Designation: Assistant Professor (Spl)
Education: B.Tech, M Tech
Professional Experience
- Teaching : 14 years
- Non Teaching: 1 years
- Research: 7 years
- UG : B.Tech Chemical engineering
- PG : M.Tech Environmental engineering
- PhD: Doing (NIT,CALICUT,Chemical engineering)
Publication (latest come first)
- George, S., Thomas, A., Kumar, M.V.P. et al. Impact of processing parameters on the quality attributes of spray-dried powders: a review. Eur Food Res Technol 249, 241–257 (2023). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00217-022-04170-04
- George, S., Thomas, A., Ghodke, P. K., & Malladi, P. K. V. (2022). Optimization of Spray Drying for Coconut Milk Powder Using Response Surface Methodology and Investigation of the Powder Properties. Carpathian Journal of Food Science and Technology, 14(4),(2022), 114-128. https://doi.org/10.34302/crpjfst/2022.14.4.9
- A. Thomas, B. V. A, S. Thomas, A. George, A. George and S. George, “Steady State Analysis of a UOP SBS Fluid Catalytic Cracking Unit in Aspen HYSYS,” 2023 IEEE International Conference on Recent Advances in Systems Science and Engineering (RASSE), Kerala, India, 2023, pp. 1-5, doi: 10.1109/RASSE60029.2023.10363523.
- Shanker, M. A., Krishnan, R., Kumar, G. S., Mohammed, T., Hymavathi, A., Rosamma, Ragesh, N., George, S. Z., Rana, S., & Abdullah, S. (2024). Insights on the astringency of non alcoholic bevearges: Fruit, vegetable & plantation based perspective. Food Chemistry Advances, 100630. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.focha.2024.100630
- George, Amala Theresa, Dr. Anju K.A, Sony George, and Rosamma Rajan. “Crafting a Sustainable Future: Exploring the Delightful World of Edible Cutlery.” In Frontiers in Food Science, NSS Hindu college,2023,51-54. ISBN: 978-81-964931-6-5.
International Journals
- Published a Book Chapter on “Nano innovations in Food Packaging Functions and Applications” by CRC Press,Taylor and Francis, Hard ISBN: 9781774639726 E-Book ISBN: 9781003277422
- Published paper on International Journal of Agricultural Science and Research (IJASR) on the Topic “Standardization of physical, chemical and organoleptic properties of an extruded crunch from Fenneropenaeus Indicus (Shrimp)”. International Journal of Agricultural Science and Research (IJASR),ISSN(P): 2250–0057; ISSN(E): 2341–0087,Vol. 10, Special Issue, Feb 2020, 72–80
- Published paper on International Journal of Advances in Engineering and Management on the Topic “Characterization of Reaction Parameters in the Bioremediation of Congo red and Crystal Violet Dyes Using Mixed Cultures of E.Coli and Bacillus Subtilis,ISSN: 2395-5252,Volume no.: 03,Issue No.: 03
National Journals
- Food and non-food applications of banana pseudo-stem: A review – Amala Theresa George, Parvathi Biji, Ritty K. Cherian, Sony George and K.A. Anju , The Indian Journal of Science and Technology (STIJOSAT), Vol. 3, No. 2 March-April, 2022
International Conference
- Paper presentation on UGC Sponsored an international conference on ‘Innovations and Challenges in Food Processing Sector” Optimization of operating parameters enhancement of glass transition temperature of Food powders by St. Teresa’s College, Ernakulam on 9thFebruary 2018
National Conference
- Presented the paper ”utilization and evaluation of coconut Haustorium as an instant energy bar” at National conference on Biotechnology Research-Innovations and
- Opportunities by the department of biotechnology and biochemical engineering, sreebudha college of engineering, pattoor on 23rd and 24th, june ,2022
Workshop/Seminars Attended
- Attended the meeting on ODOI- Training as part of Innovation Program on Mentor Development program, conducted on 21 June 2022 at Digital University of Kerala, Trivandrum
- Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) is organizing the Kerala Food Summit & Exposition 2018, a two day Conference & Exposition on food processing on 18th and 19th December 2018 at Hotel Le Meriden, Kochi.
- MHRD Sponsored Faculty Development Programme on “Advanced Techniques in Energy and Waste water treatment “organized by Department of chemical engineering,NIT,Calicut.02-07 July,2018
- Two day national workshop on “Resolving complex Environmental Issues-A futuristic Approach “conducted at Saintgits College of engineering on 15 & 16th Feb 2018.
- Participated in 5 day faculty development programme on “Transformation in Engineering Education” sponsored by APJ Abdul Kalam Technological University organized by the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Saintgits College of Engineering, Kottayam from 17th to 21st April 2018.
- Participated one day seminar on Ground Water Contamination and Remediation Technologies organized by Dept. of Chemical Engineering, Saintgits College of Engineering, Kottayam in association with KSCSTE and ISTE Kerala Section on 22nd February, 2018.
- Participated in the 47th ISTE National Annual Convention held at Saintgits College of Engineering from 27th to 29th January 2018.
- Delegate and poster evaluator on “EMINENCE ’18, National conference on “Emerging Food processing Technologies Towards Safe Food on 10th February 2018 at TKM Institute of technology,karuvelil,Kollam.
- Delegate to National Seminar on the topic “HEALTHY BAKES” conducted by Department of Food science and quality control, BCM College, Kottayam on 10th January 2018.
- CSIR sponsored national seminar on Application of modelling and simulation techniques in food and bioprocess engineering held from Dec 8 & 9, 2011 at Kongu Engineering College, Erode.
