Dr. Mahendran. N has been granted Patent for his innovation titled “Energy Distribution and Loss Management System for Smart Cities using Distributed Ledger based Blockchain Technology”
(Australian Patent issued by ‘IP Australia-Australian Government’)
This invention presents the design of an energy distribution and loss management system for smart cities using distributed ledger based blockchain technology. Square chains or dispersed orders are an arising innovation that has drawn extensive interest from energy flexibly firms, new businesses, innovation engineers and budgetary foundations. This work employs square chains based model for energy business and illuminate the state regarding the craftsmanship by altogether investigating the writing and current business areas.

- Renewable Energy Systems
- Electric Vehicle
- Power Systems
- High Voltage Engineering
- Power Electronics Systems
- Control systems
- Machine learning
- Embedded systems
- Artificial Intelligence
Sl. No | Name of Staff | Research Topic |
1 | Dr N Mahendran | Power Converters and Solar PV systems |
2 | Jisha James | Power Electronics |
3 | Fossy Mary Chacko | Power QualityDistributed Generation and Power Electronics applications to power systems |
4 | Ancy Sara Varghese | Condition Monitoring of Power Equipment |
5 | Aparna Thampi | Multilevel Converters Renewable Energy Systems |
6 | Abraham George | Embedded Systems Machine Learning |
7 | Vinu Koshy Abraham | MEMSEmbedded Systems Robotics |
8 | Polly Thomas | Electric VehiclesRenewable Energy Power Systems |
9 | Arun Sebastian | High Voltage Engineering Smart Grid |
10 | Jineeth Joseph | High Voltage Engineering: Condition Monitoring of Power EquipmentPartial Discharge Mechanism in Insulating MaterialsFEM based Analysis of Power Equipment Electromagnetic Wave propagation Studies in Power EquipmentElectromagnetic Interference and Compatibility Power System Monitoring and Control |
11 | Elizabeth Rajan | Power Electronic ConvertersElectric Vehicle |
12 | Amalu Philip | Power System ProtectionMicrogrid |
13 | Merin Antony | Renewable Energy Resources Electric vehicle |
Details of Research Scholars in EEE Department | ||||
SI No | Name of Scholar | Date of Enrollment | Name of Research Supervisors | Area of Research |
1 | Sherin Joseph | 18/12/2018 | Dr. Shajimon K John | Solid State Transformer |
2 | Aparna Thampi | 18/12/2018 | Dr. Mahendran N | Power Electronics |
3 | Amalu Philip | 18/12/2018 | Dr. R M Shereef & Dr. Mahendran N | Power System |
Sl.No | Name of Faculty | Designation | Department | Patent Title | Type | Application No: | Date of Filing | Date of Publication | Date of Granting Patent | Current Status Published/Granted | Website |
1 | Dr. N Mahendran | HOD & Professor | EEE | Energy distribution and Loss Management system for smart cities using Distributed Ledger Based Block Chain Technology | International | 2020103674 | 11/25/2020 | 12/17/2020 | 1/20/2021 | Granted | |
2 | Dr. N Mahendran | Professor & HOD | EEE | AI Controlled Autonomous Micro Grid with Renewable Energy systems | Indian | 202141033073 | 8/13/2021 | 8/13/2021 | Published | ||
3 | Dr. Binu K Mathew | Professor | EEE | Low cost Low power semi automatic water Level Controller | Indian | 202041038481 | 11/25/2020 | 12/17/2020 | Published | | |
4 | Polly Thomas | Assistant Professor | EEE | IoT driven Smart Pisciculture monitoring and conntrol system | Indian | 202141020988 | 5/10/2021 | 6/11/2021 | Published | | |
5 | Sreelal N | Assistant Professor | EEE | Automatic Solar cutter | Indian | 202141023734 | 5/28/2021 | 6/11/2021 | Published | | |
6 | Merin Antony | Assistant Professor | EEE | Smart Helmet for smart workers | Indian | 202141023998 | 5/29/2021 | 6/11/2021 | Published | | |
7 | Dr.Jineeth Joseph | Assistant Professor | EEE | Smart Fire Extinguishing Robot | Indian | 202141023966 | 5/29/2021 | 6/18/2021 | Published | | |
8 | Arun Sebastian | Assistant Professor | EEE | Automatic Billing System for Solar and KSEB powered Smart Electrical system using Block Chain | Indian | 202141024064 | 5/30/2021 | 6/11/2021 | Published | | |
9 | Dr. Binu K Mathew | Professor | EEE | An IoT based Intelligent charging and charging management system for Electric Vehicle | Indian | 202141024072 | 5/30/2021 | 6/18/2021 | Published | | |
10 | Jancy Varghese | Assistant Professor | EEE | Development of Traffic control system based on congestions using Artificial Intelligence Algorithms | Indian | 202141024108 | 5/31/2021 | 6/25/2021 | Published | | |
11 | Deepu Jose | Assistant Professor | EEE | Demand Response implementation in Residential Buildings | Indian | 202141024383 | 6/1/2021 | 6/25/2021 | Published | | |
12 | Abraham George | Assistant Professor | EEE | Automatic Crop Predictor | Indian | 202141024309 | 6/1/2021 | 6/25/2021 | Published | | |
13 | Amalu Philip | Assistant Professor | EEE | Smart Energymeter with load management in grid connected solar system | Indian | 202141024524 | 6/2/2021 | 6/25/2021 | Published | | |
14 | Rachel Rose | Assistant Professor | EEE | Smart Wheel chair | Indian | 202141024672 | 6/3/2021 | 6/25/2021 | Published | | |
15 | Aparna Thampi | Assistant Professor | EEE | Smart Hybrid Electric Vehicle | Indian | 202141024846 | 6/4/2021 | 6/25/2021 | Published | | |
16 | Christy Mary Jacob | Assistant Professor | EEE | Integrated Smart safety system for two wheelers | Indian | 202141025571 | 6/9/2021 | 6/25/2021 | Published | | |
17 | Ancy sara Varghese | Assistant Professor | EEE | Solar Dishwasher | Indian | 202141024209 | 5/31/2021 | 6/25/2021 | Published | | |
18 | Elizabeth Rajan | Assistant Professor | EEE | Plasma water treatment system | Indian | 202141024075 | 5/30/2021 | 7/16/2021 | Published | | |
19 | Dr. N Mahendran | Professor & HOD | EEE | A movable solar panel with mounting assembly | Indian | 348622-001 | 5/31/2021 | 8/30/2021 | Published | | |
20 | Dr. N Mahendran | Professor & HOD | EEE | Solar inverter enclosure | Indian | 348925-001 | 6/1/2021 | 9/4/2021 | Published | | |
21 | Dr. N Mahendran | Professor & HOD | EEE | Cloud based electric vehicles temperature monitoring system using IOT | Indian | 202241032963 | 6/2/2021 | 6/17/2021 | Published | |