Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE-SSCS)
With over 10,000 members around the world, the IEEE Solid-State Circuits Society focuses on fabricated integrated circuit designs in contrast to simulated circuits and analyzed models for all applications using relevant materials and interconnections. The Society produces the Journal of Solid-State Circuits (JSSC), the most downloaded technical journal in IEEE Xplore and sponsors the International Solid-State Circuits
Conference (ISSCC), the world’s premier circuits realization conference. SAINTGITS IEEE SSCS Student Chapter commenced in 2014 as the first SSCS chapter in Kerala. Student Chapter regularly organizes various technical programmes in connection with Solid State Circuits like Hands on Workshops on IC Design and FPGA Design, IEEE SSCS sponsored Conferences, Distinguished lectures, Technical Talks, Webinars, Tailor Made Course in IC Design for UG and PG students etc. SAINGITS IEEE SSCS Student Chapter has received a funding of USD 12639 till date.
Er. Ajith Ravindran
Staff Coordinator
AY 2021 – 22
- Hands-On Session on “Shell Scripting for IC Design”
SAINTGITS IEEE SSCS Students Chapter organized a talk cum Hand On Session on “Shell Scripting for IC Design” for the participants of the “Tailor Made Course in IC Design” on 13th November 2021 from 9.30 AM to 12.30 PM. Mr. Sachin Santhosh, Intern- Physical Verification Engineer, Ignitarium Technology Private Ltd, Handled the session. The session began with a silent prayer at 9.30 AM. Asst. Prof. Ajith Ravindran, Advisor, IEEE SSCS SAINTGITS Chapter, introduced the speaker to the audience. Mr. Sachin Santhosh gave an introduction on the importance of Schell Scripting. In addition, he gave a hands on training through open source tools through online mode. After the session, an interactive section about the job opportunities in VLSI began. The interaction came to an end at 12.45 pm and around 32 participants consist of IEEE members participated in the event.
- Hands-On training in IC Design “Tailor Made Course in IC DesignBatch V”
SAINTGITS IEEE SSCS Students Chapter organized the IEEE SSCS Sponsored Hands-on Training in IC Design, “Tailor Made Course IC Design – Batch V “ Phase II organized by the Department of ECE in association with IEEE SSCS SAINTGITS Chapter for the M.Tech VE 20-22 Batch students.
Phase II – By Industry Expert – Entuple Technologies Pvt. Ltd( From 15/04/2021 to 28/12/2021)
This course is intended to train students regarding 2 major job roles ASIC Verification Engineer and ASIC Physical Design Engineer. The course provided intensive hands-on training on Cadence Virtuoso Schematic Editor; SpectreCircuit Simulator etc to enable the graduates to generate up to GDSII file [3]. The Vth Batch completed the training on December 2021 and 9 students out of the 10 students got placed in various companies like Synopsys, Bangalore, Ignitarium Technologies Bangalore, Tessolve Semi Conductor, Bangalore, INSEMI Technology Services Pvt Ltd and Tata Elxsi Trivandrum.
AY 2020 – 21
- Online panel discussion – Post- COVID Opportunities in Electronics Engineering
The online panel discussion on the topic “Post- COVID Opportunities in Electronics Engineering” was conducted on 18th June, 2020, Thursday, from 06.00 PM to 07.10 PM through Google Meet with four of the most eminent personalities in the field of technology and education; Dr. Jan Van Der Spiegel, Professor, Electrical and Systems Engineering, University of Pennsylvania, USA, Dr. Keith Bowman, Principal Engineer and Manager, Processor Research Team, Qualcomm Technologies, Inc. in Raleigh, USA, Mr. Harish Mysore, Director, IEEE India Operations and Prof. Sabarinath G Pillai, Vice Chair at IEEE Kerala Section, who was the Moderator of the Panel Discussion.
Post the panel discussion a lot of queries came from the audience, the questions where predominantly regarding the effect and the influence of Electronics Engineering in mitigating the effects of Covid-19 pandemic and also regarding the future of the jobs relating to Electronic Engineering. The session concluded with a positive approach towards the current scenario and how to rise to the challenge. After much discussions and deliberations, it was concluded that the present situation is temporary and the world can cope up with all the changes related to jobs, education etc and that they not going to affect much of the people for a much longer time.

AY 2019-20
- Distinguished Lecture Programme by Dr. Keith A Bowman
Department of ECE in association with IEEE SSCS conducted a Distinguished Lecture Programme on the topic “Adaptive and Resilient Circuits for Processors” and a Mini Workshop on “Tape out of an IC” by Dr. Keith A Bowman, Principle Engineer and Manager in the Processor Research team at Qualcomm Technologies Inc. in Raleigh, NC, USA on 6thMarch, 2020.

- Gyanikkoppam:
Walk with the Scholar programme was conducted on 6th March, 2020 with Dr. Keith A Bowman, Principle Engineer and Manager in the Processor Research team at Qualcomm Technologies Inc. in Raleigh, NC, USA.

- Expert Talk – Industry Expectations on the Basic Concepts of Electronics
An expert talk, funded by IEEE SSCS, on the topic “Industry Expectations on the Basic Concepts of Electronics” was conducted for the students of Tailor Made Course in IC Design on 18th January, 2020. The resourse person was Mr. Emil Zacharia George, Senior Hardware Design Engineer, Digital Core Technologies, Kakkanad, Kerala”.

- Cynosure – Workshop and Hackathon on Internet of Things
The IEEE Solid- State Circuits Society (SSCS) Saintgits Student Chapter organized a workshop and hackathon, “ Introduction to IoT(Internet of Things)” on 9th and 10th of September 2019. Er. Sandeep B Kadam, alumini of Saintgits College of Engineering was the resource person for the workshop session and hackathon.

