Anti-ragging policy

Saintgits follows the regulations issued by UGC for curbing the menace of ragging, namely ‘UGC regulations on curbing the menace of ragging in Higher Educational Institutions,2010’. Students and their parents are requested carefully read and understood the provisions contained in the said UGC regulation.

Measures for prevention of ragging as per notification 2009 and Supreme Court direction and recommendation of Raghavan Committee:

Name of the InstitutionSaintgits College of Engineering
AddressSaintgits College of Engineering, Kottukulam Hills, Pathamuttom P.O., Kottayam – 686532, Kerala
Name & Address of affiliating UniversityAPJ Abdul Kalam Technological University
Name & address of DTEDr K P Indra Devi, DTE, Director, Thiruvananthapuram
Date of constitution of Anti-ragging Committee07 May, 2010
Number of ragging incidents reportedNill
Action taken on reported ragging casesNot Applicable
Number of Monitoring Cells6
Incorporation of directions as provisional under Clause 11(a) of the regulation in the prospectus/ advertisement Issued for admissionIncorporated
Receipts of affidavits from students & parents as envisaged under regulationReceipts received

Anti-ragging Committee

As per the regulations of University Grants Commission (UGC) to prevent the menace of ragging in Higher Educational Institutions, the following committee has been formed in SAINTGITS College of Engineering. Students can approach the committee members to register their complaints.

Anti-Ragging Committee

NameDesignationE-mail ID and Phone No.
Dr. Sudha
Dr. Binu K
Mr. Uttam Kumar SinghHead, Student Affairs 
SHOSHO, Chingavanam P.
Dr. Jo CherianFaculty Member 
Er. Dhanusha P. BFaculty Member 
Mrs.Shiji Susan AndrewsOffice Staff member 
Er. Cherian EapenNon Teaching Staff member 
Ms. Salini ThomasStake Holder, Local Body 
Mr.Mohammed ShanizStudent Representative 
Ms.Dhananjay Krishna U SStudent Representative 
Mr.Ben Biju NinanStudent Representative 
Mr. Akshay M AsokStudent Representative 
Mr.M. Vyshak MenonStudent Representative 
Mr.Abhijith P.SStudent Representative 

Click here to register complaint : 


Anti-Ragging toll free “helpline” 1800-180-5522