Funded Project 1:

National Conferences on Finance & Banking – 2008 (NCFB -2008)
NCFB 2008 was a national conference conducted by Saintgits Institute of Management in 2008 with the main themes of Finance and Banking. Conference was attended by 50 plus researchers from various parts of the country to present their research papers. The conference was conducted with the support of the All Indian Council for Technical Education, New Delhi (AICTE) to the tune of Rs 80,000. The papers were presented in the areas of Banking, Capital Market, Corporate Finance, Corporate Governance, Financial Services, and Insurance.
Funded Project 2:

Research project: An assessment and evaluation of reverse share splits in India
The project was a funded project supported by the Indian Council of Social Science Research, (ICSSR) New Delhi. The primary aim of the research was to study the reverse share splits (consolidation of shares) in India. ICSSR, the funding agency supported the project by offering a Post-Doctoral Fellowship for two years to the tune of Rs. 10.2 lakhs. The project started in 2009 and was completed by 2011 January having a duration of 24 months.
Funded Project 3:

Research Project: Needs and Problems of Street Vendors- An Inquiry
The project was funded by Kerala Institute of Labour & Employment (KILE). The Primary aim of the research was to study the Current status of street vending and vendors in Kerala and the major constraints that faces the vendors while operating their business. KILEM the funding agency supported the research by providing Rs. 3.00 lakhs. The project started in 2018 and completed.
Funded Project 4:
Faculty Development Programme on Delivering Outcome Based Education in Management – 2020
Delivering Outcome Based Education in Management Education: Objectives, Best Practices and Measurement of Outcomeswas a AICTE funded online FDP conducted by Master of Business Administration Department in 2020. The two week FDP has created awareness among fraternity of B-Schools and other professional educational institutions about the philosophy of Outcome Based Education and the growing importance of delivering Outcome Based Education in today’s dynamic world. The FDP was attended by 165 and 140 participants across country in two series. The grant given by All Indian Council for Technical Education, New Delhi (AICTE) in support wasaboveRs.4.00 lakh.
Funded Project 5:
Chief Minister’s Nava Kerala Post- Doctoral Fellowships
Dr.Latha. K has been awarded with Chief Minister’s Nava Kerala Post-Doctoral Fellowship (CMNPF) in Management Studies. The study entitled’Adoption of digital Technology -A Driving force of Business Growth in the Kerala Co-operative Sector and its Impact on Organizational Performance’ is in the Broad subject area ‘Digital transformation of Kerala Co-operative Sector’. The Post-Doctoral Fellowship program designed to further the development plans of the state by promoting Research in domains of Digital Technology, is a project of Kerala State Higher Education Council, Government of Kerala. The Fellowship is granted ranging from 50,000/- to 1,00000/-per month for a period of two years (total amount of 18 lakhs) and the work has to be carried out at School of Management and Business Studies (SMBS), Mahatma Gandhi University, Kottayam. The Study results will provide insights to the policy makers to provide special incentives and exemplary services to enterprises and SMEs under Kerala co-operative sector for promoting the use of digitalization. This study will definitely expand the scope of the investigation of the adoption and diffusion of digital technology by measuring the impact of a broad range of technologies on SMEs in Kerala cooperative sector.
Funded Project 6:
Chief Minister’s Nava Kerala Post- Doctoral Fellowships
Dr. Elizabeth Dominic has been awarded with Chief Minister’s Nava Kerala Post-Doctoral Fellowship (CMNPF) in Management Studies. The study entitled “Examining the Levels and Determinants of Psychological Wellbeing during Epidemic Outbreaks with Special Reference to COVID – 19: A Study among Health Care Professionals in the State of Kerala”. The Fellowship is granted ranging from 50,000 to 1,00000 per month for a period of two years (total amount of 18 lakhs). The general objective of the study is to examine the status of Psychological Wellbeing as well as to assess the levels of the various determinants of Psychological Wellbeing of the Health Care Professionals during the COVID – 19 pandemics, in the State of Kerala. The proposed study is an intensive small-scale study which may prove to be helpful in formulating plans and policies of the specific region under study, i.e., the state of Kerala. It assumes great significance as it focuses on different demographic aspects of the area and interplay of various determinants affecting population dynamics.