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
July 2016
● IEEE Kochi Hub WIE Congress 2016-“SHE- Style Her Enigma”. The resource person is the decisive organizer, Mrs. Ruby Peethambaran, co-founder and CSO, Fourth Ambit. It was conducted on 1 st & 2 nd October, 2016.
July 2018
● Conducted the IEEE Day celebration on 2 nd October, 2018. IEEE department charge – Er. Ajith Ravindran
January 2019
● Saintgits IEEE Student Branch organized a Distinguished Lecture Programme (DLP) on the topic “Radiation Detection for International Borders” for the final year students of ECE and EEE Departments on 24 th April, 2019 from 11.00 AM to 12.30 PM at AB Seminar hall. Resource person for the programme was Dr. Richard Kouzes, Laboratory fellow, Physical and Computational science, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA, USA.
July 2019
● The Saintgits IEEE Student Branch celebrated the ‘IEEE Day 2019’ on 2 nd October, 2019 at our campus. The event contained technical competitions, workshops and fun filled activities. IEEE SB Chairman – Joel Abraham of S7 ECE (2016-2020 Batch)
The Institution of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineers (IETE) Students Forum (ISF)
The Institution of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineers (IETE) is India’s leading recognized professional society devoted to the advancement of Science and Technology of Electronics, Telecommunication, Robotics & IT. The IETE is the National Apex Professional body of Electronics and Telecommunication, Computer Science, Robotics and IT Professionals. The Institution provides leadership in Scientific and Technical areas of direct importance to the national development and economy.
Government of India has recognized IETE as a Scientific and Industrial Research Organization (SIRO) and also notified as an educational Institution of national eminence. The objectives of IETE focus on advancing electro-technology. The IETE conducts and sponsors technical meetings, conferences, symposia, and exhibitions all over India, publishes technical journals and provides continuing education as well as
career advancement opportunities to its members.
We have a vibrant IETE Students Forum since 2010. ISF provides common platform for the students to exchange their ideas in technical topics of interest, e.g., curriculum, employment, higher educational opportunities, emerging trends, etc. The forum plan and organize Technical Programs, Special Lectures, Workshops, Seminars Symposia, exhibitions for the benefit of students. It encourages team spirit and self-reliance among student members.
Dr. Riboy Cheriyan
Staff Coordinator
AY 2022-23
● Department of Electronics Engineering, Saintgits College of Engineering in association with IETE Students’ Forum conducted a Social Outreach Programme on the topic “Problems associated with the long usage of mobile phones” for the students of NSS Higher Secondary School, Karukachal on 27 th June, 2022. Resource Persons for the programme were Adhithya Satheesh, Emmy Anna Thomas (S4 RB A (2020-24 batch)) and Ashby Kuriakose (S6 ECE (2019-23 batch)). 100 students participated in the programme. Dr. RiboyCheriyan (IETE Coordinator).

● Department of Electronics Engineering ,Saintgits College of Engineering in association with IETE Students’ Forum(ISF) organized an intra college Quiz(General) competition in connection with the Engineer’s day celebration on 18th November, 2022. Students from all the Engineering programmes actively participated in this quiz programme. Mr. NEERAJ BINU NATH & Mr. RAMKUMAR N of fifth semester Computer Science and Engineering secured 1 st prize worth Rs. 2000/- , Mr. ATHUL RAJEEV & Mr. ASHWIN S NAIR of fifth semester Robotics and Automation secured 2 nd prize worth Rs. 1000/- and Mr. SIDHARTH V MENON & Mr. ROHAN BINU ABRAHAM of third semester Electronics and Communication Engineering secured 3 rd prize worth Rs. 500/-. Dr. RiboyCheriyan – IETE Staff Coordinator, Mr. Ashby StefinKuriakose and Adithya Satheesh- Student Co-ordinators.

● Department of Electronics Engineering ,Saintgits College of Engineering in association with IETE Students’ Forum(ISF) organized an inter college Arduino Competition on 23rd March,2023. The competition was handled by Mariyam Susan Philip from S8 Electronics and Communication Engineering. 44 students from Christ College of Engineering, Irinjalakuda,Thrissur attended the programme. Ms. Lia Thottan, Ms. Julie k laru, Ms. AninaMariya& Ms. Johanna, Second Year B.Tech Electronics and Communication Engineering students of Christ College of Engineering secured 1 st prize worth Rs. 1500/-, Mr. Amal V Nair, Mr. Praise Varghese Paul & Mr.Denixx Denny Alappat, First Year B.Tech Electronics and Communication Engineering students of Christ College of Engineering secured 2 nd prize worth Rs. 1000/- and Mr. Rohan Thanjan& Ms. Ann Maria Prince, Second Year B.Tech Electronics and Communication Engineering students of Christ College of Engineering secured 2 nd prize worth Rs. 500/-, Dr. Riboy Cheriyan – IETE Staff Coordinator, Mr. Ashby StefinKuriakose and Adithya Satheesh- Student Co ordinators.

● The Alumni chapter of the Department of Electronics Engineering jointly with IETE Student’s Forum organized an Expert Talk on the topic ” Digital Design Techniques for FPGA Design ” by Er. Prashanth C, Tech Lead (RTL Design) VVDN Technologies Pvt. Ltd., Kochi on 13th May 2023. Students of second year and pre final B.Tech Electronics & Communication Engineering and M.Tech in VLSI & Embedded Systems attended the session. Dr. RiboyCheriyan – IETE Staff Coordinator&Er. Anish M George – Dept. Alumni Coordinator.

AY 2021 – 22
● RACEE, the student association of Department of Electronics Engineering in association with IETE students forum organized a webinar on ‘Cyber Laws and Online Safety’ for the first year (2020-24 batch ECE, RB-A and RB-B) students of Electronics and Communication Engineering and Robotics and Automation programmes through Google Meet online platform on 31st July, 2021. The resource person for the programme is Mr. Syam Gopi, Associate Professor, CSE Department, Amal Jyothi College of Engineering, Kanjirappally. He is also an Elite Member of Cyberdome Kerala Police, Membership Chair- ACM Kottayam Professional Chapter and Project Manager of Nextguard. Er. Dhanusha P B, Er.
Harinarayanan Nampoothiri M G – Webinar Coordinators.
● The Department of Electronics Engineering in association with IETE Students’ Forum (ISF) organised a 3-days Knowledge Enhancement Programme on “Introduction to Embedded Systems and Robotics” for the third semester (2020-24) batch ECE and RB students on 23rd, 27th and 28th September, 2021 through zoom online platform. Resource persons: – Er. Chinn Mohanan, Er. Nishanth P R, Er. Anish Thomas. Er. Anish M George – Add-on course coordinator (ECE & RB).
● Research Interest Group (RIGS) – VLSI of Department of Electronics Engineering in association with The Institution of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering (IETE) conducted the webinar on the topic “My experience with Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam- Missile Man of India” for B. Tech. and M.Tech. Students, Interested Teaching and Non-teaching staff through Google Meet on 26th January, 2022. The Resource Person for the webinar was Fr.(Dr.) George Athappally, Professor, St. Vincent Pallotti College of Engineering & Technology, Nagpur.Program Coordinators – Dr. Sreekala K S (RIG – VLSI Stream
● Department of Electronics Engineering in association with Institution of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering Students Forum (ISF) organised a one-day workshop on ‘LaTex for Technical Writing’ for PG students, Research Scholars and Interested Faculty members through Google Meet on 29th January, 2022. The resource person for the programme was Dr. Sreekala K S, Assistant Professor, Department of Electronics Engineering, Saintgits College of Engineering. Program Coordinator – Dr. Sreekala K S`

