” in IJIIP Volume 3, Number 2, July-December 2009 Issue, Pages 421-428, ISSN: 0973-3892.   
  2. An article “A relative study on the principles and practices of Machine Translation” in IJARCE Volume 3, Number 2, July-December 2009 Issue, Pages 349-353, ISSN: 0974-4320. 
  3. A research article “An Empirical Study on the Practicalities of Sentence Alignment Task in English to Indian Language (Malayalam) Bilingual Corpora and a new hybrid algorithm for English-Malayalam sentence alignment” in IJAICR July-Dec 2011 Issue, ISSN: 0975-3974.
  4. A research article “Building a bilingual corpus based on Hybrid approach for Malayalam-English machine translation” published in IJCSI January 2012 special issue, ISSN: 2231-5292.
  5. A research article “A new dynamic statistical maximum likelihood alignment algorithm for sentence translations in bilingual corpora (Malayalam & English)” in IJCLNLP, Volume 2, Issue 1, January 2013, ISSN: 2279-0756.
  6. A research article “Automatic recognition of facial expressions in color spaces: A survey” in IJERT, Volume 2, Issue 6, June 2013, ISSN: 2278-0181.
  7. A research paper “A hybrid dynamic statistical maximum likelihood alignment algorithm for sentence translations in bilingual corpora (Malayalam & English)” in International Conference on Information Science (ACCIS’14) Elsevier Proceedings 2014, ISBN: 9789351072478.
  8. A research paper “A novel chunk alignment model for Statistical Machine Translation on English-Malayalam parallel corpus” in International Conference on Information Science (ICIS’14) Bonfring Proceedings 2014, ISBN: 978-93-83459-57-5.
  9. A research paper “A hybrid method for facial expression recognition in perceptual color space” in 2nd International Conference on Emerging Trends in Technology and Applied Sciences (ICETTAS’15) Bonfring Proceedings 2015, ISBN: 978-93-84743-77-2.
  10. A research paper titled “Cross domain descriptor for Sketch Based Image Retrieval using Siamese Network” published by IEEE, DOI:10.1109/ICIIP47207.2019.8985733.
  11. A research paper titled “Cross domain descriptor for face sketch to photo image recognition” published by IEEE, DOI: 10.1109/ACCESS51619.2021.9563314
  12. One paper under review by an SCIE journal.

Conferences, Seminars, Workshops & FDPs Attended/Organized:

