Designation: Associate Professor
Area: Finance and Accounting
Education: B. Com., MBA
Jinomol received her MBA degree from the Department of Commerce and Management Studies, University of Calicut. She majored in Finance with HR minor. She has worked as Teaching Research Associate at Saintgits Institute of Management for three years. She is currently pursuing her PhD in Finance from Bharathiar University, Coimbatore. Her are of research is mergers and acquisitions. She has acted as the resource person for Kerala State Self Development Entrepreneur Mission Training conducted by SBI. Her area of interest includes corporate restructuring, financial statement analysis, working capital management and security analysis and portfolio management. She has presented research papers in national and international conferences.
Educational Qualifications
- MBA (Finance & HR) – 2008-10, University of Calicut
- Com. (Taxation) – 2003-2006, University of Calicut
Work Experience
- Assistant Professor -Senior, Saintgits Institute of Management, Kottayam, October 2019 to till date
- Assistant Professor, Saintgits Institute of Management, Kottayam, October 2014 to September 2019
- Teaching Research Associate, Saintgits Institute of Management, Kottayam, October 2011 to September 2014
Areas of Interest
- Financial Statement Analysis, Corporate Restructuring and Financial Management
Papers presented
International Conferences
- Jinomol, P. & George R (2020), A Marketing perspective of Mergers and Acquisitions: An Analysis of Indian Acquiring Companies, International Conference on Marketing, Technology & Society IIM Kozhikode on December 07 – 09
- Jinomol, P. & George R (2012) Objectives of Mergers and Acquisitions: A Study on Indian Firms” in the International Conference on Emerging Financial Markets held at PSG Institute of Manage Coimbatore on Dec. 27
- Jinomol, P. & George R (2012) Level of Competition in Indian Mutual Fund Industry: An Analysis in the International Conference on Emerging Trends in Finance & Accounting held at SDM Institute for Management Development, Mysore on Aug. 3-4.
National Conferences/Seminars
- Jinomol, P. & George R (2016) Acquisition Motives and Acquiring Firm Performance presented in 8th Doctoral Thesis Conference conducted by IBS Hyderabad on 23-24
- Jinomol, P. & George R (2015) Motives of mergers and acquisition: A study on Indian firms”, in the National seminar on Finance and Banking: Issues and Opportunities in Growth Oriented Economy held at Marian International Institute of Management, Kuttikanam on 5
Publications / Chapters/ Cases/ Book Review
Research Articles in Refereed /ISBN/ Indexed Journals
- Jinomol, P. & George R (2019) The Acquisition Motives of Indian Companies: An Analysis Based on Industry and Age, SCMS Journal of Indian Management 2019, 17(1) Pp 58-71
- Jinomol, P. & George R (2018) A study on Acquisition Motives of Indian Acquiring Companies and its post-merger performance International Journal for Research in Engineering Application & Management (IJREAM) Vol-04, Issue-08, Pp 485-488
- Jinomol, P. & George R (2014) Level of Competition in Indian mutual Fund Industry: An Analysis, The Eternal, Vol 1, No 1, pp. 8-14
FDP/MDP/Workshop/Consultancy Offered
- Kerala State Self Employment Entrepreneur Development Mission (KSSEDM) KFC- Training at SBTRSETI on Dec. 3, 2014
- EDP Training Programme for PMEGP Beneficiaries (Empowering the first generation of Entrepreneurs) on 10, 2014
- EDP Training programme for PMEGP Beneficiaries (Empowering the first generation of Entrepreneurs) on Jul. 31, 2014
- Kerala State Self Employment Entrepreneur Development Mission (KSSEDM) KFC- Training on Jul.16, 2014
Professional membership
- Member- Travancore Management Association, Kottayam, Kerala
Contact Details
Mobile: 9895142914
Email: jinomol.p@saintgits.org