Environmental and Water Resource Engineering Stream, Department of Civil Engineering in association with Association of Civil Engineering Students have organized an expert talk on Climate Change and Societal Impacts on 17th March 2023 at VB Seminar Hall. The program was coordinated by Er. Nekha Jose (Assistant Professor, CE Department) and Er. Arsha Giri (Assistant Professor, CE Department). Students of S6 CE A and B batch (2020 admissions) attended the talk. The speaker for the talk was Dr. D. Sivananda Pai, Director, Institute of Climate Change Studies. Dr. D. Sivananda Pai worked in India Meteorological Department (IMD) during 1992-2022 and has served in different capacities including research, operational services, teaching etc. Presently, Dr. Pai is Director of the Climate Institute of Climate Change (ICCS), Kerala on deputation from IMD. He has made some outstanding contributions in the field of weather & climate services and has published 65 research papers in various National and International journals and 25 research reports. His current fields of interest are climate variability & change and prediction.. The expert talk by Dr. Sivananda Pai focused on the various sources and causes of climate change and its societal impacts. The talk included the impact of global warming which is in-fact caused by human activities on climate change. The session was very informative and interesting to the students.