Structural Engineering Lab
The Structural Engineering Laboratory of the Department of Civil Engineering, Saintgits College of Engineering – primary activities include experimental studies on a model/prototype of structural elements and assemblies under various static and dynamic loading conditions. The lab provides load/displacement-controlled loading frame, precision instrumentation, data acquisition and monitoring. The laboratory provides an advanced facility for full-scale investigation of the load-deformation behaviour of structures including their post-peak strength and deformability up to the failure.

Advanced Geotechnical Laboratory
Geotechnical engineering laboratory helps in identifying the engineering behaviour of geomaterials (soils and rocks) and by-products such as fly ash etc. There physical, chemical and geotechnical property information are used by geotechnical engineer for designing the type of foundations, earthworks such as dams, embankments, tunnels, reservoirs, pavement subgrades, and specialized applications like waste containment systems. Therefore, geotechnical engineering laboratory has a great role to play in rendering the subsurface a safe and stable load bearing medium.
Surveying Laboratory
The Surveying Laboratory is equipped with the instruments and tools that students use throughout the surveying course. Students learn techniques for gathering field data with both traditional and modern instruments. Surveying lab offers supplemental experience in fundamental land surveying measurement methods for surveying courses, including precision steel taping methods to perform horizontal measurements, traditional transits and digital theodolites to perform angular measurements, and traditional and automatic levels for elevation measurements.

Strength of Materials Lab Laboratory
The objective of the strength of materials lab is to demonstrate the basic principles in the area of strength and mechanics of materials and structural analysis to the undergraduate students through a series of experiments. In this lab the experiments are performed to measure the properties of the materials such as impact strength, tensile strength, compressive strength, hardness, ductility etc.
Concrete Laboratory
The Concrete Laboratory in the Department of Civil Engineering primarily includes experimental studies on different types of materials which are using in concrete and testing of concrete specimens in various exposure conditions. The Concrete Laboratory also offers technical services for testing and research on the structural behaviour and properties of materials.

Transportation Engineering Laboratory
The Transportation Engineering lab has the equipment, required to conduct all standardized tests to assess the quality of highway materials, pavement evaluation and traffic engineering studies.
Environmental Engineering Laboratory
The Environmental Engineering Laboratories in the Department of Civil Engineering at Saintgits College of Engineering provides excellent research facilities with well equipped with the latest analytical and specialized experimental equipment.

Geotechnical Engineering Laboratory
A typical geotechnical engineering laboratory helps in identifying the engineering behaviour of geomaterials (soils and rocks) and byproducts such as fly ash etc. There are different physical, chemical and geotechnical properties determined in the laboratory that is required for identifying the geomaterials. This information is used by geotechnical engineer for designing the type of foundations, earthworks such as dams, embankments, tunnels, reservoirs, pavement subgrades, and specialized applications like waste containment systems. The preciseness of such design is entirely based on the experimental information obtained from a geotechnical laboratory. Therefore, geotechnical engineering laboratory has a great role to play in rendering the subsurface a safe and stable load bearing medium.
Computer Aided Design and Drafting Laboratory
AutoCAD lab provides the following facilities – Exposure to different categories of building, Functional requirements of buildings, Preparation of 2D drawing, Preparation of 3D drawings, Application of CAD to Civil Engineering Drawing. Major equipment used are – 32 systems (8GB RAM) supporting AutoCAD, Primavera, Plaxis 2D & 3D, Etabs, Staad.Pro, SAP, Ansys, Tekla Structures.