Sl. No | Authors | Article title | Journal | Academic Year |
1 | Muhammed Ismail N | Impact of Brand Positioning on consumer loyalty: Meriiboy Ice cream | International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews (IJRAR) | 21-22 |
2 | Anu Kurian, Sidharth Krishnan H | A study on the digital payment adoption in millennials amid Covid-19 | International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology | 21-22 |
3 | Anu Kurian, Mahima Ninan | A study on the impact of financial literacy on the financial behaviour of college students | IJIRMPS | 21-22 |
4 | Elizabeth Dominic, Vijay Victor, Robert Jeyakumar Nathan, Swetha Loganathan | Procedural Justice, Perceived Organisational Support, and Organisational Citizenship Behaviour in Business School | Organizacija | 21-22 |
5 | Elizabeth Dominic | Workplace isolation amongst home-based teleworkers: Can psychological capital make a difference | Human System Management | 21-22 |
6 | Silbert Jose SV & Bibin Markose | Impact of COVID-19 Pandamic on Content Marketing Strategies: Tranforming Higher Education, Work & Life | Turkish Journal of Computer & Mathematics Education | 21-22 |
7 | Bilin Baby Elizabethu | Impact of Covid-19 in the lives of migrant workers, daily wagers and other labourers in Pathanamthitta | International Journal of Innovative Science, Engineering & Technology | 20-21 |
8 | Bilin Baby Elizabethu | A study on impact of bonus issue and right issue on Banking industry | Kala Sarovar | 20-21 |
9 | Latha K | Business Sustainabilitythrough the adoption of Advanced Information Technology by SMEs of Kerala Rubber Products Manufacuring Industry | National Institute of Personnel Management | 20-21 |
10 | Latha K | Present status & potential of renewable energy in Kerala – A conceptual study based on existing and future renewable resources | Journal of Science, Technology & Management | 20-21 |
11 | Dr. Elizabeth Dominic, Dr. Vijay Victor | Paying a price to get a value: Choose Wisely | Consumer Happiness: Multiple Perspectives | 20-21 |
12 | Jose Joy Thoppan | Developing an Effective model for detecting Trade-based Market Manipulation | Emerald Books | 20-21 |
13 | Latha K | A new era on rural marketing through ” Athma Nirbhar Bharath” | Journal of Science, Technology & Management | 20-21 |
14 | Nisa James, Vijay Victor, Roji George | An Introduction to Positive Organisational Scholarship in South Asia | Jurnal Organisasi dan Manajemen | 20-21 |
15 | Sreya R, Anandakrishnan S Nambiar | Millennials’ Intention to wear Face Masks in Public During Covid-19 Pandemic | Vadyba Journal of Management | 20-21 |
16 | Elgin Alexander, Shibulal AL | A Study on factors influencing the perchase of Apparels from Organised Retail Outlets | CLIO an Annual Interdisciplinary Journal of History | 20-21 |
17 | Elgin Alexander, Shibulal AL | A Study on Improved Quality of Service in Two Wheeler Automobile Industry Using SERVQUAL and QFD Models | Juni Khyat Journal | 19-20 |
18 | Bilin Baby Elizabethu | Green Marketing: An Attitudinal and Behavioural Analysis of Customers in Pampady Gram Panchayath | Studies in Indian Place Names | 19-20 |
19 | Jinomol P & Roji George | The Acquisition Motives of Indian Companies:An Analysis Based on Industry and Age | SCMS Journal of Indian Management | 19-20 |
20 | Sarath P | Progressive Advancements in the Educational Ecosystem in the Digital Era | Journal of Interdisciplinary Cycle Research | 19-20 |
21 | Latha K | A study on how the concept of green economy utilized in Nava Keralam project by Kerala Government | Journal of the Gujarat Research Society | 19-20 |
22 | Latha K | A study to analyse green marketing concept in automobile industry | Journal of the Gujarat Research Society | 19-20 |
23 | Latha K | Consumer attractiveness towards green products of FMCG sector with special referance to ITC Classmate Notebook | Journal of the Gujarat Research Society | 19-20 |
24 | Vijay Victor & Jose Joy Thoppan | Pricing strategies in the era of digitalization and the perceived shift in consumer behavior of youth in Poland | Journal of International Studies | 19-20 |
25 | Jose Joy Thoppan & Vijay Victor | The worrying Trend of Non Performing Loans in Higher Education | Forum Scientiae Oeconomia | 19-20 |
26 | Nisa James & Thomas Varghese | A Comparative Study of Various Taxonomies of Channel Influence Strategies Between two SBUs | IFIM, Focus Nov 2019 | 19-20 |