● Department of Electronics Engineering, Saintgits College of Engineering in association with IETE Students’ Forum conducted a Social Outreach Programme on the topic “Problems associated with the long usage of mobile phones” for the students of NSS Higher Secondary School, Karukachal on 27 th June, 2022. Resource Persons for the programme were Adhithya Satheesh, Emmy Anna Thomas (S4 RB A (2020-24 batch)) and Ashby Kuriakose (S6 ECE (2019-23 batch)). 100 students participated in the programme.
AY 2020 – 21
● Department of Electronics Engineering in association with IETE Kochi Centre organized a National Level 4 days online Faculty Development Programme on “Emerging Research Trends in VLSI, MEMS and Signal Processing” from 10 th to 13 th August, 2020 through Google Meet. Total of 85 attendees from in and outside India participated in the FDP. Dr. Beena A O and Er. Roshni Oommen – FDP Coordinators
The resource persons for the sessions are as follows:-
a. Dr. Youhan Sunny, Assistant Professor, Dept. of ECE, Saintgits College of Engineering (10.08.2020, 10.00am to 11.00am),
b. Dr. Sreenidhi P.R, Assistant Professor, Dept. of ECE, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Kollam (10.08.2020, 2.00pm to 3.00pm),
c. Dr. Lintu Rajan, Assistant Professor, Dept. of ECE, National Institute of Technology, Calicut (11.08.2020, 10.00am to 11.00am),
d. Dr. Krishnapriya S, Assistant Professor, Dept. of ECE, Muthoot Institute of Technology and Science (11.08.2020, 2.00pm to 3.00pm),
e. Dr. Rahul Antony, Associate Professor, Dept. of ECE, Saintgits College of Engineering (12.08.2020, 10.00am to 11.00am),
f. Dr. Shajimon K John, Professor, Dept. of ECE, Saintgits College of Engineering (12.08.2020, 2.00pm to 3.00pm),
g. Dr. Riboy Cheriyan, Professor and HOD(ECE & RA), Saintgits College of Engineering (13.08.2020, 10.00am to 11.00am),
h. Er. Mithun C A, Research scholar, IIT Madras (13.08.2020, 2.00pm to 3.00pm)
● The IETE Students’ Forum (ISF), Saintgits College of Engineering conducted a webinar on the topic “Life’s Little Tricks: Getting you prepared for 2024” by Mr. Joel Abraham (2016-2020 ECE batch) in connection with the Online Student Induction Programme (SIP 10) for B. Tech first year students (2020-2024 Batch) through the online platform ZOOM on 21 st November, 2020 (9.00am to 10.30am). Total number of participants was 120. Dr. Riboy Cheriyan – IETE Coordinator/SIP 10 in-charge, Dr. Beena A O – Webinar Coordinator
● IETE Kochi Centre and IETE Students’ Forum (ISF), Saintgits jointly conducted “Walk with scholar program – GYANIKKOPPAM” on 9 th December, 2020 from 5.30pm to 6.30pm through the online platform ZOOM. The scholar for the program was Sri. P Venugopalan, Director DRDL (Retired) Hyderabad. Honouring ceremony of the newly elected Distinguished Fellow Member of IETE Sri C K Haridas, DGM (Retired) BSNL Palakkad was also conducted along with the GYANIKKOPPAM programme. Total number of participants was 235.
● IETE Students’ Forum in association with Department of Electronics Engineering, Saintgits College of Engineering (Autonomous), Kottayam conducted Two Days Online Workshop on ‘LaTeX’ through Google Meet for the M.Tech students and Ph.D. Scholars on 11 th & 12 th February, 2021. Resource Person for the workshop was Dr. Sreekala K S. Dr. Riboy Cheriyan – IETE coordinator & Workshop Coordinator.

● IETE students’ forum in association with Department of Electronics Engineering, Saintgits College of Engineering organized an inter college Quiz competition – CURIONS through Google Meet online platform on 19 th June, 2021. 102 students from 10 colleges participated in the event.
The first prize worth Rs. 1500 was bagged by Aleena Elza Joji and Anu Theresa Saji of S6CSE-A and second prize worth Rs. 1000 was bagged by Alphy Biju Varghese and Ann Mary Thomas of S4CSE-A. The quiz master for the event was Mr. Sethu Manohar of S4 ECE and the scorer for the program was Mr. Ryan Biju Joseph of S4 RB.
AY 2019 -20
● Department of ECE in association with Institution of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineers (IETE) Students Forum organized an invited expert talk and interactive session on the topic “Power Generation in India – Thermal Power Generation – Current Trends in Power Generation” with Dr. K.R. Madhu Kumar, Rtd. Executive Engineer, Dr. Narla Tata Rao Thermal Power Station (V.T.P.S), Andhra Pradesh, for final year/pre-final year students in UG, PG students and faculty members of ECE and EEE departments on 23 rd October, 2019 from 2.00pm to 4.30pm in the AB seminar hall. Coordinator – Er. Beena A O, IETE coordinator – Dr. Riboy Cheriyan, External talks charge – Er. Maheswary Sreenath

● The Department of ECE in association with IETE and ASGEC conducted a seminar on “Modern Embedded Industry and its Opportunities” by Er. Siva Prasad S M (Managing Director, Diligent Spark Embedded Technologies Ltd., Ernakulam for S5 (2017-2021 Batch) and S7 (2016-2020 Batch) students on 22 nd November, 2019 from 2.00pm-4.00pm in the AB seminar hall.

● The Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering, SAINTGITS College of Engineering organized an IETE sponsored two day add-on course on “Hands-on workshop on Soldering practice and LED bulb making” for students of S2 ECE (2019-2023 Batch) on 1 0th January, 2020 and 1 8th January, 2020. The resource persons were Mr. Rakhul Kunjumon, Mr. Babu George and Mr. Arun P.S, Technical staff, ECE Department. 49 students participated in the course. Add-on coordinator – Er. Roshni Oommen

