Designation: Assistant Professor
Education: B.Tech, M Tech, LLB,Ph.D(Pursuing)
Professional Experience
Teaching : 4 years
Non Teaching: 1 year
UG : B-Tech in Computer Science & Engineering
PG : M-Tech in Computer Science & Engineering
Publication (latest come first)
International Journals
- MNREGS in IJSR,Volume 8,Issue 1,January 2019.(https://www.ijsr.net/archieve/v8i1/ART20194762.pdf)
- VIRTUAL LAB in IJSR ,Volume 8,Issue 1,January 2019.(https://www.ijsr.net/archieve/v8i1/ART20194756.pdf)
- Convertidor in IJAERD,Volume 6, Issue 3,March 2019,(DOI 10.21090/IJAERD.60799)
- Using a Virtual Learning Environment for P.B.L in IJCSE, Volume 7, Issue3, March 2019.(https://www.ijcseonline.org/pub_paper/128-IJCSE-06314.pdf)
- Master Helper System.(March 7 2019,https://ssrn.com/abstract=3348172
National Journals
- An IoT based cloud computing Infrastructure for Localized Mobile Computation. (March 5 2019,httos://ssrn.com/abstract=3346842 ).
- SCSA: A solution for key leakage in cloud storage &auditing, International Webinar , Kerala State Higher Education Council, Dec 01-03 2020.
International Conference
- Novel Approach For Enhanced Teaching Learning Process. International Conference on “Recent Trends in Computer Science and Information Technology” (ICRCSIT–20) , 17th & 18th June 2020 .
National Conference
- “Developing an Empathetic Interaction Model for Elderly in Pandemics, IJERA ,April 2023.
Workshop/Seminars Attended
- Hands on Workshop Effective and Effecient Online Teaching in the Age of Corona, 10- 16 May 2020.IIT Bombay
- MOOC “OLCD ” by Directorate of Collegiate Education,FLAIR ,Govt.of Kerala,18 April to 02 May 2020.
- Big Data Analytics & Cyber Forensic Workshop at Govt Eng College R.I.T, 14 -16 Feb 2019.
- International Workshop on Deep Learning and Machine Learning by NVIDIA, 06- 09 April 2019.
- Recent Advances in Science and Technology by IIT Madras on 2 May 2020 ,9:30 – 14:00 IST (+5:30 GMT)
- Python:Beginners Tutorial,Alagappa University,13-18 May 2020.
- Workshop on Tools and Platform for Technology Enabled Learning ,Government Women’s Polytechnic College,Kottakkal.
- Data Science basic using Python-Virtual Session, 360 DigiTMG,11-15 May 2020.
- STTP on “Internet of Things (IoT) & It’s Applications in Industry” ,08-12 June 2020,RAIT.
- “Education 4.0-Season II” organised by IQAC, Atharva College of Engineering held on 28-30 May 2020.
- Short Term Training Program on “MATLAB based Teaching-Learning in Mathematics,Science & Engineering”,Ramrao Adik Institute of Technology, Nerul, Navi Mumbai in collaboration with DesignTech Systems Pvt. Ltd., Mumbai during 18th to 22nd May 2020.
- Getting Started with Technology Fusion-Graph, NLP, Big Data and Machine Learning ,IEEE MEA CS SB on May 2020.
- Semantic Web and its Application in Humanities and Social Science, Mizoram University, 06 May 2020.
- Coding – A Basic Life Skill,Institution’s Innovation Council ,08 May 2020.
- Road map to Digital Forensics by Providence College of Eng,May 2020.
- Insights of Data Science ,IEEEMEA CS SB on April 28 2020.
- Basics of Wind Energy Conservation, Institute of Engineers,CAPE,Govt.of Kerala,May 2020.
- Emotional Intelligence ,KGIST College of Engineering,May 2020.
- Design of Home Solar System ,SIMAT,11 May 2020.
- Personal Effectiveness-Need of the Hour,SIIMS,May 14 2020.
- Image Processing Basics with Python OpenCV, SIMAT, 06 May 2020.
- Robotic Process Automation-Onboarding,SIMAT, 07 May 2020
- National Webinar on Research Methodology,SVD Govt College, 21-May 2020.
Events Organized
- Web Committee head of IHRD Tharang Tech Fest 2023
- Cordinator and Centre Head of Kerala Knowledge Economy Missison Skill Express Campaign.
- RILEM Life time Membership.
Research Interest
- AI & Machine Learning
- NVIDIA Certification on Fundamentals of Deep Learning for Computer Vision, 06-April-2019.
- Certificate for Completion LaTeX Training , 06-May-2020. Spoken Tutorial Project, IIT Bombay, funded by National Mission on Education through ICT, MHRD, Govt. of India.
- Certification of MOOC “OLCD ” Course by Directorate of Collegiate Education,FLAIR,Govt.of Kerala, May-07-2020.
- Google Cloud Platform Big Data and Machine Learning Fundamentals. Coursera,05 Feb 2020.
- Certification on Microsoft Excel 2010 by Alison Educational Organization , 09-April-2019.
- Certification on Introduction to Computer Network Security by Alison Educational Organization ,22-May-2019.
- Completion of TCS iON CoronaWarriors Course by Tata Consultancy Services, April 30 2020.
- Completion of Breakdown the Lockdown Course by Tata Consultancy Services ,May 01 2020.
- Udemy Certification on Deep Learning Prerequisites: Numpy Stack in Python (certificate url: Ude.my/UC-IQ8AZMR2)
- Diploma in Web Design by Alison Educational Organization ,09-April-2019.
Contact Details
Ph: 9947358197
Email: safad.ismail@saintgits.org
Website: https://scholar.google.co.in/citations?user=olSr8CwAAAAJ&hl