  1. Attended and successfully completed Microsoft, SAP and AICTE led Faculty Development Program (FDP) on AI Evolution: “From Foundations to Generative AI under Techsaksham from 11 h to 15 th Dec, 2023.
  2. Attended and successfully completed Microsoft, SAP and AICTE led Faculty Development Program (FDP) on Applied Cloud Computing for Full Stack Web Development under Techsaksham from 4 th to 8 th Dec, 2023.
  3. Attended one week AICTE National Faculty Development Program (FDP) on Cloud Infrastructure (AWS) organized by Brainivision and Saintgits College of Engineering from 21 st to 25 th August, 2023.
  4. Attended AICTE FDP “Preeminent and Innovative Technologies in Computer Science and Applications 2023 (PICSA 2023)”, organized by Department of Computer Science and Engineering from 30 Jan – 3 Feb, 2023, at IMS Engineering College, Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh, India.
  5. Attended KTU Sponsored Faculty Development Programme on “Hands on workshop on Machine Learning Algorithm”  from 2nd September to 4th September, 2021 organised by College of Engineering, Attingal.
  6. Attended AICTE ATAL online FDP on Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, and Deep Learning from 22/2/21 to 26/2/21 at GIET University.
  7. Attended AICTE ATAL online FDP on Artificial Intelligence from 8/2/21 to 12/2/21 at Manipal University Jaipur.
  8. Attended AICTE ATAL online FDP on Artificial Intelligence from 4/1/21 to 8/1/21 at PSNA College, Tamilnadu.
  9. Attended AICTE ATAL online FDP on Data Science using Python from 7/12/20 to 19/12/20 at Sree Vishnu College of Engineering, Bhimavaram, AP.
  10. Attended AICTE ATAL online FDP on Machine Learning and Deep Learning- A hands on approach from 7/12/20 to 19/12/20 at CUSAT, Kochi.
  11. Attended AICTE ATAL online FDP on Data Sciences from 16/11/20 to 20/11/20 at IIITDMK, Kancheepuram.
  12. Attended AICTE ATAL online FDP on Data Sciences from 2/11/20 to 6/11/20 at HCET, Chennai.
  13. Attended AICTE ATAL online FDP on Artificial Intelligence from 15/10/20 to 19/10/20 at KIIT, Orissa.
  14. Attended FDP on AI: Responsible AI for Social Empowerment (RAISE 2020) from 5/10/20 to 9/10/20 by Govt. of India.
  15. Attended AICTE ATAL online FDP on Data Sciences from 21/9/20 to 25/9/20 at Crescent University.
  16. Attended online FDP on Artificial Intelligence using Python from 14/9/20 to 19/9/20 at Dr. B C Roy Polytechnic, Durgapur.
  17. Attended 2 weeks online FDP on Data Science for all at IITMK Jabalpur from July 27 to Aug 8, 2020.
  18. Coordinated a webinar series (10 days) by Industry experts at Saintgits College of Engineering.
  19. Reviewer for the virtual international conference on Machine Learning and Data Analytics, July 18-19,ICMLDA2020, conducted by Sri Venkateswara University, Tirupati.
  20. Attended AICTE ATAL online FDP on Data Sciences from 25.05.2020 to 29.05.2020 at Indian Institute of Information Technology, Vadodara.
  21. Coordinated 2 weeks AICTE FDP “National Conference on Predictive Analysis” from 09.10.2019 to 19.10.2019 @ Saintgits College of Engineering, Kottayam, Kerala.
  22. Certified by IEEE on successful completion of training in 2019 for “Techniques for Effective Research with IEEE Xplore”
  23. Organized one week workshop on Cyber Security and Forensics from 23 rd July to 27 th July 2018.
  24. Attended one week Faculty Development Programme on Machine Learning from 18 th June to 22 nd June 2018 at Saintgits College of Engineering.
  25. Associate Coordinator of 47 th ISTE National Annual Convention held at Saintgits College of Engineering from 27 th to 29 th January 2018.
  26. Participated in 28 th Annual State Convention of ISTE at Government Engineering College, Thrissur on 9 th December 2017.
  27. Remote Centre Coordinator for the two week AICTE FDP (FDP201x) on Pedagogy for Online and Blended Teaching Learning Process organized by IIT, Bombay from 16 th Sept 2017 to 8 th Oct 2017.
  28. Remote Centre Coordinator for the two week AICTE FDP (FDP101x) on Foundation Program in ICT for Education organized by IIT, Bombay from 19 th Aug 2017.
  29. Remote Centre Coordinator for the two week ISTE STTP on Electric Power System organized by IIT, Kharagpur from 12 th June 2017 to 15 th July 2017.
  30. Attended the Orientation Workshop for Remote Centre Coordinators on 30 th March 2017, held at IIT Bombay.
  31. Remote Centre Coordinator for the two week ISTE STTP on CMOS, Mixed Signal and Radio frequency VLSI design organized by IIT, Kharagpur from 30 th Jan 2017 to 4 th Feb 2017.
  32. Coordinated the national techno cultural extravaganza fest Samyuktha-16 at Saintgits College of Engineering on 18 th and 19 th November, 2016.
  33. Attended FDP on ADM at TCS, Kochi on 4.1.2017.
  34. Attended six days STTP on “Data Analysis using Computational Softwares”from 27.06.2016 to 02.07.2016 at RIT, Pampady.
  35. Coordinated and organized a five day national hands-on workshop on Big Data Analytics using R (NHWBDA-16) from April 18 2016 to April 22 2016.
  36. Participated in the NPTEL workshop at RIT, Pampady on 10 th May 2016(KTU).
  37. Participated in the National Workshop on Cyber Crimes and Cyber Laws held on 27 th and 28 th February 2016 at School of Legal Thought, M. G. University.
  38. Attended five days workshop on cloud computing conducted by IFC3 India and Neuromancers IIT Bhubaneshwar form 3 rd to 7 th Nov 2015
  39. Participated in the two day workshop on Introduction to Interactive Programming in Python held on 9 th and 10 th July 2015 at Saintgits College of Engineering.
  40. Attended 2 weeks STTP on Introduction to Design of Algorithms from 27th April to 30th May 2015 conducted by IIT Kharagpur.
  41. Core Committee member and session chair for International Conference on Emerging Trends in Technology and Sciences (ICETTAS 2015) organized by Saintgits College of Engineering, Kottayam from 30th April to 2nd May, 2015.
  42. Participated and presented a paper “A Hybrid Method for Facial Expression Recognition in Perceptual Color Space” in the International Conference on Emerging Trends in Technology and Sciences (ICETTAS 2015) organized by Saintgits College of Engineering, Kottayam from 30 th April to 2 nd May, 2015.
  43. Judge for paper presentation contest as part of Gitsblitz, Saintgits College of Applied Sciences.
  44. Judge for the Ascent 2014 C debugging event conducted by CSE Department, Saintgits College of Engineering, Kottayam.
  45. Participated in the Two Week ISTE main workshop on Cyber Security conducted by IIT Bombay from July 10th to July 20th, 2014.
  46. Participated in the Two Week ISTE main workshop on Computer Networking conducted by IIT Bombay from June 30 th to July 5 th , 2014.
  47. Participated in the Two Week ISTE main workshop on Computer Programming conducted by IIT Bombay from May 20 th to June 21 st 2014.
  48. Presented a paper “A novel chunk alignment model for Statistical Machine Translation on English-Malayalam parallel corpus” in International Conference on Information Science (ICIS’14) at Le Meridien , Kochi organized by College of Engineering, Cherthala.
  49. Presented a paper “A hybrid dynamic statistical maximum likelihood alignment algorithm for sentence translations in bilingual corpora (Malayalam & English)” in International Conference on Information Science (ACCIS’14) at Kollam, organized by T.K.M College of Engineering, Kollam.
  50. Attended 2 weeks FDP on Machine Learning Techniques conducted at SCMS school of Engineering & Technology, Karukutty, from 20th May to 01 June 2013.
  51. Core committee member of Srishti 2014, AICTE sponsored all Kerala technical project exhibition and competition for students, organized by Saintgits College of Engineering, Kottayam held on 25 th and 26 th Feb 2014.
  52. Participated in the International Conference on Global Innovations in Technology and Sciences (ICGITS 2013) organized by Saintgits College of Engineering,
    Kottayam from 4 th to 6 th April, 2013.
  53. Participated in the five day ISTE Coordinators’ workshop on Database Management Systems conducted by IIT Bombay during 6 th to 10 th May 2013.
  54. Coordinated the Two week ISTE main workshop on Database Management Systems conducted by IIT Bombay from 21 st to 31 st May 2013.
  55. Participated in the Train the Trainer Workshop on Mobile Application Development using Android conducted by Infosys Limited, at Lourdes Matha College of Science and Technology, Trivandrum from 13 th to 15 th February 2013.
  56. Judge for Nakshatra 2013 paper presentation event conducted by Saintgits College of Engineering, Pathamuttom, Kottayam.
  57. Presented a paper “building a bilingual corpus based on Hybrid approach for Malayalam-English machine translation” in National Conference on Research Trends in Computer Science and Technology (NCRTCST2012) at CMR College of Engineering and Technology, Hyderabad, during 27-28 January 2012.
  58. Coordinated the national level technical symposium Azura2k11 paper presentation event conducted by CMR College of Engineering and Technology, Hyderabad.
  59. Attended one day national seminar conducted by Infosys Gachibowli Campus as part of SPARK programme twice.
  60. Coordinated one day seminar on “latest trends in software testing” in the department of MCA, CMR College of Engineering and Technology, Hyderabad.
  61. Coordinated one day seminar on “latest applications in Java” in the department of MCA, CMR College of Engineering and Technology, Hyderabad.
  62. Coordinated and attended a one day seminar on “How to Build a Project” by Dr. O. B. V. Ramanaiah” conducted by MCA department, CMR College of Engineering and Technology, Hyderabad.
  63. Judge for the national level technical symposium TechQuest2K10 paper presentation event conducted by CMR College of Engineering and Technology, Hyderabad.
  64. Participated in the national level technical symposium TechQuest2K9 conducted by CMR College of Engineering and Technology, Hyderabad.
  65. Coordinated two day FDP on “Business Process Reengineering” in INC Staff Training College, Hyderabad.
  66. Coordinated one day FDP on “Latest Trends in Information Technology” in INC Staff Training College, Hyderabad.