● Department of ECE in association with IETE students’ forum conducted a webinar on the topic ‘Ultrasonic Waveguide Sensors for Process Industries’ by Dr. Nishanth Raja, CEO, XYMA ANALYTICS PVT LTD, Chennai. (Post-Doctoral Researcher at Indian Institute of Technology Madras) on 8 th May, 2020 (2.00pm to 2.45pm) through Google Meet online platform.
Er. Maheswary Sreenath (External talk in-charge) was the moderator for the webinar. Second and third year B.Tech students from ECE department attended the webinar. More than 100 students participated in the event. Some faculty also took part in the online technical talk session.
AY 2018-19
● In association with the IETE Students’ Forum, Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering conducted a talk on “Importance of Value Education in Technical Education” for the 2016-2020 Batch students (S5) on 29th September, 2018 as part of the Engineers’ Day Celebration. The resource person for the talk was Dr. Riboy Cheriyan, HOD, Department of ECE, Saintgits College of Engineering.
● IETE students’ forum in association with the Department of ECE conducted a technical talk on “Digital Camera Challenges: A mobile Perspective” by Er. Sigu Joseph, Senior Staff Manager, Qualcomm, Hyderabad for the S5 (2016-2020 Batch) & S7 (2015-2019 Batch) students of ECE on 11th October, 2018.
● IETE students’ forum in association with the Department of ECE conducted a training program on Arduino for S3 students (2017-2021 Batch) by S7 students (2015-2019 Batch) on 27thOctober, 2018.
● IETE students’ forum in association with Department of ECE conducted a training program on Raspberry Pi for S5 students (2016-2020 Batch) by Sandeep B Kadam (S3 Mtech VE (2017-2019 Batch)) on 27th October, 2018.
● IETE Students’ Forum in association with the Department of ECE conducted a Big Idea Competition at Intercollegiate level on 27th November, 2018. Ms. Athulya Francis, Ms. Annmol Vincent, Ms. Angelin Shibu and Ms. Sneha Maria Prasanth of Muthoot Institute of Technology and Science, Piravom secured 1st prize worth Rs. 2000/- for their idea ‘Portable Sanitary Napkin Incinerator’. Mr. Sandeep B Kadam (S3 M. Tech VE) of SAINTGITS College of Engineering bagged 2nd prize of Rs. 1500/- for his idea ‘Block chain Based Urban Parking System (BUPS)’.
● Department of ECE in association with IETE & ASGEC, conducted a counseling session by Dr. Anvar Sadath V, AP, Psychiatric Social Work, IMHANS, Kozhikode on the topic “Positive Mental Health and Personality Development” for the students of S6 (2016-2020 Batch) and S8 (2015- 2019 Batch) on 2nd February, 2019 from 9.00am to 10.30am. Coordinator – Er. Rekha Subash.
● Department of ECE in association with IETE & ASGEC, conducted a counseling session by Dr. Anvar Sadath V, AP, Psychiatric Social Work, IMHANS, Kozhikode on the topic “How to face difficult situations in student’s life” for the students of S2(2018-2022 Batch) and S4(2017- 2021Batch) on 2nd February, 2019 from 11.00am to 12.30pm. Coordinator – Er. Rekha Subash.
AY 2017-18

● IETE Students Forum(ISF) unit at Saintgits College of Engineering got the Prof. M N Namboodiripad endowment award 2017 for the best performing ISF consisting of Rs 10,000/- and a memento. The award distribution was conducted on 5 th August, 2017 at Hotel BTH Sarovaram, Ernakulam.
● The Department of ECE in association with IETE students Forum conducted a Quiz Competition for all students in connection with Engineer’s Day Celebration on 13 th October, 2017 (Prelims) & 27 th October, 2017 (Final Competition).
1 st Prize – Herlin Mary Jose & Elizabeth Pothen of S 5 Civil Engineering Department
2 nd Prize – James M Chacko & Joshua Siby of S 5 Electronics & Communication Engineering
3 rd Prize – Justin Mathew & Amal Babus of S 5 Computer Science Engineering

● Department of ECE in association with IETE students Forum conducted a workshop on “Fast and Effective Embedded Systems Design” for S5 (2015-2019 Batch) and S7 (2014-2018 Batch) students in association with IETE Students’ Forum (ISF) on 4 th November, 2017 from 9.30am to 12.30pm. Resource Persons are Er. Jibin T Joy (Technical Engineer, Industrial Automation,
Livewire Kottayam) & Er. Vineeth K M (Technical Engineer, Embedded Systems, Livewire Kottayam). IETE Coordinator – Dr. Riboy Cheriyan, Workshop coordinators – Er. Preena Prasad & Er. Roshni Oommen
● The Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering, SAINTGITS College of Engineering organized an expert talk on “Higher studies guidance” by IMS Kottayam in association with IETE
Students’ Forum for the sixth semester students (2015-2019 Batch) on 5 th January, 2018. The
session was handled by Mr. Abin S, IMS Kottayam.
● KSCSTE funded a 2 day workshop on “Research Methodology, Writing Practices, Language and soft skills” to equip Women Researchers (Women in Science) in association with IETE was conducted on 18 th & 19 th January, 2018. A fund of Rs 40,000/- got sanctioned from KSCSTE dated 28/10/2017. Workshop Coordinator – Er. Sreekala K S, Co-coordinators – Er. Anu Raj & Er. Preena Prasad

● In association with the IETE Students’ Forum, Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering, SAINTGITS College of Engineering organized a talk on “Ethics & Scruples of a Professional” for the first year students (2017-21 Batch) on 8 th March, 2018. Dr. Riboy Cheriyan, HOD, Department of ECE, SAINTGITS College of Engineering delivered the talk.

● Conducted a workshop on “Introduction to IoT using Raspberry Pi” organized by IETE Students’ Forum in association with Saintgits IoT Club and Department of ECE, Saintgits College of Engineering on 7 th & 8 th April 2018. Total number of participants were 28 [ECE students – 12(2016-2020 Batch – 10, 2015-2019 Batch – 2), EEE students – 9, AEI students- 7]. Coordinator – Er. Abraham K Thomas, IETE Coordinator – Dr. Riboy Cheriyan, Resource Persons :- Experts from Neo Green Labs, Kochi
AY 2016-17
● A department (EC) level Project Competition in association with IETE Students Forum (ISF) successfully conducted on 30 th September, 2016. 8 batches presented the projects– 1 from S 1 & 7
from S 7 . Prizes were distributed on 4 th October, 2016. First prize was bagged by Jenita Ann Mathew, Lidiya Daley, Jily Varghese and Jisha Raju of S 7 ECE for the project titled “Power Meter Billing System using GSM” and second prize was bagged by Rijoe Chacko Mathew, Gautham J and Amal Raj of S 7 ECE for the project titled “RFID based Student Security System”.
● A talk on “Raspberry Pi” by our alumnus, Mr. Jibin K John was conducted for S 5 & S 7 EC students on 3 rd October, 2016.
● Department (EC) level Soldering Competition in association with IETE Students Forum (ISF) conducted on 10 th November, 2016 at 4.00pm. Screening Aptitude test for the same was conducted on 8 th November, 2016.First prize was bagged by Keerthy Samji & Team (S 7 EC) and second prize was bagged by Reuben George Mathai (S 1 EC).
● Three Day Workshop on “EDA Tools – Or CAD” for Technical Staff in Electrical, Electronics & Instrumentation branches conducted from 9 th to 11 th January, 2017 in association with IETE.
● In association with IETE students forum, conducted a “Workshop on Arduino” for S 6 students in the microprocessor lab on 22 nd March, 2017 from 9.00AM to 4.20PM. 51 students attended the
● National Technology Day 2017 celebration on 9 th & 10 th May, 2017 with KSCSTE sponsorship in association with IETE Students Forum – Inter Collegiate Quiz competition, Project competition
and Paper Presentation on 9 th May, 2017 and prize distribution on 10 th May, 2017 during the Technology Day celebration. Chief Guest for the celebration was Er. CM Varghese, Sr. Member
IEEE, Chairman, SEEM, Kerala, MD Igatech Electronics, Kochi. Rs 15,000/- sanctioned from KSCSTE on 02/05/2017. (Coordinator – Er. Beena A O, Convener – Er. Riboy Cheriyan)
a. Quiz Competition- 13 teams[4 external teams, 9 internal teams(3 from CSE Department and 6 from ECE Department)] – 1 st Prize – Joel Abraham & Jeeson K James(S 2 ECE), 2 nd Prize – Ruben George Mathai & Sandeep Narayanan(S 2 ECE)
b. Paper Presentation- 4 teams(3 from CSE Department and 1 from ECE Department) – 1 st Prize – Jaise P Jose, Jilu D Kumar(CSE), 2 nd Prize – Jebin Jose(CSE)
c. Project Competition- 7 teams(all from ECE Department) – 1 st Prize – Pavithra K P, Nejiya Khader, Gokul Sali & Sain Abraham(S 4 ECE)

