Research and Development

In a world increasingly propelled by technology, research is the foundation of any nation’s economic growth. The department is committed to doing long-term research in frontier areas. Students and faculty conduct research projects in thrust areas of science and engineering. The programme has ongoing academic and research collaborations with many industries in order to keep pace with expanding the frontiers of knowledge and global developments; it is also constantly in touch with national needs. MCA programme is mainly focused to nurture research. It provides all infrastructure facilities and amenities to accomplish research which includes individual laptops for all faculty, high-speed internet connectivity, IEEE, Springer, Science direct and all major e-journal access, half sponsorship to attend training programmes and conferences etc. MCA programme organizes Conclaves, Conferences, internal FDPs and other external talks to enhance the research skills among its faculty and students. The centre is well equipped with thirty i5, 8 GB Desktops loaded with programming software not limited to Matlab, SciLab, Jabref, Latex, Weka, R, Python, SPSS, IDL.

Recent Research

This study focuses on identifying the expressions on the face of autistic children. In most cases autistic children lack facial expression. In our previous study, the focus was on high -intensity facial expressions and now we concentrating on low intensity facial expressions. Our expert system uses 3D facial features of autistic kids as one of the features for predicting child hood autism and its categories. The ultimate aim is to identify the feasibility of using face as a biomarker in autism research.

Major areas of research

  • Machine Learning
  • Facial Emotion Recognition
  • Neural Network and Fuzzy Logic
  • Malware Analysis
  • Data Privacy and Protection
  • Cyber Security
  • Data Science
  • Big Data Analytics
  • Multimedia Forensics
  • Natural Language Processing
  • Cloud Computing
  • Digital Fingerprinting
  • Content-based Copy Detection
  • Discrete Cosine Transform
  • Discrete Wavelet Transform

Research Topics by faculty member

Dr. Biku Abraham

Discriminant Analysis Using Classification for Time Series Data

Dr. Rajesh K S

Sketch based image retrieval using Siamese Network

Dr. Shajan Joseph

A novel command driven mechanism to extrude malware attached to files and folders by analyzing signatures and patterns

Dr. Ambili P.S.

Secure Sweat Analyzer based Sensor Network with Fog Computing Architecture for Independent Elderly Living

Enhanced user personalization by Usage Mining (Data Mining Techniques)

Reji R

Region based 3D face recognition, Altered finger print identification and analysis

3D face recognition system in time critical security applications

3D facial features in neuro-fuzzy model for predictive grading of childhood autism

Compact deep learning model for robust facial expression recognition

Region based 3D face recognition using convolutional neural network

Preetha S

How effectively discrete cosine and wavelets can be used to analyse video data

Student Publications

Faculty Publications