27 | Shibulal AL | A study on impact of consumer behaviour with internet marketing and website design | International Journal of Management, IT & Engineering | 18-19 |
28 | Shibulal AL | Evalutaion of service quality fro ditributor’s perspective in the Pharmaceutical supply chain | Journal of Management Research and Analysis(JMRA) | 18-19 |
29 | Shibulal AL | Astudy on service quality gap of KSRTC using servqual model | IRJMST | 18-19 |
30 | Nisa James& Roji George | Impact of Environmental Uncertainty on Supply Chain Practices and Performance: A Conceptual Model | Sustainable Supply and Value Chain Innovations – International Perspectives edited by Dr. J Deepa | 18-19 |
31 | Latha K & Roji George | Business Development and Women Empowerment through Rural Women Worker Cooperatives.An Empirical study with Sepcial reference to dairy cooperatives in Kerala | Academy for Global Business Advancement ( AGBA ) | 18-19 |
32 | Nisa James & Benit Mary Jospeh | A Hybrid AHP and Taguchi Loss Function Method for Supplier Selection | Journal of Supply Chain Management System | 18-19 |
33 | Nisa James & Roji George | Exploring the Influence of Envrionmental Uncertainity and Supply Chain Practices | SCMS Journal of Indian Management | 18-19 |
34 | Jose Joy Thoppan | Factors Influencing Cosumer Behaviour and Prospective purchase decisions in a Dynamic Pricing Environment- An Exploratory Factor Analysis Approach | Social Sciences -MDPI | 18-19 |
35 | Subramonaim K | Managing Workplace Conflict: Wisdom from the Mahabharata | Indian Management Perspectives and Models | 18-19 |
36 | Latha K & Roji George | Impact of Dairy Cooperatives on the Women Empowerment of Rural Kerala: An Empirical study. | IIM-K Journal of International Conferances | 18-19 |
37 | Elizabeth Dominic | A study on the role of organizational commitment and perception towards organizatioal justice and fairness in triggering orgaizatioal citizenship behaviour among B-School faculty memebers in Kerala | Rajagiri Management Journal | 18-19 |
38 | Ajith Thomas | The impact of visual merchandising, on impulse buying behaviour of retail customers | International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology | 17-18 |
39 | Ajith Thomas | Satisfiers & Dissatisfiers in online reviews: An analysis of a Luxury Hotel | International Journal of Advanced in Management, Technology and Engineering Sciences | 17-18 |
40 | Ajith Thomas | Purchase decision of Luxary Hotel Rooms: A scale determination | Abstract of INDAM 2017, IIM Indore | 17-18 |
41 | Ajith Thomas & Cyriac Jose | Enhanced keyword recommendations using mapreduce architechure in big data analytics: A study on online hotel aggregators | Abstract of INDAM 2017, IIM Indore | 17-18 |
42 | Ajith Thomas & Cyriac Jose | Keyword Suggestions:An analysis of the Big Data of | International Journal of Advanced in Management, Technology and Engineering Sciences | 17-18 |
43 | Alfia Thaha | Corporate social responsibilty: Impact ofCSR and sustainable goals with special referance to FMCG sector | Nehru School of Management Journal | 17-18 |
44 | Dibin KK & Alfia Thaha | Mutual Funds, Stocks and Banks: A study on the changing perspectives of Investments | International Journal of Scientific Progress and Research (IJSPR) | 17-18 |
45 | Elgin Alexander | The impact of customer relationship management on customer loyalty management- An experiential evidence with special referance to the Banks in Erode District in India | International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications | 17-18 |
46 | Elgin Alexander | A study on the role of Family support towards Women Entrepreneurs with special referance to Kottayam District | Nehru School of Management Journal | 17-18 |
47 | Jose Joy Thoppan | Competitive Models to Detect Stock Manipulation | Communications of IIMA | 17-18 |
48 | Latha K | Impact of Dairy Coperation on the Women Empoerment of Rural Kerala | Nehru School of Management Journal | 17-18 |
49 | Latha K | Consumer Behaviour and Consumption pattern on Branded Instant Noodles: Empricial evidence from consumers of Kerala Extendced Abstract | Book of Abstracts 2017 IIM Indore- NASMEI Summer marketing conference | 17-18 |
50 | Nisa James | Factors that affect women entrpreneurship: evidence from Kerala | Nehru School of Management Journal | 17-18 |
51 | Nisa James | Infulence of Lean suppkly chain partices on competitive advantage and organisational performance of SMEs | International Journal of Business Quantitative Economics and Applied Management Research | 17-18 |
