Designation: Assistant Professor(Special)
Education: MCA,PhD
Professional Experience
Teaching :15 years
Research : 9 years
PG :Computer Applications
PhD : Information Retrieval
- Ambili P S, Dr.Varghese Paul, “Enhanced User Personalization By Web Log Mining And Link Structure Display”, Middle-East Journal of Scientific Research 24, ISSN 1990-9233, 2016
- Jayasree S Pillai, Ambli P.S Recognizing Image Authenticity using DCT based watermarking, International Journal of Computer Applications, International Conference on Emerging Trends in Technology in Technology and Applied Sciences(ICETTAS 2015)
- Ambili P S, Dr.Varghese Paul ,”User Span Pattern: A Sequential Pattern Mining approach for Personalization”, International Journal of Applied Engineering Research , ISSN 0973-4562,Volume 11.,2016
- Dr. Ambili P.S., “Design of A Distributed Pervasive Sweat Analyzer System for Assisted Elderly Living”, Kerala Technological Congress 2018.
- Ambili P S, Dr.Varghese Paul Extraction and Analysis of Community Impact and ThreatConcepts in OSN,International Conference on Web Services Computing (ICWSC – 2013) heldat SCMS,Muttom,Aluva.
- Ambili P S , “Design of a broadcast algorithm for reliability in Mobile Adhoc Networks”;National Conference on recent trends in Soft computing, April 2009, New Horizon College ofEngg., Bangalore.
- Bikku Abraham, Ambili P S, “Data Compression and analysis based on Huffman using binaryTree”, Proc. of ACENET-08, Mar 15, 2008 PSNA College of Engineering, Dindigul, pp-165-168.
- Bikku Abraham, Ambili P S, “A Fast method for data compression based on Huffman usingbinary tree”, Proc of NC_VCOM -08, Saintgits College of Engineering, Kottayam
- Workshop on “J2EE Technologies”
- National Workshop on “Soft computing using MATLAB”
- Short term course on ” Soft computing techniques for Engineering Research”
- Workshop on ” Research trends, tools, modeling and writing skills”
- ISTE Workshop on ” Aaksh for Education”
- National workshop on Big Data Analytics
- Outcome based Accreditation for Stakeholders
- Workshop on Molecular Visualization
- Faculty Development Programme on “Introduction to Theory of Computation and Compiler Design using Flex and Yacc”
- Seminar on Image Processing & Research Methodologies”
- National Workshop on Scientific Computing
- International Workshop on Open Source Tool For Engineering”
- Workshop on “Effective Document writing using Latex”
- Short-Term Course on “Methodology & Software for Research”
- Workshop on Website Development using Drupal
- Workshop on cloud computing
- R Programming
- Workshop on writing effective conference papers
- Faculty Development Programme on soft computing theory and techniques
- Workshop on creative teaching
- Workshop on Cyber Security and Forensics
- Faculty Development Programmeon Demystifying Machine Learning
- Workshop on Deep Learning for Signal Processing
- Hands on workshop on Machine Learning
- CSI (LM)
Research Interest
- Data Mining
- Deep Learning
- Computer Networks & Security
- BigData Analytics
Reviewer of various international Journals.
Contact Details
Phone Number: 0481-2436169 , 9446503903
Email Id: ambili.ps@saintgits.org