Designation: PROFESSOR
Education: Ph. D
Professional Experience
Teaching : 36 years
Research : 6 years
UG : Electrical
PG : Applied Electronics, Computer Applications
Ph. D : Artificial Intelligence
International Journals
- Bindu.M.S, Sumam Mary Idicula, “Compound Word Generation and Analysis in Malayalam for the Purpose of Information Retrieval”, International Journal of Computer Science and Information Technology (IJCSIT), Vol.2, No.2, Dec. 2009.
- Bindu.M.S, Sumam Mary Idicula, “Named Entity Recognizer Employing Multiclass Support Vector Machines for the Development of Question Answering Systems”, International Journal of Computer Applications (IJCA),Vol.25, No.10, July 2011.
- Bindu.M.S, Sumam Mary Idicula, “High Order Conditional Random Field Based Part of Speech Tagger for Malayalam -a Highly Agglutinative Language”,International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science (IJARCS),Vol.2, No.5, Sep. 2011.
- Bindu.M.S, Sumam Mary Idicula, “A Hybrid Model for Phrase Chunking Employing Artificial Immunity System and Rule Based Methods”, International Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Applications (IJAIA), Vol 2, No.4 October 2011.
- Bindu.M.S, Sumam Mary Idicula, “Named Entity Identifier for Malayalam Using Linguistic Principles Employing Statistical Methods”, International Journal of Computer Science Issues (IJCSI), vol.8, No.4 July 2011.
6.Susan Aisoo Thomas , Lekshmy P Chandran , Bindu.M.S,” Can A Question Answering System Predict? – A Survey”, IJREAT International Journal of Research in Engineering Advanced Technology, Volume 3, Issue 4, Aug-Sept,2015. - Vincy Cherian, Bindu.M.S, “Heart Disease Prediction Using Naïve Bayes Algorithm and Laplace Smooth Technique”, IJCST-volume5 Issue 2, Mar- April 2017.
- Midhila Muraleedharan,Bindu.M.S, “A Case Study on Intrusion Detection Technique in MANET”, International Journal of Recent Trends in Engineering and Research, Vol.3, Issue 12, December 2017.
- Rekha R Kamath, Bindu.M.S, Anuj Mohamed, Rajendran R, “A Survey on Conserving Energy in Wireless Body Area Networks for Health Monitoring”,International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology, Vol. 7, Issue 5,May 2018.
- Rekha R Kamath, Bindu.M.S, Anuj Mohamed, Rajendran R, “In Search of Energy Efficient WBAN for Patient Monitoring”, International Journal for Research in Engineering Applications and Management, Vol. 4, Issue 6, Sep. 2018.
11.Bindu.M.S, Saritha.R, Amrutha.R.J,”AI based Stress Detection Using Machine Learning Techniques”in IJARSCT,Volume 2,Issue 3,June 2022. - Bindu.M.S, Saritha.R, Amrutha.R.J, “Forecasting Cardiac Disease using Pam and Apriori” in ICHT 2022 ,Volume 277,Issue 1,August 2023.
- Bindu.M.S, Sumam Mary Idicula, “ Experimental Analysis of N-gram and Vector Space Language Models and Development of a Hybrid Model for Malayalam Document Representation”, International Conference on Modeling and Simulation (MS 09 )India 1-3 Dec 2009.
- Bindu.M.S, Sumam Mary Idicula,“Malayalam Text Classification Using an Enhanced N-gram Based Vector Space Model for Health Applications”, The third International Conference on Semantic E-Business and Enterprise Computing,15-17 September, 2010. Organised by AJCE, Kanjirappally and Kingston University,UK
B) Papers in International Conferences
- Bindu.M.S, Sumam Mary Idicula, “Analysis of Malayalam Compound Words and Implementation of a Compound Word Splitter Tool Using Finite State Models”, International Conference on Modeling and Simulation (MS 09) India 1-3 Dec 2009.Organised by CET, Trivandrum and AMSE, France.
- Bindu.M.S, Sumam Mary Idicula, “ Experimental Analysis of N-gram and Vector Space Language Models and Development of a Hybrid Model for Malayalam Document Representation”, International Conference on Modeling and Simulation (MS 09 )India 1-3 Dec 2009.
- Bindu.M.S, Sumam Mary Idicula,“Malayalam Text Classification Using an Enhanced N-gram Based Vector Space Model for Health Applications”, The third International Conference on Semantic E-Business and Enterprise Computing,15-17 September, 2010. Organised by AJCE, Kanjirappally and Kingston University,UK
C) Papers in National Conferences
- Bindu.M.S, Sumam Mary Idicula,“Compound Word Generation and Analysis in Malayalam for the Purpose of Information Retrieval”, A National Conference on Computer Science and
Information Technology” ,25-26 November 2009. Organized by University of Calicut and
NIMIT (Best Paper Award) - Susan Aisoo Thomas, Jyothis Joseph, Bindu.M.S, “Decision Tree Approach for Predicting Users Future Interest in a QAS”, A National Conference on Novel and Challenging Issues and
Recent Innovations in Engineering and Information Sciences(NCREIS-2016), 19-20 October
2016 Organised by College of Engineering, Kidangoor in Association with CAS IEEE Circuits and Systems Society.
Seminars, Conferences and Workshops Attended
1. Attended one week course on UNIX at MIT,Manipal from 9 th August to 16 th August 1996
2. Participated in National Workshop on Recent Trends in Parallel Computing and Applications at RIT,Surathkal from March 10 th to March 12 th 1997.
3. Participated in workshop on Industry Oriented Software Engineering organised by Infosys and Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific Research from 27 th to 29 th December 2000.
4. Participated in International Conference on Modelling and Simulation organised by CET, Trivandrum and AMSE from 1 st 3 rd December 2009.
Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)
Computer Science Teachers Association (CSTA)
International Association of Engineers (IAENG)
Research Interest
- Natural Language Processing
- Information Retrieva
- Machine Translation
- Data Mining
- Machine Learning
- Co-ordinating activities of the computer science dept.,teaching post gradutes and gradutes, Curriculum Revision, Projects guidance)
- Staff Member Of Dept. Of Continuing Education And Student Counselling (Organizing Orientation courses, Special seminars)
- Interviewer, recruiter, subject expert, expert evaluator to universities and colleges.
- Microsoft Certified Technology Specialist
- Co_Ordinator For M.Tech, Mca Entrance Exams.
- Chair Person For Syllabus Core Committee
- Member, Board Of Studies (B.Tech),M.G University
- Board of Studies(UG)- Member at MG University,Kottayam
- Board of Studies(PG)- Member at Rajagiri College of Social Sciences, Cochi
- Member, Board Of Examinations (U.G &P.G)
- Chairman, Board Of Examinations (U.G &P.G)
- Compiling Question Papers For University Exams
- Co-ordinator(U.G & P.G Admissions)
- Convener for AICTE & AISHE related activities
- Resource person at UGC sponsored orientation programme (Computer Science faculty) at College of Engineering, Kidangoor
- NSS Programme Officer – 2 Years
- Subject expert in the inspection committee of M.G. University for the sanctioning of MCA / M.Sc. Computer Science / M.Sc. IT in various institutions under M.G.University.
Contact Details
Mobile: +91 9447063153
Email: bindu.ms@saintgits.org