52 | Nisa James & Roji George | Impact of Environmental uncertainty and supply chain disruptions on supply chain practices and performance: A conceptual Model | Spectrum | 17-18 |
53 | Roji George & Sumina Susan | Kandupadikkam Japenese kudumba Businesskal | Dhanam | 17-18 |
54 | Roji George & Sumina Susan | Roleum goalum manasilakkan etha oru modal | Dhanam | 17-18 |
55 | Roji George & Sumina Susan | Kudumba Businessil Velluvilikal Earae | Dhanam | 17-18 |
56 | Roji George & Sumina Susan | Role venum kalahaghal venda | Dhanam | 17-18 |
57 | Roji George & Sumina Susan | Arogyakaramaya Kudumba Business Eghneaayirikkanum? | Dhanam | 17-18 |
58 | Roji George & Sumina Susan | Kudumba Businessil Kudumbaghaludea Panku | Dhanam | 17-18 |
59 | Roji George and P.Priya | Training Characteristics and its dimenesions in BPO Industry | International Journal of Innovative Research and Advanced Studies (IJIRAS) | 17-18 |
60 | Shino Abraham | Women Entreprenership in Rural India Opportunities & Challenges | Nehru School of Management Journal | 17-18 |
61 | Shino Abraham & Sumina Susan Kochitty | The growing importance of women in Indian Family Business | Proceedings of the National Conference on Family business opportunities challenges and issues | 17-18 |
62 | Subramonaim K | Antecedents to Entrepreneurship-A Meta Analysis | Journal of Management & Entrepreneurship | 17-18 |
63 | Subramonaim K | Basel III framework of Liquidity Standards-A case study on South India Bank Ltd. | SDMIMD Journal of Management | 17-18 |
64 | Sumina Susan Kochitty | Women Entreprenership in India Financial Opportunities & Challenges | Nehru School of Management Journal | 17-18 |
65 | Titto Varghese | Indian Nationalized Banks Performance Post Implementation of Information Technology: An Empricial Analysis | CU Global Management Review – A Bi-Annual International Journal | 17-18 |
66 | Titto Varghese | A comparative analysis of South Indian Bank’s performance post implementation of information technology: An empricial analysis | IITM Journal of Management and IT | 17-18 |
67 | Titto Varghese | CR Reporting Practices: Initiatives and Its Impacts on Inclusive growth in India | Advances in Agri-Management, general Management, Business Development and Innovative Practices | 17-18 |
68 | Titto Varghese & Alfia Thaha | Impact of Merger on Acquiring Bank Performance : A case of Kotak Mahindra Bank | Journal of Commerce and Accounting Research | 17-18 |
69 | Vijay Victor | Dynamic Pricing and the Economic Paradigm Shift- A study based on Consumer Behaviour in the E-Commerce sector | International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications | 17-18 |
70 | Ajith Thomas | Atree: A case of Social Entrepreneurship and Not-for-profit Branding | EmeraldIndia: Proceedings of Conference on Brand Management | 16-17 |
71 | Ajith Thomas | Service Delivery and Recovery Issues: The case of Oakwood ahaotels Worldwide | Journal of Management & Entrepreneurship | 16-17 |
72 | Ajith Thomas | Social Entrepreneurship in the God’s Own Country- | Small Business Big IdeasGlobal case studies in strategy, marketing, and entrepreneurship | 16-17 |
73 | Ajith Thomas, Shibulal AL, Cyriac Jose | Brand Personality of Landing Pages: A case Research | Emerald India: Proceedings of Conference on Brand Management | 16-17 |
74 | Alfia Thaha | SBI and SBT Merging | Sambadhyum | 16-17 |
75 | Elgin Alexander | Impact of Mutual Fund attributes on returns | International Journal of Research | 16-17 |
76 | Roji George | Organisational Characteristics Prevalent In BPO Industry | International Journal of Innovative Research and Advanced Studies (IJIRAS) | 16-17 |
77 | Shibulal AL | e-Waste: Issues and Challenges in Kerala | TKM International Journal for Research in Management | 16-17 |
78 | Titto Varghese | Opportunities and Challenges for India in Converging to IFRS | Prachothan | 16-17 |
79 | Titto Varghese | Analysing the effectivines of financial inclusion drives in kottayam district with special reference to Women MNREGA Beneficiaries | International journal of marketing and financial management | 16-17 |
80 | Titto Varghese | Impact Of CR Reporting Practices On Firm’s Intellectual Capital | International Journal of Business and Management | 16-17 |
81 | Titto Varghese | Analysis of Foreign Direct Investment in India | International Journal of Information, Business and Management | 16-17 |
Sl No | First author | Paper title | Conference title | organiser – Indian | Academic Year |
