Designation: Associate Professor
Education: M. Com, MBA, B. Ed, Ph. D
Ph. D: Doctorate in Commerce from Vels Institute of Science Technology and Advanced Studies, Chennai
Professional Experience: 17 Years
Post Graduation: M. Com St. Dominic’s College, MBA Annamalai University
Under Graduation: B. Com St. Dominic’s College, Kanjirapally
Research Interest: Finance, Marketing and HRM
Paper Presentation & Publications:
- Author of Business Ethics B.com 4th sem Textbook, Kalyani Publisher.(
Published a research article on the topic ‘(Investment Pattern of Migrated Labour in Kerala – A Study wit(h special reference to Kottayam District’ in International Journal Of (Scientific Research’; June 2018; ISSN No: 2277-8179.
- Published a research paper on the topic ‘ (Equity Linked Savings Scheme: A Study on the Effect of Demographic Factors of Gender and Age on Investment Decisions with speci(al reference to Kottayam District’ in International Organisation of Scientific Research; ISSN No:2278-487X.
- EMPLOYEE RETENTION AND ITS IMPACT ON EMPLOYEE TURNOVER WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO IT INDUSTRY Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research, ISSN NO: 2349 5162 Impact Factor 5.87, Vol 6,Issue 4, April 2019
- IMPACT OF WORK LIFE BALANCE ON EMPLOYEE TURNOVER AMONG IT PROFESSIONALS Adalya Journal VELSNACON 2019, ISSN NO: 1301-2746 Impact factor 5.3, Vol 8, Issue 10, Oct – 2019.
- A STUDY ON EMPLOYEE TURNOVER IN IT SECTOR WITH SPECIAL EMPHASIS ON CHENNAI Journal of Engineering Science, ISSN NO: 0377-9254 Impact factor 6.54, Vol 10, Issue 10, Oct – 2019.
- COLLISION OF COGNITIVEQUOTIENT ON EMPLOYEE TURNOVER IN IT SECTOR International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering ISSN NO: 2277 3878 , Vol 8, Issue -6, March 2020
- SCRTINIZE THE RATIONALS OF EMPLOYEE TURNOVER IN IT SECTOR Alochana Chakra Journal, ISSN NO: 2231 -3990, Vol 9, Issue 8, August 2020
- CRASH OF EMPLOYEE MOBILITY ON ORGANISATIONAL PERFORMANCE, Journal of Critical review ISSN :2394-5125, Vol 7 Issue 9, December 2020(Scopus)
- Participated in one day seminar on GST and its implication on business conducted by Prist University, Tiruchirapalli, on 20th August 2019
- Participated and presented a National conference on “ Emerging Issues on the Road Map for a 5 Trillion Economy in India” conducted by Vels Vistas, Chennai on 17th October 2019
- Participated in Webinar on “The New MSME Scheme”, conducted by School of management and Commerce, Vels Vistas, Chennai on 29th May 2020
- Participated in Webinar on “An Introduction to corporate and commerce in the India industry”, conducted by School of management and Commerce, Vels Vistas, Chennai on 29th May 2020
- Participated in Webinar on “Insight into Research Avenues in Higher Education”, conducted by Saintgits college of Applied Sciences, Kottayam Kerala on 14th August 2020
- Participated and presented a National conference on “ Emerging in Trends- Challenges and Opporunites in Business and Technology” conducted by Brindvan College, Banglore on 19th December 2020
Seminars attended:
- Participated in Webinar on “Insight into Research Avenues in Higher Education”, conducted by Saintgits college of Applied Sciences, Kottayam Kerala on 14th August 2020
- “participated in the One day webinar on “” Guidline for writting a research paper on 22/5/2020.”
- “participated in the One day webinar on “” Additive manufacture of bioimplant manufacturing on 13/6/2020.”
- “participated in the One day webinar on “” Open assess resourses for teaching learning and research on 1/6/2020.”
- “participated in the One day webinar on “” Art of writting research article/review on 25/5/2020.”
- “participated in the One day webinar on “” COVID 19 Impact on society on 23/5/2020.”
- “participated in the One day webinar on “” production management during corona pandemic on 23/5/2020.”
- “participated in the One day webinar on “” Data Analysis backbone of business on 18/5/2020.”
- “participated in the One day webinar on “” Impact of financial packaqgeof the union government on 27/5/2020.”
- “participated in the One day webinar on Introduction to corporate and commerce in the indian industry on 29/5/2020.”
- “participated in the One day webinar on “” The new MSME Scheme on 29/5/2020.”
- “participated in the One day webinar on “” Online teaching –learning on 29/5/2020.”
- “participated in the One day webinar on “” NAAc AccrediationManagement System on 29/5/2020.”
Certifications and Skill Development Courses
- Teaching adult learners from the government of Western Australia, North Metropolitan TAFE. Work smarter,not harder:Time management for personal&professional productivity, University of Calfornia,Irvine -Coursera
- Strategies Organization Decision Ludwig-Maximilians Munchen-Coursera
- The Science of Well –Being, Yale University -Coursera
- Personality Types at Work, University of Flordia-Coursera
- Model Thinking, University of Michigan-Coursera
- Leadership and Emotional Intelligence, Indian School of Business-Coursera
- Inspiring and Motivating Individuals, University of Michigan-Coursera
- Grammar and Punctuation, University of California, Irvine
- Excel Skills for Business:Essentials, Macquarie University-Coursera
- Effective Problem Solving and Decision -Making University of California, Irvine
- Diversity and Inclusion in the Workplace ESSEC-Coursera
- Design-Led Strategy:Design thinking for business strategy and entrepreneurship , University of Sydney-Coursera
- Introduction to data analytics for business, University of Colorado Boulder-Coursera
- Communication in the 21st century workplace, University of Calfornia, Irvine -Coursera
- Behavioral Finance, Duke University-Coursera
- Advanced Competitive Strategy , Ludwing-Maximilians-University Munchen-Coursera
- Management for a competitive edge from International College of Management, Sydney
- The user experience for the web from Australian Open University
Contact Details
Phone: 8547071295
Email ID: juby.thomas@saintgits.org (Official)
Jubythomas97@gmail.com (Personal)