Designation: Assistant Professor
Education: M. A. English, M Phil English, Pursuing PhD
Professional Experience: 3 Years
M Phil English: GRI- deemed to-be University, Dindigul, Tamil Nadu
Post-Graduation: M. A. English Language and Literature, St Berchmans College, Changanacherry
Under Graduation: B. A. English Literature, Assumption College
Research Interest: Cultural Studies, Comic Studies and ELT
Paper Publications:
- “Virtual Reality and Cognitive Development: Psychological Impact of Comics and Cartoons on Children” in the Kanpur Philosophers: International Journal of Humanities, Law and Social Sciences, vol. 8, No. 2 – ISSN. 2348-8301
- “Reading Male Gaze: A Mulveyan Analysis of Super-Hero Comics” in the Journal of Oriental Research – vol. XCII- XVI, May 2021- The Kuppuswami Sastri Research Institute, Mylapore Madras ISSN – 0022-3301
- “Villainous Disability: Gazing the Deformed Bodies of Super Villains in Comics” in JETIR, Vol. 8, No. 6 – ISSN – 2349 – 5162
- “Romancing The Romances: Redefining The Pleasure Discourse Of Indian Women” in International Journal of Early Childhood Special Education (INT-JECS), Vol 14, Issue 03 2022, ISSN: 1308-5581
- “Reviewing the Chicana” Journal of Positive School Psychology 2022, Vol. 6, No. 4, 236-242, ISSN: 2717-7564
- “Queering the Queer in the Comic World: Breaking Up Social Constructivism” in the Baselious Researcher: A Journal of Interdisciplinary Study and Research; Published by Research Cell, Baselious College, Kottayam.
- “Sexed Glances: Politics of Representation in Superhero Comics” in International Journal of English Language, Literature in Humanities (IJELLH), vol.7, no.9, September 2019.
- Cultural Studies: The New Avant Garde – ISBN – 978-93-91314-89-7, Published by Authors Press, New Delhi (BOOK)
- Secured First Rank for MPhil Course and Gold Medalist awarded by the GRI deemed-to-be University.
- Won the Luminary Award 2017 – Best Outgoing Student Award from St Berchmans College Changanacherry.
- Enacted in a play as the core character, Cleopatra in Antony and Cleopatra as part of the UGC sponsored Shakespeare national seminar.
- Part of the Shakespearean Drama Club of S.B College for the last two years.
- Headed the college union as the Chairperson of Assumption College, Changanacherry.
Certifications and Skill Development Courses
- Post-Colonial Literature – MOOC Certificate Courses – NPTEL-92% ELITE Certificate
- Postmodernism in Literature- MOOC Certificate Courses – NPTEL
- American Literature and Culture- MOOC Certificate Courses – NPTEL
Professional Membership
Contact Details
Phone: 9207646367
Email ID: chasmi.mc@saintgits.org