Designation: Associate Professor & Head of PG Department of Computer Applications and Artificial Intelligence.
Education: MCA, M.Phil., Ph.D.
Professional Experience: 20 Years
Ph.D.: Ph.D( Computer Science) Karpagam Academy of Higher Education, Coimbatore.
M.Phil.: Vinayaka Mission University, Salem.
Post Graduation: Master of Computer Applications (MCA), Sri Ramakrishna College of Arts & Science for women, Coimbatore.
Under Graduation: B.Sc Physics, CMS College, Kottayam
Research Interest: Machine Learning, Deep Learning
Participation / Paper Publication
- Presented a paper “An Innovative method for Diabetes Detection using Machine Learning Algorithms”, in the National Conference “Innovative Technology in Engineering and Research(NCITER-2023)”, ACV College of Engineering, Tamilnadu.
- Presented and published a paper, entitled “Heart Disease Prediction System using Correlation Based Feature Selection with Multilayer Perceptron Approach”, in the AICTE Sponsored Annual International Conference on Emerging Research areas (AICERA 2020), Conducted by Amal Jyothi College of Engineering, Kanjirappally, Kottayam, Kerala.
- Heart Disease Prediction System using Correlation Based Feature Selection with Multilayer Perceptron Approach, IOP Material Science and Engineering (Conference Proceedings).
- Presented and published a paper “Hyperparameter Optimization in Stacked Deep Neural Network for Medical Diagnosis”, International Conference, Kristujyoti College, Kottayam, Kerala.
- “Hyperparameter Optimization in Stacked Deep Neural Network for Medical Diagnosis”, International Journal of Advanced Research Trends in Engineering and Technology(Conference Proceedings).
- Presented and published a paper “Big Data in Cloud Computing Environment”, IVCCE2022, PSN College of Engineering and Technology, Tirunelveli.
- Presented a paper, entitled “Presented and published a paper, entitled “security of website” in the National Conference on “Recent Trends and Advances in the Field of Information and Technology (NCIT’19)”, conducted by Karpagam Academy of Higher Education on 27th September 2019.
- Presented and published a paper, entitled “Computer-Assisted Instructions (CAI)-a tool for improving teaching-learning process”, A New Approach in the field of Education” in the UGC Sponsored National Seminar on “Computer Assisted Instructions”, conducted by Bharata Mata College on 4th– 6th December 2017.
- Presented a paper, entitled “security of website” in the UGC Sponsored National Seminar on “Cyber Criminology”, conducted by Baselios Paulose II Catholicos College, Piravom on 3rd -4th March 2011.
- Presented a paper, entitled “Big Data in Cloud Computing Environment”, International Virtual conference on Computational Engineering organized by PSN College of Engineering and Technology, Tirunelveli, Tamil Nadu.
- “Improved Artificial Neural Network through Metaheuristic Methods and Rough set Theory for Modern Medical Diagnosis”, Indian Journal of Computer Science and Engineering.
- “Enhancing stacked deep neural network with multi-objective optimization using chaotic grasshopper algorithm”, Design Engineering.
- “A Review and Analysis on Data Mining Algorithms to Predict Diabetes”, Journal of Information and Computational Science.
- “A Computational Model for Online Customer Buying Behavior during Covid 19 Pandemic Using Machine Learning Algorithms”, Compliance Engineering Journal.
- “A Study on the Effectiveness of Online Learning During Covid 19 Pandemic”, Compliance Engineering Journal.
- “Application of Artificial intelligence in the educational scenario: Computer Assisted Instructions (CAI)-a tool for improving teaching-learning process”, International Journal of Science & Engineering Development Research.
- “Predicting Diabetes Mellitus using Feature Selection and Classification Techniques in Machine Learning Algorithms”, Karpagam JCS, Vol 13, 2019.
- “Big Data in Cloud Computing Environment”, International Journal of recent trends in Multidisciplinary research, May -June 2022, Vol2.
- Participated in One Week International Online Faculty Development Programme on “Surpasing New Technologies”, organized by Department of Computer Applications in association with IQAC of Yeldo Mar Baselios College Kothamangalam from 21-03-2022 to 27-03-2022.
- Participated a national webinar on “Virtual Habitat-an Insight on Data Security and Behavioural Aspects”, Organized by Department of Computer Science, Bharata Matha College, Thrikkara on April 8. 2022.
- Participated in three day National Workshop on “Data Analytics using R Programming” organized by PG Department of Computer Applications and Artificial Intelligence, Saintgits College of Applied Sciences from March 16,2022 to March 18,2022.
- Faculty Coordinator of Funded ML project – Collaboration with Arab Open University.
- Member of Judging Panel “Science Technology and Innovation 2022”, Indian School of Dursait.
Certifications Courses
- “Basic Artificial Neural Networks in Python”, an online non-credit course offered by deeplearning.ai and through Coursera.
- “Structuring Machine Learning Projects” an online non-credit course offered by deeplearning.ai and through Coursera.
- “Introduction to Machine Learning” an online non-credit course offered by Duke University through Coursera.
- “Create your first python program” an online non-credit course offered through Coursera.