Designation : Assistant Professor
Education: M. A. Economics, PGDJM
Professional Experience : 1 Year
Post-Graduation : MA Economics (2018 – 2020) – St. Josephs College (Autonomous)
Under Graduation: BA Economics (2015 – 2018) – Assumption College
Post Graduate Diploma: Journalism and Mass Communication – (2015-2018) – Assumption College
Research Interest : Economics and Disability.
- Participation certificate on one week FDP on ” Emerging and Innovative approach in management, IT and Communication in teaching and research” organised by IIMT college of management.(06/2022)
- Participation certificate on “Faculty Entrepreneurship and Educational Technology for the Knowledge Economy” (02/2022)
- Participation Certificate on ” Analysis of Union Budget 2011-23″ organized by, Economics Forum and Oikonomika , Associations of the Department of Economics, School of Humanities, St.Joseph’s College (Autonomous), Bengaluru(02/2022)
- Participation certificate for a webinar on ” Data Analytics – Creating Value with Data” organized by the PG Department of Computer Applications & Artificial Intelligence and CSI Students Branch of Saintgits College of Applied Sciences, Kottayam (02/2022)
- Participation certificate for One day online workshop on “SCI/Scopus Research Paper Writing and Publishing” organised by Educorp Centre for Research and Advanced Studies Pvt. Ltd.(02/2022)
- Participation certificate for a 3 day national online workshop on ” Hypothesis Formulation and Testing and questionnaire preparation” organised by St Thomas College of Teacher Education, Pala.(01/2022)
- Participation certificate for One day online workshop on ” Ph.D , Admission to Convocation” organised by Educorp Centre for Research and Advanced Studies Pvt. Ltd.(01/2022)
- Participation Certificate on One week National level Intercollegiate Online Faculty Development Program on “Outcome Based Education & Bloom’s Taxonomy” organised by the Internal Quality Assurance Cell of Ramakrishna Mission Vivekananda Centenary College (Autonomous), Kolkata (11/2021)
- Certificate course on Introduction to Data Analytics for Business(08/2021)
- Participation Certificate for an international seminar on “Catalyzing women empowerment for an egalitarian society” at Titus II teachers college, Thiruvalla, Kerala (10/2017)
- Participation Certificate for displaying an exhibit during the Dr. Ambrose Pinto, S. J, Memorial Exhibition held at St. Josephs College Bengaluru. (12/2018)
- Participation certificate for a 2 – day workshop of faculty/students enrichment programme in “Using ‘R’ statistical programming and E – views in Business and Economics” Organised by the Department of Economics, (01/2020)
- email.id: anju.mj@saintgits.org