Er. Tibin Thomas

Er. Tibin Thomas

Designation: Asst. Professor 
Education:  B.Tech, M Tech, Ph.D(pursuing)

Professional Experience
Teaching  : 9 years

UG  : Computer Science and Engineering
PG  : Computer Science and Information System

Ph.D : Blockchain IoT (Doing)


  1. A Survey of Source Authentication Schemes for Multicast transfer in Adhoc Network, e journal IJSRD,volume1,issue 4 ,2013
  2. A Two Tiered Data Origin Authentication Scheme for Adhoc Network, e journal IJSRD,volume1,issue 9 ,2013
  3. Random Area Selective Image Steganography with LSBMR , IJARCCE, Vol 5 , Issue 10 , Oct 2016
  4.  Review on different techniques used in Selfish Node Detection, 2018 IEEE conference on Circuits and Systems in Digital Enterprise Technology, 2018 ,IEEE


Events Particiapated

  1. Faculty Enablement Frogramme at Infosys, Manglore for 15 to 19 December 2014
  2. Interactive Programming in Python at Saintgits College of Engineering from 9 to 10 July 2015
  3. Workshop on Cloud Computing at Saintgits College of Engineering from 4 to 5 November 2015
  4. Workshop in Programming with PL/SQL conducted by Oracle/ICT Academy at Saintgits College of Engineering from 2 to 6 May 2016
  5. STTP on Linux Shell scripting & Networking, at RIT Pampady from 5 to 10 December 2016
  6. Participated in Smart India Hackathin, 2017 , conducted by Dept. of Defence Production, Govt of India
  7. Participated in FDP at Saintgits on Theory of Computation in association with CSI, from 22-27 May 2017
  8. Participated in 28th Annual State Convention of ISTEat GEC Thrissur in 9-12-17
  9. Particpated in the 47th ISTE National Annual Convention at Saintgits, from 27-29 Jan 2018
  10. Attended a workshop in Next Generation IT, at Saintgits, on 20-4-18
  11. Participated in One week FDP at Saintgits, on Machine Learning from 18-22 Jun 18
  12. Attended a workshop on Artificial Intelligence and Deep Learning at Saintgits College of Engineering, conducted by Bennet univesity and NVIDIA, form 25-17Jun 2018
  13. Attended 3days FDP on Design Thinking at St. Joseph’s College of Engineering , Pala from 9-12 Jul 2018
  14. Attended 6 days Train The Trainer Programme on Full stack application development at TCS, KOCHI, from 16-21Jul 2018
  15. Attended  Five days Faculty Enablement Programme by Infosys Limited from 4-2-2019 to 8-2-2019
  16. Participated webinar on Blockchain for applications, IEEE SB, UKFCET on 15-6-2020
    Participated Webinar on Blockchain Technology and Research Prospects, Saintgits College of Engineering, June 04 2020
  17. Participated International Webinar on Blockchain Technology, Jyoti Nivas College Autonomous , 17-6-2020
  18. Participated One day FDP on Research Prospectives in Futuristic Computing Technologies, School of Engineering , Dayananda Sagar University 6-7-2020
  19. Participated Three day FDP on Research Methodology and Scientific Writing , Sreebudha College of Engineering, Pattur, 29th Jun to 1st Jul 2020
  20. Attended an online International FDP on A to Z of Research, by SRM institute of science and Technology , chennai fro 27-31 July 2020
  21. Attended the Webinar on Blockchain 2.0 A shift from Bitcoin to Real World Application, TocH Institute of Science and Technology , 3rd Aug 2020
  22. Participated Five days FDP on Know Everything Related to Research , Ilahia College of Engineering EKM, 23-28 July 2020
  23. Participate webinar on FUNDING PROJECTS, CONSULTANCIES AND BOOK WRITING, Vimal Jyothi Engineering College, Kannur, on July 8, 2020

As Resource Person

  1. The resource person of Five days FDP on AICTE ATAL Blockchain and its Application, NMAM Institute of Technology, Nitte 13 Oct 2020
  2. The resource person of Six days AICTE FDP on Blockchain Fundamentals, Saintgits College of Engineering, 29 Aug 2020
  3. The resource person of Five days AICTE FDP on Blockchain Technology, Saintgits College of Engineering, 16 Dec 2019
  4.  Trainer for Online Course on Blockchain for Beginners from 4-6-2020 to 7-6-2020, conducted by CSI Trivandrum Chapter

Events Organized

  1. A talk on “Internet of Things -Raspberry pi and Python Programming” by Mrs Sunitha C S , CDAC under IE(I) on 2-5-2016
  2. Conducted Jyothirgamaya , September 2015
  3. C Orientation Programme for Students July 2015
  4. Merit Day 2018

MOOC Course Completed

  1. NPTEL Online certification Course / FDP on Blockchain Architecture Design and Usecase Oct-2018 
  2. Completed Online Course on The Complete Nmap Ethical Hacking COurse Network Security , Udemy, March 4 2020
  3. Completed online Course on Blockchain Basic , Coursera, 3-3-2020
  4. Completed online Course on Smart Contract , Coursera , 2-4-2020
  5. Completed online Course on Decentralized Application (Dapps),Coursera, , 4-4-2020
  6. Completed online Course on Blockchain Platforms , Coursera, 6-4-2020
  7. Completed online non credit Specialization in Blockchain, Coursera, 6-4-2020
  8. Completed online Course on Front End Web UI Frameworks and Tools Bootstrap 4 ,10-4-2020
  9.  Completed online Course on Front-End JavaScript Frameworks: Angular , Coursera, 16-4-2020
  10. Completed online Course on The Data Scientist’s Toolbox, Coursera, 17-4-2020
  11. Completed online Course on Introduction to Data Science in Python, Coursera, 21-4-2020
  12. Completed online Course on Blockchain Essentials , Cognitive, 21-4-2020
  13. Completed online Course on Building Arduino robots and devices, Coursera, 24-4-2020
  14. Completed online Course on Capstone: Retrieving, Processing, and Visualizing Data with Python, coursera, 26-4-2020
  15. Completed online Course on ICSI | CNSS Certified Network Security Specialist May 12, 2020
  16. NPTEL Online certification Course / FDP on Ethical Hacking Oct 2019


  1. Associate Member of The Institution of Engineers (India), ID:- AM168497-6
  2. Professional Member in Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) since 2015, ID:- 6343158
  3. Life Member of Indian Society for Technical Education(ISTE) since 2015, ID:-LM109205


  •  Total Solution Work –
  • Flood Relief Management Software –  Flood Appeal, Application, Verification, Monitoring (FAAWAM ), for Govt of Kerala, Collectorate , Kottayam  –
  • Developed Academic Management System for Saintgits College Engineering  – 

Research Interest

  • Network Security, Cryptography, Blockchain


  • Best Faculty Award in 2016
  • Cleared NVIDIA course test on Deep Learning
  • Got gold medal for the NPTEL MOOC Course on Ethical Hacking
  • Passed Trainer The Trainer Programmer of Full Stack Application Development -TCS Kochi

Contact Details
Mobile : +91 9497325019
Email :

