Designation : Lab Instructor (Grade 2)
Education : MSc. Chemistry
Professional Experience
- Teaching: 2 years of teaching experience at St.Stephens college, Uzhavoor
- UG : BSc. Chemistry
- PG : MSc Chemistry (Pure)
- One day international symposium on concurrent methodologies in organic synthesis –Prof Ei-ichi Negishi (2010 Chemistry Nobel Laureate ) .
- UGC sponsored two days national seminar on Nanochemistry and Nanobiotechnology.
- Residential training programme in communication skills in English and basic IT skills (21 days ) conducted by ASAP,Government of Kerala.
- Completed online course on Teaching in University Science Labortories authorized by University of Amsterdam offered through Coursera on May 2020.
- Completed five day national level online FDP during 10th-14th August 2020 organized by the department of Food Technology,Saintgits College of Engineering,Pathamuttom.
- Participated in the International Webinar on 2D Nanomaterials for biomedical applications organized by St.Stephens college,Uzhavoor ,Kottayam on 28th October 2020.
- Completed online course on Speak English Professionally :In Person,Online and On the Phone authorized by Georgia Institute of Technology offered through Coursera on November 2020.