Designation: Lab Instructor – Grade-I
Area: Electronics and communication
Educational qualifications:
Diploma in Electronics, BA Sociology, Master of Social Work
Duties and Responsibilities:
1. Technical responsibilities for BTECH and MTECH labs
2. Technical Faculty in- charge of Electronics workShop,EDA Lab,VLSI Design Lab .
3. Over all in-charge of Electronics consumables stock, purchase, maintenance and documentation etc.
Workshops / Conferences:
Workshops Attended:
1. PLC and SCADA certificate From PROLIFIC (9th December 2008 to 13 December 2008)
2. KSCSTE sponsored work shop on maintenance of electronics lab equipment’s, organized by WRIC , Mumbai & department of physics St Thomas college, palai (21to25 June 2010)
3. Worked as TECHNICAL ASSISTANT in the ISTE Workshop on “ANALOG ELECTRONICS” conducted by IIT Kharagpur from 4th to 14th June 2013
4. Coursera Online non credit course on “control of mobile Robots” organized by Georgia Institute of Technology , USA (30/4/2020)
5. Coursera Online non credit course on “Aurdrino platform and c programming” organized by University of California, USA (30/4/2020)
6. Work shop on ‘’Python programming for beginners with an introduction to machine learning and IOT ‘’ by ECE department of Adi Sankara institute of engineering and technology,kalady in association with Institutions innovation council (IIC) and institutions of engineers india (10 to 12th Feb 2021)
Senior Technician membership INSTITUTION OF ENGINEERS INDIA
LIGHT BRIGADE Fiber Optics 1-2-3 certification
Contact Details:
Email: sandeeplal.s@saintgits.org