1 | Latha K | Reconfiguration strategy for management education in India : Challenges and Opprotunity | International Management Conference ” Building Resilience: The way forward” | ASBM University | 21-22 |
2 | Latha K | Identification and evaluation of facilitators and impediments of advanced information technology adoption by SMEs | Internmational Conference on Marketing , Technology and Society | IIMK | 21-22 |
3 | Shino Abraham | Study on Website based Antecedents of online buying behaviour among students, Kottayam | International Conference 2022 on Reframing Business Dynamics for the new era | Berchmans Institute of Management Studies | 21-22 |
4 | Shino Abraham | Mindfulness and impulse buying | International research conference on Mindfulness 2022 | Indian Institute of Management, Bodh Gaya | 21-22 |
5 | Hena M | OTT Video streaming services continuance adoption during Covid19 Pandemic : Mediation analysis on the health belief model and expectation confirmation model | 5th International conferences on Advances in Business & Law (ICABAL) | University of Dubai, Dubai Business School | 21-22 |
6 | Shino Abraham | Astudy of happiness among Faculty memebers of selected colleges across Alappuzha, Kerala | 24th Nirma International Conference on Management on Industry: Reinventing Human resource Management for organizational effectiveness | Institute of Management, Nirma University | 20-21 |
7 | Sumina Susan Kochitty | Astudy of happiness among Faculty memebers of selected colleges across Alappuzha, Kerala | 24th Nirma International Conference on Management on Industry: Reinventing Human resource Management for organizational effectiveness | Institute of Management, Nirma University | 20-21 |
8 | Silbert Jose SV | Impact of COVID-19 Pandamic on Content Marketing Strategies: Trasforming Higher education , Work and Life | 35th World Conference on Applied science, engineering and Technology | Institute for Engineering Research & Publications (IFERP) | 20-21 |
9 | Cyriac Jose | Impact of Brand Equity on Purchase Decision of Over-The- Top Video Steaming Platforms | National Conference on Business Management and Analytics | NIT, Trichy | 20-21 |
10 | Shino Abraham | Study on relationship between the 7Ps of service marketing and competitive advantage with respect to the Hotel industry(Promenade, Pondicherry) | 4th Rajagiri Conference on New Paradigms in Management on the theme Carving out a new future: Resilience & Recovery | Rajagiri Business School, Kochi | 20-21 |
11 | Alfia Thaha | Need for nurturing the innovation culture | 4th Rajagiri Conference on New Paradigms in Management on the theme Carving out a new future: Resilience & Recovery | Rajagiri Business School, Kochi | 20-21 |
12 | Roji George & Jinomol P | A marketing Perspective of Mergers & Acquistions: An Analysis of Indian Acquiring Companies. | 4th International Conference on Marketing, Technology & Society. | IIM-K | 20-21 |
13 | Latha K | Identification & Evaluation of Facilitators and impediments of Advanced Information Technology Adoption by SMEs of Kerala Rubber Products Manufacturing Industry. | 4th International Conference on Marketing, Technology & Society. | IIM-K | 20-21 |
14 | Latha K | An investigation of Managers and Workmen on Industrial Relations in the Rubber Products Manufacturing Industry of Kerala | International Social Science Research Colloquium | SCMS Cochin School of Business | 20-21 |
15 | Silbert Jose SV | An investigation on the perceptiveness of Managers and Workmen on Industrial Relations in the Rubber Products Manufacturing Industry of Kerala | International Social Science Research Colloquium | SCMS Cochin School of Business | 20-21 |
16 | Latha K | Present status and potential of renewwable energy in Kerala – A conceptual study based on existingand future renewable resources. | National conference on Atmanirbhar Bharat: A roadmap to Self Reliant India (NCABSRI 2020) | MACFAST, Thiruvalla | 20-21 |
17 | Latha K | A New Era for Rural Marketing through “Atma Nirbhar Bharath”. | National conference on Atmanirbhar Bharat: A roadmap to Self Reliant India (NCABSRI 2020) | MACFAST, Thiruvalla | 20-21 |
18 | Jose Joy Thoppan | Forecasting aluminium spot price using autoregressive integrated moving average (ARIMA) model | 2nd Rajagiri Conference on Economics & Finance | Rajagiri Business School | 20-21 |
19 | Jinomol P | A study to analyse the impact of Interest rate Volatility on real Index | Evolving Business Ecosystem & Emerging Business Models | BIMS, Chganacherry | 19-20 |