- National seminar on ‘Eminence ‘11’ Harvesting Innovations in Food Technology 2011 at Hotel Presidency, Cochin
- National seminar on ‘Eminence ‘09’ New Horizons in Food Technology, 2009 at Mascot Hotel, Trivandrum.
- One day training at CUSAT for HACKTHON coordinators for reboot Kerala on 7-11-2019.
- One day workshop on “EDP in Food processing “at Agri Business Incubator,COH Vellanikkara on 27th August 2019.
- Visited CFTRI, DFRL, and AFST (I) Mysore on 15th March 2019 to familiarize the processes.
- Visited National institute of food technology and entrepreneurship management on 25th and 26th March 2019 to familiarize the processes.
- 5 day Faculty development and training programme on Biodegradable and non-biodegradable solid waste management at the Dept. of Chemical Engineering , Govt. Engineering College ,Thrissur, from 4th to 8th Feb 2013.
- 5 day Faculty development and training programme on, Recent research trends in chemical and environmental engineering 2013, sponsored by AICTE /MHRD & TEQIP held on 27-31 May 2013, at Department of Chemical Engineering NIT Calicut campus, Kerala.
- Implant training water treatment plant of Kerala water authority for 5 days, Sasthamkotta, Kollam.
- 6 day Faculty development and training programme on “Design of Experiments and Optimization Techniques” during 14-18 May 2018 at Sreebudha College of engineering
Training attended
- Completed “Online Certificate Course in Python Programming” offered by the National Institute of Electronics and Information Technology from 04/12 to 17/12.
As resource Person
- Recourse person for the Post-Graduate Diploma Courses in Food Technology, conducted by Directorate For Applied Short-Term Programs (DASP),Mahatma Gandhi University, Kottayam since 2020.
- Reviewer for the 4th National Conference on Current and Emerging process Technologies e-CONCEPT 21,Department of Food Technology,Kongu Engineering College on 20th February 2021.
- Recourse person for the 6 Day online Faculty development Programme conducted by the Department of Biochemical and Biotechnology, Sreebudha college of Engineering, Pattoor, Alapuzha on Current environmental Impacts and research solutions from 21st -28th July, 2020.
- As the keynote speaker at the Department of Food Science and Quality Control, KG College, Pampady, for the Department association’s inauguration event focused on “Food Safety,” scheduled for 23/8/2023.
Events Organized
- Coordinated the 5 Day FDP in the Topic “Recent Trends and Developments in Food technology” in association with AFST(I) Cochin Chapter and Funded by AFST(i),Mysore
- Seed money of Rs 25000/- from AFST (I) for conducting National Technology day, 2019.
- Coordinator of SKA-CII quiz competition at Saintgits college of Engineering funded by FSSAI, GoI.
- Life member of Indian Society for Technical Education(ISTE)
- Life member of Association of Food Technologists and Scientists (India)(AFSTI)
Research Interest
- Bioremediation
- Food preservation
- Drying characteristics
- New product development
- First prize on the the paper”utilisation and evaluation of coconut Haustorium as an instant energy bar” at National conference on Biotechnology Research-Innovations and Opportunities by the department of biotechnology and biochemical engineering, sreebudha college of engineering, pattoor on 23rd and 24th, june ,2022
- First position for poster competition held at Srisakthi College of engineering, Coimbatore on 28th February 2019 on the topic “Detection of freshness of fish by image processing of eye redness”
- Successfully completed Faculty Development Programme on” Entrepreneurship” Conducted by KITCO on behalf of National science & Technology Entrepreneurship Development Board ,DST,from 05th -25th August 2021.
- Certified Internal Recourse person for the Post-Graduate Diploma Courses in Food Technology, conducted by Directorate For Applied Short-Term Programs (DASP),Mahatma Gandhi University, Kottayam since 2020.
- Reviewer-CONCEPT 21, Department of Food Technology,Kongu Engineering College on 20th February 2021.
- Recourse person for the 6 Day online Faculty development Programme conducted by the Department of Biochemical and Biotechnology, Sreebudha college of Engineering, Pattoor, Alapuzha on Current environmental Impacts and research solutions from 21st -28th July, 2020.
- Auditor for RIR certification private limited, Haryana,India for meat and bakery Shops in Kerala.
- Training Of Assessor Food Processing Sector by Skill Council Thanjavur-Tamil Nadu from 23rd September 2019 to 28th September 2019 at IIFPT
- Trainer of Trainers (ToT) for Advanced Manufacturing Level II and Basic Catering Food safety Training and certification (FoSTaC) under FSSAI.
- Completed Food safety Management for manufacturing (RQF) (Highfield Awarding body for Compliance – Level 4, Highfield, UK, with merit.
- Diploma in Food safety Training –safe practices and procedures from Alison online courses.
- Diploma in Food safety from Alison online courses.
- Syllabus and curriculum committee member for B.Tech Food Technology and Bachelor of Hotel management and catering (BHMCT) for Kerala technological university (KTU).
- State committee Member of Net Pro Fan (FSSAI).”
- Managing Partner at STAR FOOD Products, Kollam.
- Food safety Training and certification (FoSTaC) Coordinator and single person of contact (SPOC) at Saintgits college of Engineering.
- Elected as the executive member of AFST (i) Cochin chapter headquartered at KUFOS, Kochi.
- Elected as the Joint secretary of AFST (i) Kollam chapter headquartered at TKM Institute of technology, Kollam.
Contact Details
Ph 9995403481
Email: sony.g@saintgits.org, sojen143@gmail.com
Linkedin : linkedin.com/in/sony-george-82918614