The Alvida farewell event for final year MSc Artificial Intelligence students was held on Tuesday, March 12th, 2024, from 10 AM to 1:30 PM. Dr. Mathew Jacob, the Principal, opened the session with an inspiring message, igniting a sense of camaraderie among attendees. Staff and students bonded over a special cake-cutting ceremony, followed by captivating performances by the students showcasing their talents in dancing and singing. Teachers and students alike shared cherished memories, creating an atmosphere filled with nostalgia and laughter. The event also featured engaging game sessions, culminating in a bittersweet conclusion as students bid farewell to their academic journey, carrying with them memories to cherish for years to come.


The “INDUSTRIAL VISIT” Photos of Second Year BCA (C4)

Thejomaya, an extension activity program by PG Department of Computer Applications & AI.

The Computer Association of Saintgits College Applied Sciences aims at providing a platform for the students to brush up their technical skills and to create awareness among them about the latest trends in technology. The tech savvy students will get opportunities to participate in various inter collegiate competitions. The association will also conduct various competitions at the college level and encourage the students to participate in extracurricular activities.
The computer association “IGNITE” in PG DEPARTMENT OF COMPUTER APPLICATIONS AND ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE commenced its activities for the academic year 2022-2023 with an inauguration program and talk by the resource person Dr.Anju Pratap,Professor & HOD CSE,Saintgits College of Engineering.

The computer association “IGNITE” organized a poster making competition for the students as part of WORLD COMPUTER LITERACY DAY celebration on 02/12/2022. Dr.K K John,Principal,Saintgits College Of Applied Sciences inaugurated this celebration.

1. Thejomaya
Tejomaya is an extension activity organized by the PG Department of Computer Applications and Artificial Intelligence, Saintgits College of Applied Sciences, Pathamuttom, Kottayam with Government U P School, Pathamuttom, Kottayam. The objective of this program is to provide the School students with practical exposure on various areas given in the syllabus by providing technical sessions and equipping them with the lab facilities in the college.
2. IIP-Reports Generation Using Jasper Report in Java & D3 charts in Java” -The PG Department of computer applications and Artificial intelligence in association with CSI conducted an Industry Integrated Programme on the topic “Reports Generation Using Jasper Report in Java & D3 charts in Java” on 12 th August 2022. Mr. Tijo P Elias, System Engineer, Tata Consultancy Service was the resource person. He is an alumnus of our department.
3. Technical Quiz-Offline- PG department of Computer Applications and Artificial Intelligence in association with SCAS CSI student branch conducted an offline technical quiz competition on 16th September 2022. It was a technical quiz with multiple-choice questions based on programming languages C & C++. This competition was conducted by second year students for first year students.
Winners List
* Cherian T Thayil -1st Position !!!
* Richard Christy Pinson – 2nd Position
* Joshily Mary Jose – 3rd Position
4. Industrial Visit
BCA 2020-2023 second year batch students visited US Technologies, Infopark, Cochin on 02.08.2022. as part of their Industrial Visit to spread their wings in the IT industry. Asst. Prof. Arun Padmanabhan and Asst. Prof. Ashna Merin Philip of P.G Department of computer applications and AI were the coordinators and Faculties accompanied for the industrial visit. We started traveling from the college campus at 6:30 am Total 65 students along with 2 faculty coordinators were there in the journey.
PG Department of Computer Applications and Artificial Intelligence, Saintgits College of Applied Sciences in association with CSI on the topic “HOW RPA IS CHANGING THE WAY WE WORK” on 18th November 2022 by Sojan Thomas , Senior Assistant Consultant, Infosys from 10.00 AM T0 11.00 AM.
6. OnlineTechnical Quiz-PG department of Computer Applications and Artificial Intelligence in association with SCAS CSI student branch conducted “Master Mind”- an Online Technical Quiz Competition on 19th October 2022. It was a live Quiz and the platform used was
Following students are the Winners-
● Devanandha S -C1 in the 1st position!!!
● Adithraj N-C1 in the 2nd position!!
● Ohmdhirdhe -C1 in the 3rd position!
7. Computer Literacy Week-Elocution Series on Recent Trends in IT Industry-December 2nd is the world Computer Literacy Day. PG Department of Computer Applications and AI in association with CSI SCAS Student branch celebrated the first week of December as Computer Literacy week and conducted a series of Elocution competitions on the topic Recent Trends in IT Industry. Students were presented their ideas on different new Digital Technologies like Virtual Reality , Augmented Reality, Various Social Media Frameworks, IOT etc. Mr.Jeeal Jolly, second year BCA got first prize.
8. Visit To Ashraya : As part of the social service activities Association organises a charitable program. students along with the faculty members visited Ashraya Charitable Trust and donated dress materials and contributions to them.