Designation: Assistant Professor (Senior)
Education: M.Com, M A (CC& E), B Ed, MBA, SET
Professional Experience: 14 Years
Post Graduation:
- Masters of commerce from Mahatma Gandhi University (2001)
- Masters of Arts in Child Care and Education from Alagappa University(2006)
- Masters of Business Administration from Pondicherry university(2021)
- Ph D in commerce stream(pursuing)
Under Graduation:
- Bachelor of Commerce from Mahatma Gandhi University.
- Bachelor of Education from Mahatma Gandhi University(2006)
Research Interest: Marketing
Paper Publications
- “A study on backwater tourist’s Preference relating to services offered with special reference to Kumarakom backwater tourism” in KAAV International Journal of Economics, Commerce & Business Management Volume 3 issues 2 the Year 2016 (ISSN: 2348-4969 IMPACT FACTOR (2016) – 6.9071),2016.
- “Educational Institutional websites: A study on the effect of gender factor in the influential variables for selecting a college with special reference to Kottayam District”, in AARF International Research Journal of Management and Commerce, Volume 5, Issue 1 of January 2018. (ISSN (O) 2348-9766 with impact factor 5.564
- “Are Economic Knowingness, Attitude and Behavior of the individual leads the economic sustainability”?- the economic sustainability model in studies in Indian place names, An international registered and refereed monthly Research Journal(UGC care list), ISSN 2394-3114, volume 40,issue March 2020
- “Is political candidate/leaders plays as a brand marketing tool to build an image among the voters which in turn achieve the simple majority?” in Tathpi (UGC Care list)with ISSN 2320-0693, volume 19 issue 31 , June 2020, impact factor 5.60,
- Published as conference proceedings a paper titled on “The Instant Gratification of Consumers through E commerce – A study amidst covid – 19” ISBN:978-93-5526-111-3 National conference organised by sacred heart college, Chalakudy , Kerala on 25th May 2021
- “ A study on consumer gratification towards retail trader at kottayam , Kerala, in the international seminar organised by Jamal Mohammed college , Thiruchirappalli . it was published in UGC CARE Group I Journal , KALA – The Journal of Indian Art History Congress , ISSN :0975-7945 volume no 26 N0.3(XXI) : 2020-2021, impact factor – 6.125
- Published article in book article in book chapter titled Finance , banking and Insurance in the record event (Maximum Authors contributing for a book on covid 19 and its impact) organised by ESN publication , Chennai , India ISBN :978-93-90781-06-5
- The research scholar published a research article titled “ a study on consumer behviour and satisfaction towards retail stores with refrence to kottayam district , kerala “, in Scopus indexed and UGC-CARE list Group II Journal , International Journal of Mechanical Engineering , ISSN:0974-5823, Vol.6 No.3 December,2021 ,Impact factor 2.1
Papers presented
- Presented a paper titled ‘Make in India- to make India a Manufacturing hub’ in the One Day National Conference on “Emerging Markets turmoil and chances of Global Meltdown: Impacts on Indian Economy” held on 8th March 2016 at Marian College Kuttikkanam.
- Presented a paper titled “A study on the impact of online brand trust and sales promotion as competitive strategies in online buying decisions by the consumers” in the National Conference titled “Strategies for scalability and sustainability of business ventures” organized by the PG Department of Commerce and Management, Baselius College Kottayam in association with Mahatma Gandhi University, Kottayam, Kerala on 14th & 15th February 2019.
- Presented a paper titled “The Instant Gratification of Consumers through E commerce – A study amidst covid – 19” in National conference organised by sacred heart college, Chalakudy , Kerala on 25th May 2021.
- Presented a paper titled on “A study on consumer gratification towards retail trader at kottayam , Kerala in the one day international seminar on Service sector in India: Making New Avenues in Indian Economy organised by the Post Graduate & Research Department of Commerce , Jamal Mohamed College (Autonomous), Thirichirappalli on 13.01.2021.
Workshop/ Training/Faculty Development programmes
- Attended Cluster level orientation programme on restructuring undergraduate education in 2009 at Saintgits College of Applied Sciences
- Attended University level class on perspectives and methodology of business studies at CMS college in 2009
- Participated in the Three Day State Level Workshop on Data Analysis in Social Sciences” organized by the P.G Department of Commerce, St. Stephen’s College Uzhavoor, from 28th to 30th June 2018.
