Designation: Assistant Professor (Sr.)
Education: B. Tech, M. Tech, Ph. D
Professional Experience
Teaching: 12 years
Non-Teaching: 5.5 years
B. Tech in Civil Engineering
M. Tech in Geomechanics & Structures
Ph. D in Geotechnical Engineering
- Thomas, Swapna, S. Chandrakaran, and N. Sankar. 2024. “Role of Nano‑silica Additive on the Strength Behaviour of a Highly Plastic Clay Found in an Indian Paddy Field.” Indian Geotechnical Journal (0123456789). doi: 10.1007/s40098-024-00945-2.
- Thomas, Swapna, S. Chandrakaran, and N. Sankar. 2023. “Effect of Nano-Calcium Carbonate on the Geotechnical and Microstructural Characteristics of Highly Plastic Paddy Clay.” Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering 48(10):12977–89. doi: 10.1007/s13369-023-07679-y.
- Thomas, Swapna, S. Chandrakaran, and N. Sankar. 2022. “Nanocomposites Are State-of-the-Art in the Field of Ground Improvement- a Review.” Materials Today: Proceedings 65(93):877–82. doi: 10.1016/j.matpr.2022.03.454.
- Shibu, Swetha Susan, and Swapna Thomas. 2019. “Experimental Investigation on The Efficiency of Expanded Polystyrene (EPS) Geofoam and Geogrid in Protection of Buried Pipes under Static Loading.” Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research 6(5):429–33.
- Thomas, Sneha Ann, and Swapna Thomas. 2019. “Characteristic Study on Liner Properties Using Paper Mill Sludge and Sepiolite.” Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research 6(5):391–95.
- John, Teena, and Swapna Thomas. 2017. “Bearing Capacity Prediction for Shallow Foundations by In-Situ and Experimental Investigation.” International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research 8(4):1375–79.
- Manavalan, Anna Tomy, R. Suresh, C. K. Krishnadasan, and Swapna Thomas. 2016. “Structural Analysis and Progressive Failure Analysis of Laminated Composite Joints-Single Pin Configuration.” International Journal of Engineering and Technical Research 0869(4):9–15.
- Serin Issac, and Swapna Thomas. 2015. “A Model Study on Pile Behavior under Inclined Compressive Loads in Cohesionless Soil.” International Journal of Engineering Research 4(11):166–73. doi: 10.17577/ijertv4is110160.
- Mathew, Sonu, and Swapna Thomas. 2014. “A Model Study of Micropile Group Efficiency under Axial Loading Condition.” International Journal of Civil Engineering Research 5(4):323–32.
Workshop/Seminars Attended
- 5-Day Online Winter Course on Skill Development Program on Research and Publications, held from 16th to 20th December 2024, organized by the Indian Institute of Technology, Dharwad, Karnataka.
- 3D Concrete Printing Workshop held on 8th October 2024, at SAINTGITS College of Engineering (Autonomous), Kottayam Kerala.
- Webinar titled ‘Need of AI and ML in Geotechnical Engineering’ organized by IGC GCE Kannur Student Chapter on 22 Aug 2024.
- 1-Day workshop on ‘Quality Control and Execution’ organized by Saintgits College of Engineering (Autonomous), Kottayam on 17 Aug 2024.
- 3-Day online workshop on ‘Strategic Waste Management Practices’ organized by National Institute of Technology, Calicut from 17-19 May 2024.
- 1-day workshop on ‘Sustainable Geotechnics and Geophysical Investigations for Site Characterisation’ organized by Dept. of Civil Engineering, National Institute of Technology, Calicut on 16 Feb 2024.
- 5-day “International Workshop on Construction Materials” during 13-17 December 2022.
- 5-days Online Faculty Development Programme on “Advancements in Geotechnical Engineering– AGE 2021” organised by Department of Civil Engineering, National Institute of Technology Calicut during 22nd– 26th November, 2021.
- Online Elementary FDP on “Geomechanics for Structural Engineers” from 01/12/2021 to 05/12/2021 at Saintgits College of Engineering.
- International webinar on Geotechnical Engineering organized by School of Civil Engineering, Lovely Professional University in association with IGS Jalandhar Chapter and Dept. of Civil Engineering, NIT Jalandhar from 21st to 28th February 2021.
- Indo-Canadian Workshop on “Interactive Design in Geotechnical Engineering: Theory to Practice” organized by NIT, Surathkal, held during 24 Sep – 2 Oct, 2020.
- One day workshop on ‘Enhancing Gender Equity in Employment in Industries and Businesses in Kerala’ Organized by ASAP, Trivandrum on Aug-27, 2019.
- Basic course in Transactional Analysis conducted at Saintgits College of Engineering from 5/12/19 to 7/12/19.
- IUCEE International Engineering Educator Pre-Certification Workshop organized by Dr. Claire Komives, Professor, Biomedical, Chemical and Materials Engineering, San Jose State University, USA at Saintgits College of Engineering from Jan 11-13, 2018.
- FDP on ‘Advanced Concrete Technology’ organized by Dept. of Civil Engineering, M.A. College, Kothamangalam from 7th to 20th Dec 2017.
- 2-day FDP on ‘Design of Composite Steel and Concrete Structures’ held on 8th and 9th May 2014, in association with ICI Saintgits Chapter and ISTE Saintgits Chapter.
- FDP on ‘Engineering Graphics’ held at Saintgits College of Engineering in association with ISTE Student Chapter from 16th to 20th June 2014.
- Short term training program on ‘Earthquake Resistant Design & Structural Rehabilitation’ Organized by Dept. of Civil Engineering, RIT, Kottayam from 1-5 July 2013.
- 2-Day workshop on ‘Limit State Design of Steel Structures’ held on 20th and 21st April 2012in association with Saintgits Chapter of ICI and ISTE.
- FDP on ‘Student Psychology Vs Teaching Methodology, Organized by NITTR, Chennai at Saintgits College of Engineering from 2nd to 7th Nov 2009.
Academic Duties & Responsibilities
- Chief Staff Advisor (M. Tech (GS): 2024-26 Batch)
- Gender Champions Club-Assistant in Charge (2018-19)
- Co-coordinator: Srishti 2018
- Staff Editor: College Magazine’16 (Odyssey)
- Chief Staff Advisor (B. Tech (CE): 2014-18 Batch)
- Coordinator Eternia’13 & Eternia’17
- Indian Geotechnical Society (IGS) – Life Member
- Institution of Engineers (IE) – Member
- Indian Society for Technical education (ISTE) – Life Member
Research Interests
- Sustainable ground treatment methods
- Nanocomposites, Green materials
- Geopolymerisation
- Clay mineralogy, soft clay engineering
Contact Details
Ph: 9447127380
Email: swapna.thomas@saintgits.org