20 | Elgin A | “A study on service quality gap of Tamilnadu state transport corporation using SERVQUAL Mode | SAMSODHAN 2020 | Christ University | 19-20 |
21 | Rincy Antony | Biophilic design in practice and its benefits: Evidence from literature | National Conference in Marketing – ‘Marketing in an Economic Downturn’ | Rajagiri Business School | 19-20 |
22 | Elizabeth Dominic | The Mediating role of Perceived Organizational Support in the Relationship between Procedural Justice and Organizational Citizenship Behaviour | 6th Biennial Conference of the Indian Academy of Management | IIM-Trichy | 19-20 |
23 | Jacob George | Self-efficacy and Quality of Work life: Role of work experience | 6th Biennial Conference of the Indian Academy of Management | IIM-Trichy | 19-20 |
24 | Thomas Varghese | Adoption and use of E-Commerce inSMEs: A study conducted among selected rubber products manufacturing units in Kerala | 6th Biennial Conference of the Indian Academy of Management | IIM-Trichy | 19-20 |
25 | Latha K | Adoption and use of E-Commerce inSMEs: A study conducted among selected rubber products manufacturing units in Kerala | 6th Biennial Conference of the Indian Academy of Management | IIM-Trichy | 19-20 |
26 | Cyraic Jose | Adoption and use of E-Commerce inSMEs: A study conducted among selected rubber products manufacturing units in Kerala | 6th Biennial Conference of the Indian Academy of Management | IIM-Trichy | 19-20 |
27 | Roji George | Influence of Supply chain disruptions on supply chain performance: Moderating role of Supply chain practices | 6th Biennial Conference of the Indian Academy of Management | IIM-Trichy | 19-20 |
28 | Nisa James | Self-efficacy and Quality of Work life: Role of work experience | 6th Biennial Conference of the Indian Academy of Management | IIM-Trichy | 19-20 |
29 | Nisa James | Influence of Supply chain disruptions on supply chain performance: Moderating role of Supply chain practices | 6th Biennial Conference of the Indian Academy of Management | IIM-Trichy | 19-20 |
30 | Nisa James | An Integrated DEA-SERVQUAL Approach for Service Performance Measurement | 6th Biennial Conference of the Indian Academy of Management | IIM-Trichy | 19-20 |
31 | Nisa James | An Integrated Fuzzy AHP and TOPSIS method for streamlining student admission process | 6th Biennial Conference of the Indian Academy of Management | IIM-Trichy | 19-20 |
32 | Sarath P | Masala Bonds: Creating a Novel Taxonomy for PPP Model Airports in India | International Conference on Economics and Finance | NMIMS | 19-20 |
33 | Sarath P | Capital Financing: A Pressing Hurdle to Cross for Indian SMEs | International Conference on Economics and Finance | NMIMS | 19-20 |
34 | Ananda Krishnan S Nambiar | Green HRM Practices and Employee Sustainability Engagement | 8th International Conference on Managing Human Resources at the Workplace | SDMIMD, Mysuru | 19-20 |
35 | Latha K | A study on how the concept of green economy utilized in Nava Keralam project by Kerala Government | Green Economy and Sustainable Development | MACFAST, Thiruvalla | 19-20 |
36 | Latha K | A study to analyse green marketing concept in automobile industry | Green Economy and Sustainable Development | MACFAST, Thiruvalla | 19-20 |
37 | Latha K | Consumer attractiveness towards green products of FMCG sector with special referance to ITC Classmate Notebook | Green Economy and Sustainable Development | MACFAST, Thiruvalla | 19-20 |
38 | Subramoniam K | Measuring Performance Efficiency of Commercial Banks Using Balanced Scorecard- A case Study of the Federal Bank Ltd. And South Indian Bank Ltd. | 8th International Conference on Emerging Trends in Corporate Finance & Fianacial Markets | SDMIMD, Mysuru | 19-20 |
39 | Cyraic Jose | Personalized pricing and quality differentiation: A study with respect to | National Conference on Business Analytics | Kodaikanal Christian College | 19-20 |
40 | Nisa James | Online Shopping Behaviour: A Study on the Influence of Website characteristics and External stimuli. | Impress ICSSR sponsored two day national conference on Depth and Expanse of Online marketing mettle. | Alagappa Institute of Management, Alagappa university. | 19-20 |
41 | Latha K | Integration of digital technology in small and medium enterprises (SMEs) and its impact on perceived organizational performance: An empricial investigation among enterprises in the state of Kerala | NASMEI Summer Marketing -IS Conference | IIM Indore | 19-20 |
