Designation: Assistant Professor (Sr. Grade)
Education: MBA (Finance), BSc (Computer Science), NET, SLET
Professional Experience:
- 4.5 years of teaching in PG level at Shadan Institute of Management Studies, Hyderabad.
- 8 years of teaching in Saintgits College of Applied Sciences.
Post Graduation: MBA (Finance) from Osmania University 1996
Under Graduation: BSc (Computer Science) Osmania University 1994
- Author of ‘A Textbook on Environment Management and Human Rights’ by Kalyani Publishers , ISBN No.978-93-5359426-8
- Published a research article on the topic ‘Reverberation Of Aadhar Enabled Public Distribution System (Aepds) On The Effectiveness Of Operations– A Study With Special Reference To Kottayam District’ in Journal of Xidian University: ISSN No.: 1001-2400
- Published a research article on the topic ‘MSME Financing – Factors Affecting Procurement of Finance-A Study with special reference to Kottayam District’ in Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative research; June 2019; ISSN No.: 2349-5162
- Published a research article on the topic ‘Investment Pattern of Migrated Labour in Kerala – A Study with special reference to Kottayam District’ in International Journal of Scientific Research’; June 2018; ISSN No: 2277-8179.
- Published a research paper on the topic ‘Equity Linked Savings Scheme: A Study on the Effect of Demographic Factors of Gender and Age on Investment Decisions with special reference to Kottayam District’ in International Organisation of Scientific Research; ISSN No:2278-487X.
- Presented a paper titled “” Envisaging the repercussion of self-help groups in women entrepreneurship: -with special reference to Karukachal Panchayat” in the online National conference on ‘ Life in the 2020’s: Social, Cultural and Economic Dimension’s organised by the department of Economics, Sacred Heart College, Chalakudy, Kerala in collaboration with IQAC, Sacred Heart College, Chalakudy, Kerala on 25th May 2021.” Published In Proceedings
- Presented a paper on Ramifications Of Covid 19 On The Educational Sphere In Kerala in the International Conference (Online)” jointly organized by the Department of Economics, St.Joseph’s College (Autonomous), Irinjalakuda and the Department of Economics, Sacred Heart College, Chalakkudy on 18th and 19th June 2021. Published In Proceedings
- Attended State Level Workshop on ‘Methodology in Teaching Commerce’ organized by CMS College, Kottayam.
- Attended a one week online Faculty Development Programme on Recent Advances in Business Studies organised by Karpagam Academy of Higher Education
- Attended a two Day online Faculty Development Programme on Virtual Teaching organised by Dr. MGR Educational & Research Institute
- Attended an online Faculty Development Programme on Concept Development and Model Building for Social Science organised by Bharathiar University Arts & Science College
- Attended an online Faculty Development Programme on Effective Online Teaching Strategies organised by Marian International Institute of Management.
- Attended a 10 day Skill Development Programme on Digital Marketing organised by Bharathiar University
- Completed the Five Day FDP on “Effective Teaching and Learning through Moodle” organized by Sree Narayana College, Kollam in association with The Kerala State Higher Education Council from 31 May 2021 to 4 June 2021.
- Participated in the Three Day International Level E-Workshop on “Landscapes in Research, Language and Literature” organized by Dr. MGR Educational and Research Institute, from 1st July – 3rd July 2021
- Participated in the Three Days National Level Workshop on “Research Methodology and Data Analysis for Social Sciences” held on 17, 18, & 19 June, 2021organized by PSG College of Arts and Science, Coimbatore DBT star funded FDP on Research Methodology and Publication Ethics ”organized by Sree Narayana College, Kollam from 25th Feb 2022 to 3rd March 2022 Participated in the two day Webinar series on Research Methodology conducted by Loyola College, Chennai 0n 12th & 13th June 2020
- Participated in 2 day FDP on Virtual Teaching Learning Moodle the Effective Way conducted by Dr. MGR Research Institute on 29 & 30 May 2020
Completed online courses on the topic:
- Introduction to Psychology offered by Yale University. through Coursera
- Leadership and Emotional Intelligence by Indian School of Business through Coursera
- Introduction to Personal Branding by University of Virginia through Coursera
- Understanding Financing Markets by University of Geneva through Coursera
- Behavioral Finance by Duke University through Coursera
- The Science of Well Being” offered by YALE University through Coursera.
- Work smarter, not harder: Time management for personal & professional productivity, University of California, Irvine through Coursera
- Introduction to Personal Financing, University of Virginia through Coursera
- Leading Teams, University of Michigan through Coursera
- Environmental Management & Ethics, University of Denmark through Coursera
- Communication in the 21st century workplace, University of California, Irvine through Coursera
- Introduction to data analytics for business, University of Colorado Boulder through Coursera
- Grammar and Punctuation, University of California, Irvine through Coursera
- Excel Skills for Business: Essentials, Macquarie University through Coursera
- Effective Problem Solving and Decision -Making University of California, Irvine through Coursera
- Teaching Adult Learners from Government of Western Australia, North Metropolitan TAFE.
- Management for a Competitive Edge from International College of Management, Sydney.
- User Experience for the Web from Australian Open University.
- Completed Google Digital Unlocked – Digital Marketing Certification from Google.
Year | Role |
2014-2015 | College Union In charge, Social Activity Club In charge |
2015- 2016 | Women’s Club In charge |
2016- 2017 | Chief Staff Editor, Publications In Charge, Organic Farm Club In charge |
2017 -2018 | Social Activity Club In charge, Staff Council & College Council Secretary |
2018 -2019 | Women’s Club In charge |
2019 -2020 | YETS In charge, Women’s Welfare(Convenor) |
2020-2021 | YETS In charge, Girls Hostel In-charge, Equal Opportunities Cell(Convenor) |
2021-2022 | Overall in-charge of clubs |
2022-2023 | Media club In-charge In charge |
Contact Details
Mobile: +91 9747360721
Email: preetha.thomas@saintgits.org