Designation: Professor
Area: Finance & Economics
Education: MBA, Ph.D., PDF
Dr. Roji George is a professor of Finance. He earned his Doctorate in Management from Bharathiar University (Corporate Restructuring) and a Post-Doctoral title in the area of Corporate Finance with a fellowship from ICSSR. With more than two and half decades of teaching and research experience, Dr. George has published extensively in the area of corporate finance and gives frequent presentations about his work to both academic and non-academic audiences. An ardent researcher he has published one book on Privatization & Financial Performance and edited four books on Finance and Banking. He has produced five Ph.D. graduates, and one Post-Doctoral graduate and has presented papers at leading national and international conferences in the areas of Banking, Corporate Finance, and Corporate Restructuring. He has functioned as a chair for technical sessions and has organized numerous refereed conferences and FDPs. Dr. Roji is a member of the Board of Examiners/ Board of Studies/ Academic Council of reputed universities/ colleges and professional accounting institutions in India. Dr. Roji George was the President of the Travancore Management Association (TRAMA), the local chapter of AIMA, New Delhi.
Educational Qualifications
Post Doctoral – Post Doctoral Work with Fellowship from Indian Council of Social Science Research, New Delhi, 21010-12: Area: Corporate Finance
PhD (Management) 2004-08, Bharathiar University, Coimbatore. Area: Corporate Restructuring
MBA (Finance & Marketing) – 1993-95, Madras University.
B. Sc. (Mathematics & Statistics) – 1990-93 Calicut University.
Work Experience
- Dean, Saintgits Institute of Management, Kottayam, Kerala, from October 2013 to 31st May 2023.
- Associate Dean, Saintgits Institute of Management, Kottayam, Kerala, from October 2010. to September 2013
- Professor, Saintgits Institute of Management, Kottayam, Kerala, from, July 2010
- Associate Professor, Saintgits Institute of Management, Kottayam, Kerala, July 2007 to January 2010
- Senior Lecturer, School of Management, Karunya University, Coimbatore, Sept 2004 to June 2007.
- Senior Lecturer, CMS Institute of Management Studies, Coimbatore, August 1998 to Sept. 2004
- Lecturer, VGP School of Management, Chennai, June 1996 to July 1998
- Post Doctoral Fellow, Indian Council of Social Science Research, New Delhi at Saintgits Institute of Management, Kottayam, February 2010 to January 2012
- Part-time Research Scholar – Doctoral Programme 2004-2008.
Areas of Interest
- Financial Management
- Corporate finance
- Banking and
- Family Business
Papers presented
International Conferences (Selected)
- James N & George R, (2020), Influence of Supply chain disruptions on supply chain performance: Moderating role of Supply chain practices 6th Biennial Conference of the Indian Academy of Management, IIM-Trichy, 2nd-4th January 2020
- Latha K & George R (2019)Adoption of digital technology- A Driving Force of Business Growth of SMEs: An Empirical Investigation among Rubber Products Manufacturing SMEs in the State of Kerala 16th Annual World Congress of Academy for Global Business Advancement, AGBA and IIM Rohtak, July 2-4, 2019
- James N & George R,(2018) Impact of Market Uncertainty on Supply Chain Practices and Performance Management: A Conceptual Model, International Research Conference, Jamanlal Bajaj Institute of Management Studies, 8-9, March 2018, Mumbai.
- George, J. & George R., (2015) Member satisfaction in Urban Cooperative banks: Scale Determination, 4th Biannual Indian Academy of Management Conference, IIM Lucknow, 11-13, December 2015, Noida Campus
- George, J. & George, R. (2012) “Member Satisfaction in Urban Co-operative Banks: Final Scale Determination” In 4th International Conference on Corporate Governance conducted by Institute of Public Enterprise, Hyderabad on 10th & 11th December 2012,
- George, R. (2011) Why Firms Reverse Split Their Shares? A Literature Review 8th AIMS International Conference on Management organised by Indian Institute of Management, Ahmadabad, during January 1-4, 2011
- George, R. (2010) Research in Reverse Share Split: A Review. International Conference on Economic Asymmetries & Globalization: Challenges and opportunities organized IIM- Lucknow and Athenian Policy Forum during 16 – 18
- George, R. (2009) “Market reaction towards Corporate Name Changes- A study on NSE firms 1st International Inaugural Conference of Indian Academy of Management organized by XLRI, Jamshedpur, during 28th to 30th December 2010.
- Charles, V. George, R. & Subramanian, R.H.H (2006) “Statistical Model to Estimate Dividend in Indian Private Sector Banks”, 3rd AIMS International Conference on Management conducted by AIMS International and IIM Ahmadabad at IIM A during January 1-4, 2006.