AY 2015-16

● An Intra college quiz competition was conducted by ISF – SAINTGITS in association with the Department of ECE on 12 th and 13 th August, 2015. 460 students from various departments of
SAINTGITS College of Engineering and SAINTGITS College of Applied Sciences participated in the prelims and 8 students (four teams) were selected for the Final Round. The final round was
conducted on 13 th August, 2015. The team of Ms. Rubina Ibrahim of S7 CS and Mr. Jogimon Sebastian of S7 AEI won the First prize and the second position was bagged by Mr. Jerush John Joseph and Mr. Sreehari T G of 2 nd year B.Com. The Quiz master was Ms. Anju Narayanan, S7 ECE and the Scorer was Ms. Sharon S K, S7 ECE and Mr. Philip Kuriakose, S5 ECE. The Programme was monitored by Professor Riboy Cheriyan, ISF-staff coordinator.
● Tutorial Session on “Introduction to Arduino” : The IETE Students Forum (ISF) in association with Association of Electronics & Communication engineering (ASGEC) organized a tutorial session on “Introduction to Arduino” to S3 ECE students on 30 th September, 2015. 57 students of S3 ECE attended the session. The session was handled by Ms. Anju Narayanan, Mr. Sanjay Kumar V S and Mr. Tony C Antony of S7 ECE.
● IETE students forum organized an inter college level paper presentation competition on 13 th February, 2016. Six teams registered for the event. Dr. K. P. Zacharia and Prof. Shajimon K John are the judging panel for the event. Ms. Parvathy S Kumar and Ms Mable Susan Bobban of S7 ECE bagged the 1 st prize and Mr. Aravindh S Pai bagged the 2 nd prize. The third prize was bagged by Mr Jibin K John and Ms Chriss Rachel of S7ECE.
The Institution of Engineers (India) [IEI]
The Institution of Engineers (India)-IE (I) Electronics and Communication Engineering students’ chapter was established in the year of 2015 with chapter code 686532/SCE/EC at the Department of Electronics Engineering. The Department level activities are coordinated by the Division advisor and the student representatives. The primary activities of the IEI Student Branch are to carry out a spectrum of technical
activities and functions such as dissemination and updating of Engineering and technological knowledge among its members, the information on all matters affecting engineering, through technical activities such as seminars, quizzes, workshops, project exhibitions etc.
Er. Abraham K. Thomas
Staff Coordinator
AY 2022-23
- The Institution of Engineers India students’ chapter Electronics Division of SAINTGITS College of Engineering organized an Intra-departmental event “Techie Need” on 26-11-2022. The problem statement ‘Avoid traffic congestion and parking related issues in our college campus’ was given to the participants and they were to present the feasibility of the solutions to the problem. Mr Joel Reji George (S6 ECE) was the student coordinator. The team comprising of the students, Mr. Arun T. S., Ms. Bhavana Rajesh and Ms. Devapriya L. of S8 ECE bagged first prize. The second prize was secured by the team comprising of the students, Ms. Arunima B. Nair and Ms. Kristiena Benny of S6 ECE.
- The Institution of Engineers India students’ chapter Electronics Division of SAINTGITS College of Engineering organized a Quiz Competition as the part of World Environment Day celebration on 02-06-2023. The quiz was based on the environment protection activities. 20 students participated in the event. Mr. Midhun Mathew (S4 ECE) bagged first prize and second prize was secured by Ms. Liya Biju (S4 ECE).