42 | Latha K & Roji George | Adoption of digital technology- A Driving Force of Business Growth of SMEs: An Empricial Investigationamong Rubber Products Manufacturing SMEs in the State of Kerala | 16th Annual World Congress of Academy for Global Business Advancement | AGBA and IIM Rohtak | 19-20 |
43 | Nisa James & Sarath P | Sustainable partnerships: Towards a novel taxonomy in business integration | 16th Annual World Congress of Academy for Global Business Advancement | AGBA and IIM Rohtak | 19-20 |
44 | Latha K | Social Entrepreneurial Venture for Women Empowerment: An enquiry through rural dairy cooperatives of Kerala | SSSIP Annual conference on Student Innovation, Startups and Ecosystem | SSIP & Gujarat Knowledge Society | 19-20 |
45 | Titto Varghese | Impact of Reporting standards on Firm performance indicators: Evidence from Indian IT Firms | National Finance Seminar | Prestige Institute of Management, Gwalior | 18-19 |
46 | Rincy Antony | Impact of Reporting standards on Firm performance indicators: Evidence from Indian IT Firms | National Finance Seminar | Prestige Institute of Management, Gwalior | 18-19 |
47 | Elgin Alex | An emprical Study on Business Students attitude towards business ethics with special referance to the b-school students in Kottayam district | National level seminar on Emerging Paradigms in Commerce | Christ University, Bangalore | 18-19 |
48 | Jose Joy Thoppan | A study on the impact of improved corporate goverance and regulations on earnings management and business sustainability | National level seminar on Emerging Paradigms in Commerce | Christ University, Bangalore | 18-19 |
49 | Jose Joy Thoppan | Effectiveness of the factor models in understandingstcok return behaviour of NIFYS Stock | National level seminar on Emerging Paradigms in Commerce | Christ University, Bangalore | 18-19 |
50 | Sarath P | Progressive Advancements in the Educational Ecosystem in the Digital Era | International Conference on Business Management, Economics and technology in the Digital Era | Lead B School | 18-19 |
51 | Shino Abraham | Digital Marketing : Opportunities and Challenges | National Conferenc on Insights in Marketing : Marketing in the 21 st Century – contributing towards a better world | Rajagiri Business School in association with Rajagiri College of Social Sciences | 18-19 |
52 | Sumina Susan Kochitty | Companies usage of online media as a means of promotion | National Conferenceon New Paradigms of Management | Rajagiri Business School, Kochi | 18-19 |
53 | Alfia Thaha | Corporate Social Reponsibility & Company Performance – A Study on the relationship between CSR psending and the performance of the top 10 CSR contributing companies | National Conferenceon New Paradigms of Management | Rajagiri Business School, Kochi | 18-19 |
54 | Sarath P | Ethical Dilemmas and Intrapersonal Management: a Cognitive Approach | 2nd national Conference on New Paradigms of Management | Rajagiri Business School, Kochi | 18-19 |
55 | Dr. Thomas Varghese & Prof. Nisa James | A Comparative Study of Various Taxonomies channel Influences Strategies Between two SBVs | Convergence 2018: 13th annual International Conference of IFIM Business School | IFIM Banagalore | 18-19 |
56 | Nisa James | Supply Chain Practices and Disruption Orientation for mitigating Risks of Supply Disruptions: An Empiical Analysis | 22nd Annual International Conference of the Society of Operation Management | IIM Kozhikode | 18-19 |
57 | Nisa James | Exploring the Application of Blockchain Technology in Waste Management | 22nd Annual International Conference of the Society of Operation Management | IIM Kozhikode | 18-19 |
58 | Sarath P | Self Management Through Bhagavat Gita: Now and Then | 16th International conference on Humanizing Work and Work Environment | Dept. of Mechanical Engineering & CET School of Management Trivandrum | 18-19 |
59 | Nisa James | Green Banking – A Study on Nationalized Banks in India | 5 th International Conference on Emerging Trends in Management | Marian International Institute of Management | 18-19 |
60 | Shino Abraham | Entrepreneurahip Development in Rural India: Challenges and Opportunities | International Conference on Emerging Trends in Management | Marian International Institute of Management | 18-19 |
61 | Dr. Bindu Krishnan | A Generalization of Frechet Distibution: Properties and Applcations | Fourth International Conference on Statistics for Twenty First Century -2018 | Department of Statistics, University of Kerala | 18-19 |