- George, R (2004) Economic Value added and Its Computation in Indian Banks 2nd International Refereed Conference on Business and Finance 2004 conducted by ICFAI University Hyderabad and Philadelphia University, USA at Hyderabad during 27 & 28 Dec. 2004
National Conferences/Seminars (Selected)
- Latha K & George, R (2019). Social; Entrepreneurial venture for women Empowerment: an Enquiry through Rural dairy Cooperative of Kerala, SSIP Annual Conference on Student’s Innovation, Startups & Ecosystem, Entrepreneurship Development Institute of India, Gandhinagar, 6th-7th June 2019
- Latha. K & George R (2016).Rewriting the Roles: Advancing Employment Relations in the Work environment, National HR-IR conference organized by, XLRI-JAMSHEDPUR, 3rd & 4th Dec 2016
- Latha & George, R. (2012) Issues that Challenges the sustainability of industrial Relation System National conference on Looming Opportunities & Threats -2013 organised by Karpagam University, Coimbatore on 28th September, 2012.
- George, R. (2007) Performance evaluation of privatized PSUs in India Doctoral Thesis Conference organized by ICFAI Business School at Hyderabad during March 9th and 10th, 2007
- George, R & Sachin, C. (2007) Relevance Benjamin Graham’s Investment Philosophy in Indian Context National Conference on Business Optimization Research Wave, jointly organized by IIT Mumbai and NITIE Mumbai during February 15 -17, 2007
- George, R. (2006) Consolidation: An inevitable Opportunity for Kerala based Private Banks Conferences on Global Competitiveness conducted by Indian Institute of Management, Kozhikode, during 23 & 24 March 2006
- George, R (2005) New Dimensions on Corporate Dividend Policy UGC Sponsored National Seminar on New Issue market in the Post Liberalisation Era, Department of Commerce, Bharathidasan University, Tiruchirappalli.
Publications / Chapters/ Cases/ Book Review
Books & Edited Books (Selected)
- George, R., Subramoniam, K. & Krishnam, M. (2012) Recent Trends in Finance and Banking (Edn) Excel Publishers, New Delhi, 2012
- George, R. (2011) Privatization & Financial Performance: An Indian Experience, Lambert Academic Publishing. 978-3-8465-1772-7
- James P S, George, R., and Varghese, R. (2010) Rediscovering Finance & Banking (Edn), Excel Publishers, N. Delhi
- James P S, George, R. and Varghese, R. (2009) Finance & Banking: A Collection of Contemporary Research (Edn), Excel Publishers, N. Delhi
- James P S and George, R. (2008) Finance & Banking: An Anthology of Contemporary Research (Edn), Excel Publishers, N. Delhi
Research Articles in Books
- “EVA in Indian banks” In Gopal Krishna Murthy G (Edn) Efficiency in Commercial Banks – A Global Perspective, ICFAI Press, Hyderabad, 2008
- “Economic Value added and Its Computation in Indian Banks” in Banking, Insurance and Financial Services (Vol. 1) V. Narender & H. Amalraj (Ed.), ICFAI Books, The ICFAI Press pp 57 -76., 2004
Research Articles in Refereed /ISBN/ Indexed Journals (Selected)
- James, N, Victor, V, & George R, (2020) An Introduction to Positive Organisational Scholarship in South Asia, Jurnal Organisasi dan Manajemen 16(2) Pp1-6
- Jinomol, P. & George R (2019) The Acquisition Motives of Indian Companies: An Analysis Based on Industry and Age, SCMS Journal of Indian Management 2019, 17(1) Pp 58-71
- James, N., & George, R. (2018). Exploring the influence of Environmental Uncertainty and Supply chain practices. SCMS Journal of Indian Management. 15(4), 22-31.
- James, N., George, R. (2018). Impact of Environmental Uncertainty and Supply Chain Disruptions on Supply Chain Practices and Performance. JBIMS Spectrum. 2018. 6(1), Pp 274-289.
- James, N., George, R. (2018). Influence of Lean Supply Chain Practices on Competitive Advantage and Organizational Performance of SMEs. International Journal of Business Quantitative Economics and Applied Management Research. 4(11).