AY 2021-22

● The Institution of Engineers India (IEI) Electronics & Robotics Divisions organized an Intradepartmental event “True Techie” competition as the part of Engineer’s Day celebration through Google Meet online platform on 25th September, 2021 for B.Tech students of Electronics and Communication Engineering and Robotics and Automation branches of SAINTGITS College of Engineering. Participants need to present an innovative method/idea to solve the problems based on any of the following two themes:- “How to make solar energy economical” or “Solution to current challenges in Electric Vehicle”. Er. Abraham K Thomas – IEI Coordinator, ECE and RB division.
The winners of the competition are:-
First Prize: Team Members were Mr. Amal P Rajesh, Ms. Nimmi Reji, Ms. Anchana Babu and Ms. Greeshma Thomas (S6 ECE 2018-22 batch)
Second Prize (Shared by two teams) : Team Members were as follows:-
- Mr. P. R. S Niranj Krithivaas, Mr. Madhav Devnarayan, Mr. Ryan Biju Joseph, Mr. Sairas Hashim (S4 RB 2019-23 batch)
- Ms. Aiswarya Rose Mathew, Mr. Arjun K. S, Ms. Milna M. S (S6 ECE 2018-22 batch)
Third Prize: Mr. Joel Georgie Jacob (S2 RB-B 2020-24 batch)
● Research Interest Group (RIG) – VLSI, Department of Electronics Engineering in association with The Institution of Engineers (India) – Electronics Division conducted the first webinar of the series on the topic “Emerging Technologies for Next Generation Integrated Circuits”on 15th January, 2022 through Google Meet online platform for Final Year and pre-final year B.Tech. Students, M.Tech Scholars, Research Scholars, Faculties. The Resource Person for the webinar is Dr. B. Bindu, Deputy Director, Center for Nano Electronics and VLSI Design, VIT, Chennai. Program Coordinators – Dr. Sreekala K S (RIG – VLSI Stream coordinator), Er. Abraham K Thomas (IEI Division Advisor – ECE).
● The Institution of Engineers (India) Electronics Division, Saintgits College of Engineering organized an Intradepartmental “Paper Presentation” competition for the students of Electronics and Communication Engineering programme through online mode on 19th January, 2022. Er. Abraham K Thomas (IEI Division Advisor – ECE)
The winners of the competition are:-
First Prize: Mr. Gokul M Saji, S7 ECE (2018-22 batch)
Second Prize: Ms. Aiswarya Rose Mathew, S7 ECE (2018-22 batch)
● As part of “World Telecommunication and Information Society Day” celebration in the Institution level, The Institution of Engineers (India) students chapter – Electronics and Communication Engineering Division conducted a Quiz Competition for the students on 17th May, 2022. 17 teams participated:-
First Prize :- Arunima B Nair, Kristiena Benny (S4 ECE, 2020-24 ECE
batch), Second Prize – Siya Susan Kuruvilla, Aiswarya Rose Mathew (S8 ECE, 2018-22 ECE batch). Er. Abraham K Thomas (IEI Division Advisor – ECE & RB)
● As part of “World Telecommunication and Information Society Day” celebration in the Institution level, The Institution of Engineers (India) students chapter – Electronics and Communication Engineering Division conducted a talk on “Evolution of Telecommunication 1G to 5G” through Google Meet online platform on 21st May, 2022 (10.00am to 11.00am). The resource person for the talk is Er. Anoop M, Senior R&D Specialist, Packet Core, Nokia Network, Global India. The targeted audience are all students of ECE and faculty members. Er. Abraham K Thomas (IEI Division Advisor – ECE & RB)
● Internet of Things Club in association with IE(I)-Electronics division organized an “Internet of Things – Phase 1 hands on training programme” for the B.Tech. first year students (2021-25 batch) of Saintgits College of Engineering on 25th June, 2022 (Saturday) at Internet of Things Lab located at Ramanujan Block, ground floor. Er. Nishanth P R – IoT Coordinator, Er. Abraham K Thomas (IEI Division Advisor – ECE & RB). Total number of participants was 10. Training was conducted by S2 M.Tech VE students (2021-23 VE batch)
AY 2020-21
● The Department of ECE, Saintgits College of Engineering in association with the Institution of Engineers (India) (IE (I)) Saintgits Students’ Chapter conducted the 5 th webinar on the topic “Examination Reforms Policy”on 25 th August, 2020 (from 3.15pm to 4.15pm) through Google Meet. The resource person for the webinar was Dr. Riboy Cheriyan, HOD ECE & RB, Saintgits College of Engineering. Targeted Audience – Interested students and faculty members. Total number of participants was 38. Er. Abraham K Thomas – IE (I) ECE and RB division adviser
● World Standards Day is celebrated on October 14 every year. The Institution of Engineers (India) Students’ Chapter of Saintgits College of Engineering celebrated World Standards Day, division-wise, with various programmes in that week. The Institution of Engineers India Electronics Division is planning to organize an Intradepartmental event “Technical JAM” for the students of S3 (2019-23), S5 (2018-22) and S7 (2017-21) on 21 st October, 2020 through Google Meet. Er. Abraham K Thomas – IE (I)
ECE and RB division adviser
● The IE (I) Electronics Division in association with the Department of Electronics Engineering conducted an Intradepartmental Project Competition and Paper Presentation Competition on 25 th and 27 th
January, 2021. Er. Abraham K Thomas – IE (I) ECE and RB division adviser
● The IE (I) Students’ Chapter of Saintgits College of Engineering conducted a quiz competition on 18 th June, 2021 (4.30pm)to create awareness in the students about the need for sustainable development and the 17 global goals to achieve it. The quiz competition was held in online mode. Quiz competition was conducted for students from all branches, except final year students. Er. Abraham K Thomas – IE (I) ECE and RB division adviser
● The Institution of Engineers India Electronics Division Saintgits Students Chapter conducted an online “Paper Presentation competition” on 22 nd June, 2021. Er. Abraham K Thomas – IE (I) ECE and RB division adviser. Winners of the competition were as follows:-
● First Prize (Selected for college level presentation):- Mariyam Susan Philip (S4 ECE);
● Second Prize:- Gokul M Saji, Kevin K Varghese, Arjun K S, Amal P Rajesh (S6 ECE);
● Consolations Prizes:- 1) Aiswarya Rose Mathew, Milna MS, Anju Sosa John, Anchana Babu (S6 ECE), 2) ArunTS (S4 ECE)
AY 2019-20
● The Institution of Engineers (India) is pleased to establish Students’ Chapter at the Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering, Saintgits College of Engineering, Pathamuttom valid from 4 th March, 2020 to 3 rd March, 2023.
AY 2018-19
● The Department of ECE in association with IE (I) conducted an aptitude test on 28 th September, 2018. The winner was Sruthy Susa Varkey (S7 ECE, 2015- 2019 Batch).
● A technical paper was submitted by Sruthy Susa Varkey of S7 ECE (2015-2019 Batch) for the IE (I) convention 2018 at Ranchi.
● Institution of Engineers (India) Saintgits students’ chapter and Electronics and Communication (EC) Engineering division jointly organized a general aptitude test for second year students of ECE department on 7 th February, 2019 from 1.00 PM to 1.30 PM. Aptitude test was conducted with 20 questions for 30 minutes.
Questions are covered with areas like ratio problems, time and speed, clock, odd & out and GK. 1 st prize was bagged by Elcen Ninan, second prize by Samanta Cottackal & Ryan C Roy and the third prize was bagged by Anjaly Treesa Varghese.
● Institution of Engineers (India) Saintgits students’ chapter and Electronics and Communication (EC) Engineering division jointly projected a technical film show on “PCB Design and Manufacturing Process” for final and third year students of ECE department on 8 th February, 2019 from 1.30 PM to 2.00 PM. Printed circuit boards (PCB) are typically made with copper. Depending on the
requirements, the copper is plated to a substrate and carved away to expose the design of the board. Since there are multiple layers, they must be lined up and bonded together for a secure fit. It’s totally consist of 18 steps like Design, Printing the Design, Creating the, Substrate, Printing the Inner Layers, Ultraviolet Light, Removing Unwanted Copper, Inspection, Laminating the Layers, Pressing the Layers, Drilling, Plating, Outer Layer Imaging, Plating, Etching, Solder Mask Application, Silk screening, Surface Finish and Testing. Technical video was projected in the SB 201 Theatre Class room.