62 | Ananda Krishnan S Nambiar, Subramoniam K | Women Entrepreneurship in India: Problems ans Prospectus | 4th International Conference on Economic Growth and Sustaibale Developemnt | SDMIMD, Mysuru | 18-19 |
63 | Nisa James & Roji George | Exploring the influence of Enviromental Uncertainty & Supply chain practices o Supply chain performance | International Conference on Sustainable Supply and Value chain Innovatios- Internatioal Perspectives | PSGR Krishnammal College for Women | 18-19 |
64 | Subramoniam K | The impact of Macroeconomic variables on the movement of Rate Sensitive Sectoral Indices of National Stock Exchange | 7th International Conference on Emerging Trends in Finance | SDMIMD, Mysuru | 18-19 |
65 | Dr.Latha K & Dr. Roji George | Business Development and Women Empowerment through rural women worker cooperatives: An emprical study with special referece to dairy cooperatives I Kerala, India | Internatioal conference on Business and Entrepreneurship Development in a Globalized and Digitalized Era | NIDA, Bangkok, Thailand | 18-19 |
66 | Alfia Thaha | Corporate social responsibilty: Impact ofCSR and sustainable goals with special referance to FMCG sector | International conference on Women Entrepreneurship & Business Management | Nehru School of Management | 17-18 |
67 | Alfia Thaha | Corporate Social Responsibility: A paradigm shift of Business -Ethics with special referance to airline Industry in India | New Conference on New Paradigms of Management | Rajagiri Centre for Business Studies | 17-18 |
68 | Alfia Thaha & Dibin KK | Mutal Funds, Stocks and Banks: A study on the changing perspectives of Investments | International Conference on Financial Inclusion | SCMS School of Technology and Management | 17-18 |
69 | Cyriac Jose & Ajith Thomas | Enhanced keyword recommendation using MAPREDUCE architecture in Big Data Analytics: Astudy on online hotel Aggregators | 5th Biennial Conference of the Indian Academy of Management(INDAM) | IIM-Indore | 17-18 |
70 | Dibin KK | Financial Inclusion: An intiative or a Strategy | National Conference on Banking and Finance | Marian International Institute of Management | 17-18 |
71 | Elgin Alexander | The impact of Customer Relationship Management on Customer Loyalty Management- An experiential evidence with special reference to the Banks in Erode District in India | National Conference on Insights in Marketing 2018 “Marketing Management in Changing Times” | Rajagiri centre for Business Studies | 17-18 |
72 | Elgin Alexander | A study on the role of Family Supports towards women entrepreneurs with special referance to Kottayam District | International conference on Women Entrepreneurship & Business Management | Nehru School of Management | 17-18 |
73 | Latha K | Impact of Dairy Cooperatives on the Women Empowerment of Rural Kerala: An Empirical study. | International Conference on Co-operatives in the Changing world of work | IIM, Kozhikode | 17-18 |
74 | Latha.K | Consumer Behavior and Consumption Pattern on Branded Instant Noodles: Empirical evidence from consumers of Kerala | Creating Customer Value | IIM – INDORE in collaboration with North American Society for Marketing Education in India (NASMEI). | 17-18 |
75 | Latha.K & Roji George | Relevant factors of Industrial Relations in Rubber products manufacturing Industry of Kerala: Do the perception level of Managerial and non-managerial Personnel Differ?. | International Conference on Entrepreneurship & Sustainability: A skill India perspective | International Association of Research & Development Organization in association with Footwear Design & Development Institute. | 17-18 |
76 | Nisa James | Factors that affect women entrepreneurship evidence from Kerala | International conference on Women Entrepreneurship & Business Management | Nehru School of Management | 17-18 |
77 | Nisa James | Impact of Market Uncertainty on Supply chain Practices and Performance: A conceptual Model | Internatinal Research Conference | Jamnalal Bajaj Institute of Management | 17-18 |
78 | Shino Abraham | Women Entrepreneurship in Rural India Opportunities and Challenges | International conference on Women Entrepreneurship & Business Management | Nehru School of Management | 17-18 |
79 | Sumina Susan Kochitty | Women Entrepreneurs in India – Financial Opportunities & Challenges | International conference on Women Entrepreneurship & Business Management | Nehru School of Management | 17-18 |
