Designation: Assistant Professor & Head-Department of Business Administration
Professional Experience: Over 9 years of teaching and 2.5 years of industry experience
Post Graduation: M.B.A, Mar Thoma College,Perumbavoor
Under Graduation: B.B.A, Marian College, Kuttikkanam
Research Interest: Personal finance
Seminars/Workshops/Paper presentation attended:
Successfully completed Two days Online Training Programme on “Patent filing process in India/ International Patent application PCT filing process & Conventional Patent application” on 18th & 19th July 2022 conducted by Rajiv Gandhi National Institute of Intellectual Property Management (RGNIIPM), Nagpur.
Completed one week faculty development programme on ‘Academic Writing’ from 10-16 May 2021 organised by Ramanujan College, University of Delhi.
Completed one week Online Faculty Development Programme on Research Ethics and
Plagiarism organized under the UGC – Scheme for Trans-disciplinary Research for India’s Developing Economy (STRIDE), Mahatma Gandhi University, Kottayam, Kerala, from 26th -30th December 2020.
Attended online FDP on Advanced Multivariate Data Analytics: Moderation and Mediation Analysis using AMOS & Process Macro conducted from September 07, 2020 – September 11, 2020 by IIM Visakhapatnam.
Participated in an online workshop on “Statistical Applications in Data Science” organised by the School of Management Studies, University of Hyderabad, from 18-23 May 2020.
Participated in an online workshop on Understanding Theoretical Contribution in Management Research organised by the School of Management Studies, University of Hyderabad, Hyderabad on 29th April 2020.
Attended 3- day national workshop on effective theory building and testing using structural equation modelling for social sciences at Cochin University of Science and Technology from December 19th – 21st, 2019.
Attended AICTE Sponsored Short Term Training Programme (STTP) on Business Research and Data Analysis using SPSS and Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) using AMOS at Rajagiri College of Social Sciences, School of Management, Valley Campus, Kakkanad, Kochi from 25th to 30th November 2019.
Presented a paper ‘The role of financial risk tolerance and the value of financial advice at the International Conference on Insights in Marketing(ICIM 2021) jointly organised by Rajagiri College of Social Sciences, Rajagiri Business School , Kochi and Vivies University, Belgium on 5th February 2021.
Presented a paper titled “ The influence of financial risk tolerance in financial literacy
and the value of financial advice” at the International Conference on Contemporary Research in Finance organised by University of Kerala on 28th March 2021.
Presented the paper titled Acceptance of online banking: Integrating financial literacy, financial self efficacy into the technology acceptance model at the 2nd Rajagiri Conference on Economics and Finance jointly organized by Rajagiri Business School and Rajagiri College of Social Sciences (Autonomous), Kochi in association with The Indian Econometric Society (TIES) and the University of Economics, Ho Chi Minh City (UEH) on 5th and 6th November 2020.
Paper publications:
- Delta hedging using covered call: a profitable and less risky investment strategy; published on March 2019 in UGC approved journal 5.214
- ‘A model of antecedents of behavioural intention to use online banking: mediating role of perceived ease of use’: Journal of Commerce and Accounting Research(2021), ABDC (C category).
- Published in the proceedings of the International Conference 2021, ‘Contemporary Research in Finance’ ISBN : 978-93-91355-06-7, organised by the University of Kerala.
- The need to reconceptualise financial literacy: Indian Journal of Adult Education, UGC Care List 1.
Certifications and Skill Development Courses
- Behavioral Investing authorized by Indian School of Business and offered by Coursera.
- Statistics for Researchers: Understanding Mediation, Moderation and Beyond authorized by University of Virginia and offered by Coursera.
- MOOC on Intellectual Property Rights offered by IIM-Banglore.
Contact Details
Phone: +91-9961055008
Email ID: rani.tom@saintgits.org