AY 2017-18
● Conducted Aptitude test for the students of S 1 , S 3 & S 5 EC batches in association with IE (I), students’ chapter EC division on 10 th October, 2017.
● Er. V Vijayachandran Nair, newly elected member of the National Council of IE(I) visited Saintgits College and interacted with the teaching faculty members of Saintgits on various schemes of the IE(I) for funding research work, organizing conferences etc. on 21 st December, 2017. Er. Aravindhan A – IE(I) Coordinator
AY 2016-17
● Project report on the topic “InGaAs/GaAsSb Heterojunction TFET for the realization of Energy Efficient Complementary Logic” (Guide: Dr. Shajimon K John & Er. Ajith Ravindran) published in Compendium on R&D Projects under IE
(I) Grant-in-aid Scheme’ (Vol. 5) on September, 2016.
● The Electronics and Communication Engineering Division conducted a division level aptitude test on 7 th September, 2016. Aptitude test has covered both technical & general knowledge. Around 60 student members participated very
actively in the test.
● The Electronics and Communication Engineering Division conducted a paper presentation competition on 28 th September, 2016 in the SB 201 Theatre Class Room South Block. According to the abstract and the title, six papers were shortlisted for presentation. The judges were Er. Aravindhan A, Asst. Prof. and Er. Jyothish Chandran G, Asst. Prof., Department of ECE department, Saintgits College of Engineering. All participants were students from the Electronics and Communication Engineering department.
● September 15 is celebrated every year in the country as “Engineers’ Day ” to commemorate the birthday of the legendary engineer Bharat Ratna Sir M. Visvesvaraya. Saintgits College of Engineering students’ chapter celebrated the 49 th Engineers’ Day on September 30, 2016. The theme for this year was “Skill
Development for Young Engineers to Reform the Core Sector: Vision 2025″. In this view, a paper presentation was conducted for all six division students. The judges were Dr. M C Philipose, Principal and Dr. Wilscy, Dean Computer Science, Saintgits College of Engineering.
● The Electronics and Communication Engineering Division conducted a Technical demonstration on 10 th & 11 th November, 2016 in the EDA Lab, Lab – 09 Block. About 53 students of S3 ECE participated in it. The demonstration was given in the area of “VLSI Hardware – Nexus 3 & 4”. The event was conducted by Er. Jyothish Chandran G, Er. Aravindhan A & Dr. Ragesh G K, Department of
Electronics and Communication, Saintgits College of Engineering.
● The IE (I) acknowledged with thanks the valuable services rendered by Er. Aravindhan A towards evaluating the article titled “Optimal Golomb Ruler Sequences Generation for optimal WDM Systems: A novel parallel Hybrid Multi- objective Bat Algorithm” submitted for publication in the Institution Journal which helps in maintaining the good standard of the Journal on 17 th December, 2016.
● The Institution of Engineers Saintgits students’ chapter, Electronics & Communication Engineering division had organized a group discussion competition at SB Theater Class Room on 17 th February, 2017, Friday. The group discussion was open to all batches of EC department and those ten people who registered first were eligible to participate. Eight students from the EC division participated in the event with enthusiasm and the topic for the discussion was “Electronic Industry Growth”.