- Attended TWO DAY National seminar on international accounting standards at K
College Pambady in 2019
- Attended Two day Workshop on methodology of teaching, sponsored by kerala higher education council at CMS college Kottayam in 2011.
- Participated in the Virtual Faculty Development Programme on “Role of Teachers in Quality Enhancement and Accreditation” organised by the IQAC, Kristu Jayanti College (Autonomous), Bengaluru from May 11, 2020 to May 18, 2020.
- Successfully completed the ‘Effective and Efficient Online Teaching in the Age of Corona, A Hands On Workshop’ on 17 May 2020 online through IIT Bombay BodhiTree platform. Completed both pre and post workshop online activities, involving 3 days of video lectures and hands-on work. This training was organised by the Teaching Learning Centre (ICT) at IIT Bombay, funded by the Pandit Madan Mohan Malaviya National Mission on Teachers and Teaching (PMMMNMTT), MHRD, Govt. of India
- Participated in an e-workshop. The e-workshop was conducted by Dr. Parul Kumar, Assistant Professor, MAIMS, through YouTube Live https://youtu.be/bR2lXOrXgGI on Monday, May 18, 2020.
- FDP on outcome based education on 18th May 2020 organised by Inpods Ed-Tech
- Participated in ONE DAY WORKSHOP ON “Role of Digital Libraries in Academic Research” held on 30th May 2020 at Central Library, Davangere University, Davangere.
- Successfully completed and Qualified the Exam of One Week STTP on Statistical Analysis for Research (online mode) from 18 May, 2020 to 22 May, 2020 organized by REST Society for Research International (RSRI), Krishnagiri, Tamil Nadu, India.
- Successfully completed 2-Week Faculty Development Programme on “Innovations in Management Education and Research” August 17 – August 30, 2020 obtained grade A, Teaching Learning Centre Ramanujan College University of Delhi Under the aegis of Ministry of Education Pandit Madan Mohan Malaviya National Mission on Teachers and Teaching and Department of Management Studies.
- Participated and successfully 7 days certificate course/FDP on Direct Taxes & GST (16th October -8th November), Ministry of Education, Pandit Madan Mohan Malaviya National Mission on Teachers and Teaching , Teaching Learning Centre, Ramanujan College ( University of Delhi) and Indian Accounting Association, NCR Chapter
- Successfully completed the one week Faculty Development Program on “ Outcome Based Education: Framing Questions using Bloom’s Taxonomy organised under UGC Scheme for Trans Disciplinary Research for India’s Developing Economy ( UGC STRIDE) Mahatma Gandhi University, Kottayam in association with Internal Quality Assurance cell, Sree Shankara College, Kalady from 21st to 25th June 2021.
- Participated in the 10 day workshop on Research Capability Building organised jointly by Research and Postgraduate Department of Commerce, St.Berchmans College, Changanacherry & Research and Post graduate Department of Commerce, K G College Pampady in association with Indian Accounting Association, Alappuzha Branch, from 18th July to 15th August 2021.
- Participated in the Three day National Level Virtual Research Development Programme on “ Secondary Data Analysis in Social Science Research ( SDASSR) organised by the Department of Commerce (SF) V.H.N Senthikumara Nadar College ( Autonomous), Virudhunagar from 01.09.2021 to 03.09.2021.
- BEST ELecture Award on 11th October 2020 in the BEST E-Lecture Award Ceremony organized by the REST Society for Research International, Krishnagiri, Tamil Nadu, India.
- Certificate of appreciation in writing the book chapter entitled FINANCE,BANKING AND INSURANCE in the record event ( Maximum authors contributing for a book on covid 19 and its impact) held in January,2021 at Chennai, India (ESN Publications)
Professional Body Membership
- Indian Accounting Association (Lifetime)
- REST Society Research International (Lifetime )
Resource Person
- Represented as Session Chair for the Strategic Management track of the International Conference on Global Business and Societal Reset held on 5 February 2022,
Certifications and Skill Development Courses
- Microsoft Office specialist
- Online certificate courses
Social media selling system
Leadership-The #1 key to guaranteed business success
Motivation !How to end procrastination once and for all
Cognitive behavioural therapy practitioner
Additional Roles
- Coursera coordinator (2021)
- National Seminar Coordinator -One day Seminar on ‘Corporate Governance and
Its Emerging Dimensions ’ on Saturday , February 27th 2016
Contact Details
Phone: 9447109856
Email ID: seethu.john@saintgits.org (Official)
so2278@gmail.com (Personal)