  • Indian Society for Technical Education (ISTE) Member No.  LM 64758
  • Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)
  • Computer Science Teachers Association (CSTA) Member No. 8911019
  • International Association of Engineers (IAENG) Member No. 109907
  • International Association of Computer Science and Information Technology (IACSIT) Member No.  80341182
  • Computer Society of India Life Member

Research Interest

  1. Natural Language Processing
  2. Machine Learning
  3. Deep Learning
  4. Sentiment Analysis
  5. Document Processing
  6. Image Processing


  1. Reviewer of International Scopus and SCIE Journals.
  2. Advisory committee member, Technical committee member, session chair and reviewer of International conferences.
  3. Technical speaker and resource person to various colleges, conferences and FDPs.
  4. External evaluator to Universities and Colleges for projects and lab examinations..
  5. Department accredited two times by NBA in the tenure as HOD and an expert in the OBE.
  6. Member of MOU related activities discussion with UST Global, Trivandrum and G Tech Group of companies.
  7. Speaker of MuLearn Enablers Meet- Panel Discussion conducted as part of World Youth Skills Day Celebration- G Tech, Trivandrum.
  8. Judge for Finastra Hackathon 2021
  9. Certifications from Google, Google cloud, coursera and NPTEL
  10. Coordinated AICTE FDPs, Project competitions and seminars.
  11. Board of Studies and curriculum committee chairman, Department Advisory Board member and Project review committee member of autonomous college.
  12. Interviewer, recruiter, subject expert, expert evaluator to universities and colleges.
  13. Gracious presence as chief guest in the World Environment Day inauguration and celebration, in association with Mary Matha Public School Edakunnam, Manorama Nalla Padam, Mathrubhumi Seed and Sahiti.
  14. Resource person to FISAT, Angamaly for orientation training programme on NBA Accreditation.
  15. Associated with ICFOSS for various programmes
  16. Session Chair in MCMI-2023, 4th International Conference on Microelectronics, Communication Systems, Machine Learning & Internet of Things, an international conference organized by isve Ranchi.
  17. Presided as chief guest and delivered key note address in PGM College Kangazha in the event of IT association inauguration Aurora Novus of BCA department

Contact Details 

Phone :  9946588839

Email : hodmca@saintgits.org , rajesh.ks@saintgits.org, ktmksrajesh@gmail.com