- Latha, K, & Goerge, R. (2015) An empirical study on relevant industrial relations factors in Kerala Rubber products manufacturing Industry, Indian Journal of Research, Volume: 4 (4)
- George, J., George, R & Kulandaiswamy, V (2013) Member Trust’s impact on Member Satisfaction and Organizational Performance: Development of a Conceptual Model. Life Science Journal Vol;10(2), pp 604-9
- George, R. (2012) A systematic review of Reverse Split Literature Prajnan, Journal of Social and Management Sciences Vol. XLI (3), pp. 233-52
- George, J & George, R. (2011) Member Satisfaction in urban co-operative banks: Definition and Preliminary Scale Determination” Journal of Emerging Financial Markets, Vol. 2 (2), pp. 27-38
- George, R. (2009) Price Reactions to Index reorganization Announcements – Indian Evidence Paradigm Vol. XIII (2), pp.88-97
- George, R. (2009) Dividend Behavior of Indian Corporate After Share Split. Indian Journal of Economics and Business, Vol. 8 (1), pp. 135-143
- George, R, Charles, V. & Raphel, S. (2007) Indian Evidence: Bonus Issues and Share Price SCMS Journal of Indian Management, Vol. 4(3), pp.74-86
- George, R. (2007) Merger: Panacea for Tribulations of Kerala Banks AIMA Journal of Management & Research, Vol. 1 (2), pp. 1-12
- George, R. & Kurian, B. K. (2006) How Competitive Indian Housing Finance Industry is? An Empirical Analysis, Focus, The International Journal of Management Digest, Vol. 2(1) pp 28- 36.
- George, R, Prema, C & Bijo E. K (2006) Value addition at South Indian Bank Ltd – an EVA Analysis Udyoga Pragathi, Vol. 30 (2), pp 1-9
- George, R. & George, R. (2006) Forensic Accounting, a New Area of Accounting Udyoga Pragathi Vol. 30 (1), pp 30-33
- George, R. (2005) Computation of EVA in Indian Banks The ICFAI Journal of Bank Management, Vol. 4. (2), pp 30 – 44 Research Articles in conference proceedings
- “Statistical Model to Estimate Dividend in Indian Private Sector Banks”, Proceedings of Third AIMS International Conference on Management conducted by AIMS International and IIM A during January 1-4, 2006.
- Articles in non-indexed journals/ vernacular weeklies (selected)
- “Kerala Banks Layichalulla Nettavum Kottavum” Dhanam, 2006, Volume. XV111 (10), May 31, p.13
- “Kerala Banks Layich Onnayal Endu Sambhavikkum?” Dhanam, 2006, Volume. XV111 (9), May 15, pp.13 – 14
- “Mergers & Acquisitions: Impact of Mode of Payment on Capital Structure and Operating Performance” Productivity Promotion, 2005, Vol. 9 (31), Jan- March, pp 9-17
- “Securitisation”, Organisational Management, 2002, Vol. XV111(1), pp. 22-23
FDP/MDP/Workshop/Consultancy Offered
- Financial Knowledge as a tool for Corporate Success, A one-day Management Development Programme for Management Executives of VKC Group of Companies, 27 July 2019.
- Financial Literacy for Corporate Success, A one-day Management Development Programme for Management Executives of VKC Group of Companies, 27 May 2019.
- Finance for Non-Finance Executives: One day MDP for Management Trainees of VKC Group of Companies, 12th June 2018.
- Finance for Non-Finance Executives: One day MDP for Junior level Managers of VKC Group of Companies, 20th Sept 2018,
- Finance for Non-Finance Executives: One day MDP for Management Trainees of VKC Group of Companies.
- Finance for Non-Finance Executives: One day MDP for Senior level managers of Synthite Group of Companies, Cochin Kerala, November 2012.
- Finance for Non-Finance Executives: One day MDP for Senior level managers of Synthite Group of Companies, Cochin Kerala, November 2010
Other relevant Information
- Funded Research: Two to the tune of Rs 11,00,000
- No of Ph Ds produced: 5
Professional membership
- Member – Indian Academy of Management USA/India
- Executive Committee Member- Travancore Management Association, Kottayam, Kerala
- Associate Member, All India Management Association, New Delhi
Member, Kerala Management Association, Cochin - Member, Indian Society for Training & Development, Cochin Chapter
- Moderator – SIM Research Forum, a non-profit seeking forum of B. research
Other Achievements
- Acted as Subject Expert of National Board of Accreditation (NBA) of AICTE
- Ph.D. & M Phil Supervisor, Adjudicator and Doctoral Committee member for Universities: Bharathiar, Anna, Karunya and Karpagam
- Recipient of Post Doctoral Fellowship from ICSSR, New Delhi.
- Examiner for professional Accounting Institutions of India
- Accredited Management Teacher by All India Management Association
- Passed National Eligibility Test for Lectureship (UGC NET) in Management – 1998
Contact Details
Mobile: 9495673344
Email: roji.george@saintgits.org