80 | Shino Abraham & Sumina Susan Kochitty | The growing importance of women in Indian Family Business | National Conference on Family Business: Opportunities, Challenges and Issues | MSNM Besant Institute of PG Studies | 17-18 |
81 | Subramoniam K | Basel-III Framework on Liquidity Standards -A case study on South Indian Bank | International Conference on Emerging Trends in Finance, Accounting and Banking | SDMIMD, Mysuru | 17-18 |
82 | Cyriac Jose | Sustainable growth of Not for Profit Education Institutions using social media for digital marketing | Sustainable Business Models for Inclusive Growth | Kristujyoti college of Management and Technology, Changanassery | 16-17 |
83 | Elizabeth Dominic, Ajith Thomas, Nisa James | Mentorship and Self- Efficacy: A study among Management School Students | International Conference on Human Resource Development | DDU Kaushal Kendra, CUSAT | 16-17 |
84 | Jose Joy Thoppan | Classification Model to predict default in education loan at a leading Nationalized Bank | National Conference on Banking and Finance | Marian International Institute of Management | 16-17 |
85 | Jose Joy Thoppan, Elizabeth Dominic, Anjaly Tom, Vishnu Mohan | Study on Relation between Organizational Citizenship Behaviour and students Academic Performance | National Conference on Sustainable Business Models for Inclusive growth | Kristu Jyoti college of Management and Technology, Changanassery | 16-17 |
86 | Latha K | Impact on Industrial Relations on Oraganizational Performance- A study of Kerala based Rubber Producrs Manufacturing Industry | National HR-IR Conference | XLRI, Jamshedpur | 16-17 |
87 | Shibulal AL | Construction and Demolition waste Management in India : A comprehensive Approach | National Seminar on Emerging Trends in Management and Entrepreneurship | IMK, Kerala | 16-17 |
88 | Shibulal AL | A critical analysis of Legal Framework towards sound E-Waste management in Indian perspective | National Seminar on Emerging Trends in Management and Entrepreneurship | IMK, Kerala | 16-17 |
89 | Subramoniam.K | Antecedants to Entrepreneurship: A Meta Analysis | 2nd International Conference on Entrepreneurship & Innovation in the Knowledge Economy | XIME, Bangalore | 16-17 |
90 | Titto Varghese | Opportunities and Challenges for India in Converging to IFRS | National Conference on Management Innovations: Strategies for Global Business Excellence | Lourdes Matha College of Science & Technology | 16-17 |
91 | Titto Varghese | Indian Nationalized Banks Performance post implementation of Information Technology: An Empirical Analysis | Social Science: New paradigms towards sustainable and prospective future | Institute of Public Enterprise & ICSSR | 16-17 |
92 | Shibulal AL | A study on E-Waste in Kerala – A statistical and Managerial Approach | Doctoral Thesis Presentation Contest- 2016 | Navaraj Academy for Managerial Excellence | 16- 17 |
RECENT RESEARCH – Acquisition Motives of Indian Companies: Analysis Based on Industry and Age

An analysis of the acquisition motives of Indian companies revealed a number of reasons such as synergy, geographical expansion, expansion of product line, increasing market share, vertical integration, diversification, and consolidation of holdings. Synergy was the most important motive for acquisition during the study period. It was also found that the type of industry of the acquirer influenced the motives for acquisition. The age of the acquiring company was not found to influence the motives of acquisitions.
- Finance
- Marketing
- Human Resource Management
- Operations
- Systems and IT
- Business Analytics
Dr. Roji George
Family Business
Corporate Finance, Banking
Dr. Jose Joy Thoppan
Securities Markets
Corporate Finance, Development Finance
Financial Inclusion and Micro Finance
Dr. Elgin Alexander
Loyalty management, Brand Management
Cognitive dissonance, Employee engagement
Emotional Intelligence and Work Values
Latha K.
Marketing Management, Services Marketing
Human Resources Management
Industrial Relations Entrepreneurship
Women Empowerment, Digitalization of SMEs
Elizabeth Dominic
Organizational Citizenship Behaviour
Positive Psychology
Personality, Perception, Leadership
Jinomol P
Financial statement analysis
Mergers and acquisitions
Working capital management and Financial accounting
Cyriac Jose
Digital and Social Media Marketing
Shino Abraham
Integrated Marketing Communication
Rural Marketing, Services Marketing
Happiness, Managerial skills
Non-verbal communication
Cross cultural communication