Grievance Redressal Committee

Students frequently complain about a variety of issues at many colleges and universities, particularly those that are private sector educational institutions. These issues include a lack of amenities, physical infrastructure, study materials, and spaces where they can showcase their artistic, cultural, and athletic abilities. Saintgits has taken up measures to look into such issues and resolve them in a timely manner including the formation of the grievance redressal committee. Some of them are as follows:

a) Establishing class committees. The class committees are made up of student representatives from each class (both genders), the concerned class teacher and mentor. They meet to listen to the students’ complaints and suggestions for improvement. The minutes are written down and forwarded to the Principal via the HOD. Such complaints will be addressed and solutions found if they fall within the purview of the principal. Other complaints are forwarded to the management.

Exam related grievances: In case of exam related grievances, students are first advised to inform the subject teacher followed by the class teacher. If no resolution is found, the matter maybe taken up to the HOD and in turn to the exam cell coordinator.

b) Students are free to submit their complaints to the class teacher, Head of the Department/Academic coordinator, Principal via mail, letter, or in person. Complaints maybe taken up directly by the Grievance Redressal committee or maybe forwarded to them for resolution.

c) The Grievance Redressal Committee maybe contacted with any complaints regarding the hostel’s amenities and the college transportation. The same applies to complaints of any kind, which will be investigated and addressed either at the departmental level or at the Principal’s level.