Designation: Assistant Professor
Education: M. Com, NET, SET
Professional Experience: 6 Years
Post-Graduation: M. Com Kuriakose Gregorios College,Pampady
Under Graduation: B. Com Kuriakose Gregorios College,Pampady
Research Interest: Finance, Marketing and HRM
Seminars/FDP attended:
- Participated in Webinar on “Man and nature concern”, conducted by Saintgits college of Applied Sciences, Kottayam Kerala on October 2020
- Participated in the One-day webinar on ” Impact of financial package the union government” conducted by Saintgits college of Applied Sciences, Kottayam Kerala on 27/5/2020.
- Participated in the Webinar on “Block chain technology for management” conducted by Saintgits college of Applied Sciences, Kottayam Kerala
- Participated in One-week National level Intercollegiate Online Faculty Development Program on Outcome Based Education & Bloom’s Taxonomy organised by the Internal Quality Assurance Cell of Ramakrishna Mission Vivekananda Centenary College (Autonomous), Kolkata in association with ipsr solutions limited 08 November 2021 to 15 November 2021.
Certifications and Skill Development Courses
- Work smarter, not harder: Time management for personal &professional productivity, University of Calfornia, Irvine -Coursera
- Competitive strategy, Ludwing-maximilians-universitat monchen-coursera
Contact Details
Phone: 9496068946
Email ID: sruthi.sr@saintgits.org (Official)
sruthisara91@gmail.com (Personal)