
The Chemical Engineering program at Saintgits College of Engineering was established in 2017. We are equipped to motivate and guide students into a combination of research and industry-oriented professionals. The four-year B. Tech. course is organized, considering the need of the hour, making it a perfect blend of core, research, and industry-related courses. This unique blend of courses prepares the students to choose a career path according to their exposure and passion through the four years of study. The final year projects provide students direct exposure to research and industrial problems. The laboratories are well-equipped with state-of-the-art analytical techniques, which can be used for laboratory work and research projects.
Department of Chemical Engineering
To emerge as a centre of excellence in Chemical Engineering committed to sustainable progress of the society.
- Provide high-quality education to the students transforming them into adept professionals capable of catalysing positive change in the society.
- Promote leadership qualities that prioritize sustainable development while fostering confidence and holistic growth.
- Cultivate the spirit of entrepreneurship, innovation and applied research ensuring effective response to industry needs.
Program Educational Objectives(PEOs)
After 3-5 years, graduates of the Chemical Engineering program will:
PEO1: Practise as successful professionals and entrepreneurs capable of facing challenges in the industrial sector.
PEO2: Pursue advanced studies and excel as academicians and researchers.
PEO3: Become proficient in communication, teamwork and leadership with an ethical attitude committed to the sustainable progress of the society.
Scope of Chemical Engineering
With the onset of industrial revolution and growing demand for oil, a blended knowledge in Chemistry and Mechanical Engineering became more significant and demanding. A pure Chemistry graduate lacks sufficient engineering skills to deal with process design, whereas a Mechanical Engineer might not be equipped with the know how in Chemistry to optimize the design. At this juncture, the birth of a new stream, Industrial Chemistry took place and was further refined to Chemical Engineering.
Though the new engineering stream was primarily focused on oil and gas, it soon became a pivot in designing and operating processes relevant in day-to-day life. From the manufacturing of tooth paste to the most modern microprocessor chips, the involvement of a Chemical Engineer is indispensable. They play major roles in industries in designing processes to convert raw materials to desired products, to measure and validate its properties and constantly improve the quality, and design new products based on demand. There are large number of public sector and private companies who are involved in designing or commissioning of process plants. Once the plant is commissioned, the role of a Chemical Engineer is to run the process plant at desired process conditions. Apart from running the plant a Chemical Engineer is constantly involved in the research and development of new products and processes for improving the quality and efficiency.
Chemical Engineering is one of the broadest branches of Engineering, training the professionals to design, operate, and control the processes of wide variety such as petroleum and petrochemicals, fertilizers, paper, food, agro-chemicals, biochemicals, pharmaceuticals, polymers, nanomaterials, cement, textiles, leather, nuclear power, energy, power generation, environmental engineering, safety engineering, mineral processing, etc. From the wide area of applications, it is very clear that a country demands qualified Chemical Engineers to propel industrial growth.
Chemical Engineers are recruited in companies such as Indian Oil Corporation Ltd. (IOCL), Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Ltd. (HPCL), Reliance Petrochemicals, Hindustan Unilever, Engineers India Ltd, Bhabha Atomic Research Centre (BARC), Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) etc.

Welcome to the Department of Chemical Engineering at Saintgits College of Engineering. Established in 2017, our Department has marked its prominent position as a centre of excellence committed to delivering sound theoretical knowledge, coupled with software aided technical skills in Chemical Engineering and ensuring the holistic development of students.
The prime focus of the Department is to mould our students to play major roles in chemical process industries through effective teaching-learning processes. We strive to provide exposure to our students with state-of-art research opportunities while creating a deep understanding of Chemical Engineering principles through interactive technical sessions in association with various industries and peer research groups. We provide placement support to help students achieve their career goals.
Our Department has continued to flourish over the years and currently have over 200 undergraduate students,12 faculties and 3 laboratory staff. Each student is assigned with a faculty mentor, who guides and assists the students with their learning process.
I hope you will have an ever-cherishing campus experience with us.
Come and explore the realm of Chemical Engineering !
Dr. Anshy Oonnittan
Assistant Professor (Sr.) & HoD in-charge
Department of Chemical Engineering
Ph: +91 481 2436169
email: hodchemical@saintgits.org