AY 2015-16

● Quiz Competition: The Electronics and Communication Engineering Division conducted a quiz competition on 1 st April, 2016. Five teams of three members each, shot out the answers to the quizmaster. The quizmaster was EC division adviser and S6 IEI student representatives of SAINTGITS College of Engineering.
● Soldering Competition: The Electronics and Communication Engineering Division conducted a soldering competition on 6 th April, 2016. Thirty three teams of two members each participated in the prelims round of the soldering competition. Based on the performance of prelims, ten teams were shortlisted for a final round.
● Paper Presentation Competition: The Electronics and Communication Engineering Division conducted a paper presentation competition on 8 th April, 2016. According to the abstract and the title ten papers were shortlisted for first review for presentation. Based on the contents of the paper, five papers were
shortlisted for a final round. The judges were Dr. K P Zacharia and Dr. Binu K Mathew of ECE department, SAINTGITS college of Engineering.
Indian Society for Technical Education (ISTE)
The Indian Society for Technical Education (ISTE) is the leading National Professional non-profit making Society for the Technical Education System in our country with the motto of Career Development of Teachers and Personality Development of Students and overall development of our Technical Education
System. Being the only national organisation of educators in the field of Engineering and Technology, ISTE effectively contributes to various missions of the society and government. The strength of ISTE is the strong base it has in technical education institutions in the country. The ISTE activities at Saintgits commenced in the year 2003. At present, In Saintgits the ISTE has a very large and an effective membership base consisting of more than 1000+ Life Members, 5000+ Student members.
The major objective of the ISTE is to provide quality training programmes to teachers and administrators of technical institutions to update their knowledge and skills in their fields of expertise and to assist and contribute in the production and development of top quality professional engineers and technicians needed by the industry and other organisations. With this aim in Saintgits we are organize various webinars, seminars, induction and refresher programs in collaboration with AICTE and other funding agencies.
Dr. Ansal K. A.
Staff Coordinator
AY 2021-22
● Department of Electronics Engineering in association with ISTE Saintgits chapter organized a national webinar on the topic “Data Science Demystified” by Dr. Anoop V. S., Senior Scientist & Head (Training), Kerala Block chain Academy, IIITM- K Building, Technopark Campus, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala on 21 st August, 2020 (from 11.00am to 12.00pm) through Google Meet. Targeted Audience – Students, research scholars and faculty members from all over India. Total number of participants were 70 (21 External Participants).
● Department of Electronics Engineering in association with ISTE Saintgits chapter organized a national webinar on the topic “Transparent Thin Film Transistors for AMOLED” by Dr. Akkili Viswanath Gowd, DST SRF, IIT Dhanbad (ISM Dhanbad) on 12 th September, 2020 (3.00pm to 4.00pm) through Google Meet. Targeted Audience – students, research scholars and faculty members from all over the world.
Total number of participants was 149 (114 external, 45 from Saintgits).
● The department of Electronics Engineering in association with ISTE Saintgits chapter organized an International Online Faculty Development Programme on the topic “Microsytems Design and Control Engineering” from 17 th to 20 th September, 2020 through Google Meet. Targeted Audience – Research scholars and faculty members from National and International Institutions. Total number of participants
was 150(100 External Participants and 50 Inhouse Participants). Dr. Ansal K A – ISTE Advisor/Coordinator, Er. Maheswary Sreenath – Co-coordinator. The resource persons for the sessions were as follows:-
a. Dr. Anuj Abraham, Scientist at A*STAR – Agency for Science, Technology and
Research, Singapore (17.09.2020, 11.00am to 12.30pm),
b. Ms. Kalpana Senthamarai Kannan, SRF, Nano Electronics and Nanotechnology, University of Grenoble Alpes, TIMA Lab France (18.09.2020, 2.00pm to 3.30pm),
c. Dr. Ramesh K Gupta, Postdoctoral Researcher, Institute for Research in Electronics and Applied Physics (IREAP), University of Maryland, USA (19.09.2020, 7.00pm to 8.30pm),
d. Dr. Laxma Reddy Billa, Senior Process Engineer, Dynex Semiconductor Ltd, United Kingdom (20.09.2020, 3.30pm to 5.00pm)
● The Department of Electronics Engineering in association with ISTE Saintgits chapter organized a national webinar on the topic “Metamaterial Based Antenna Design & Beam Forming Network” by Er. Arshad Karimbu Vallappil, Lecturer/Research Fellow in Department of Electrical Engineering, Islamic University of Madinah, Madinah, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia on 7 th October, 2020 (10.00am to 11.30am)
through Google Meet. Targeted Audience – students, research scholars and faculty members from all over the world. Total number of participants was 120 (96 external, 24 from Saintgits).
● The Department of Electronics Engineering in association with ISTE Saintgits chapter organized a national webinar on the topic “Substrate Integrated Waveguide Antennas” by Dr. Dibin Mary George, SRF CERMA LAB, CUSAT, Cochin on 31 st October, 2020 (3.00pm to 4.00pm) through Google Meet. Targeted Audience – All students, research scholars and faculty members from all over the world. Total number of participants was 119.
● Department of Electronics Engineering in association with ISTE, Saintgits College of Engineering conducted an alumni expert talk by Er. Gokul Sali (2015-19 ECE pass out batch), Test Engineer, Tessolve Semiconductors, Bangalore on the topic “Introduction to Automatic Test Equipment – A Design Flow” for the undergraduate students of Electronics and Communication Engineering branch through Google Meet online platform on 30 th May, 2021 (11.00am to 12.00pm). Total number of participants was 50. Er. Maheswary Sreenath – Webinar Coordinator
The Institution of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineers (IETE) is India’s leading recognized professional society devoted to the advancement of Science and Technology of Electronics, Telecommunication, Robotics & IT. The IETE is the National Apex Professional body of Electronics and Telecommunication, Computer Science, Robotics and IT Professionals. The Institution provides leadership in Scientific and Technical areas of direct importance to the national development and economy.
Government of India has recognized IETE as a Scientific and Industrial Research Organization (SIRO) and also notified as an educational Institution of national eminence. The objectives of IETE focus on advancing electro-technology. The IETE conducts and sponsors technical meetings, conferences, symposia, and exhibitions all over India, publishes technical journals and provides continuing education as well as
career advancement opportunities to its members.
AY 2020-21
● Department of Electronics Engineering in association with ISTE Saintgits chapter organized a national webinar on the topic “Data Science Demystified” by Dr. Anoop V. S., Senior Scientist & Head (Training), Kerala Block chain Academy, IIITM- K Building, Technopark Campus, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala on 21 st August, 2020 (from 11.00am to 12.00pm) through Google Meet. Targeted Audience – Students, research scholars and faculty members from all over India. Total number of participants were 70 (21 External Participants).
● Department of Electronics Engineering in association with ISTE Saintgits chapter organized a national webinar on the topic “Transparent Thin Film Transistors for AMOLED” by Dr. Akkili Viswanath Gowd, DST SRF, IIT Dhanbad (ISM Dhanbad) on 12 th September, 2020 (3.00pm to 4.00pm) through Google Meet. Targeted Audience – students, research scholars and faculty members from all over the world.
Total number of participants was 149 (114 external, 45 from Saintgits).
● The department of Electronics Engineering in association with ISTE Saintgits chapter organized an International Online Faculty Development Programme on the topic “Microsytems Design and Control Engineering” from 17 th to 20 th September, 2020 through Google Meet. Targeted Audience – Research scholars and faculty members from National and International Institutions. Total number of participants
was 150(100 External Participants and 50 Inhouse Participants). Dr. Ansal K A – ISTE Advisor/Coordinator, Er. Maheswary Sreenath – Co-coordinator. The resource persons for the sessions were as follows:-
a. Dr. Anuj Abraham, Scientist at A*STAR – Agency for Science, Technology and
Research, Singapore (17.09.2020, 11.00am to 12.30pm),
b. Ms. Kalpana Senthamarai Kannan, SRF, Nano Electronics and Nanotechnology, University of Grenoble Alpes, TIMA Lab France (18.09.2020, 2.00pm to 3.30pm),
c. Dr. Ramesh K Gupta, Postdoctoral Researcher, Institute for Research in Electronics and Applied Physics (IREAP), University of Maryland, USA (19.09.2020, 7.00pm to 8.30pm),
d. Dr. Laxma Reddy Billa, Senior Process Engineer, Dynex Semiconductor Ltd, United Kingdom (20.09.2020, 3.30pm to 5.00pm)
● The Department of Electronics Engineering in association with ISTE Saintgits chapter organized a national webinar on the topic “Metamaterial Based Antenna Design & Beam Forming Network” by Er. Arshad Karimbu Vallappil, Lecturer/Research Fellow in Department of Electrical Engineering, Islamic University of Madinah, Madinah, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia on 7 th October, 2020 (10.00am to 11.30am)
through Google Meet. Targeted Audience – students, research scholars and faculty members from all over the world. Total number of participants was 120 (96 external, 24 from Saintgits).
● The Department of Electronics Engineering in association with ISTE Saintgits chapter organized a national webinar on the topic “Substrate Integrated Waveguide Antennas” by Dr. Dibin Mary George, SRF CERMA LAB, CUSAT, Cochin on 31 st October, 2020 (3.00pm to 4.00pm) through Google Meet. Targeted Audience – All students, research scholars and faculty members from all over the world. Total number of participants was 119.
● Department of Electronics Engineering in association with ISTE, Saintgits College of Engineering conducted an alumni expert talk by Er. Gokul Sali (2015-19 ECE pass out batch), Test Engineer, Tessolve Semiconductors, Bangalore on the topic “Introduction to Automatic Test Equipment – A Design Flow” for the undergraduate students of Electronics and Communication Engineering branch through Google Meet online platform on 30 th May, 2021 (11.00am to 12.00pm). Total number of participants was 50. Er. Maheswary Sreenath – Webinar Coordinator
AY 2019-20
● The Department of ECE in association with ISTE conducted an internal talk on “MOTIVATION DURING EXAMINATIONS” by Dr. Saravanan K on 20 th November, 2019 for S1 ECE & RA & S3 ECE students. ISTE department Coordinator – Dr. Ansal K A
● Department of ECE in association with ISTE students chapter organized a webinar on the topic ‘Free space optical communication’ by Dr. Anjitha Viswanath, Scientist/Engineer-SD, OELGD/ISG/AIS/IISU, Vattiyoorkavu, Thiruvananthapuram on 8 th May, 2020 (9.30am to 10.45am) through Google Meet online platform; Targeted audience: Final year B.Tech ECE and M.Tech students; Students of all years including RA batch attended the webinar. External talk in charge – Er. Maheswary Sreenath
● The Department of ECE organized an expert talk series in order to bridge the gap between the curriculum and industry. In light of the COVID-19 outbreak, it has been decided to conduct the event online. The fourth webinar in the series was organized in association with ISTE students’ chapter on the topic “Opportunities in Space Science and Astronomy”on 15 th May, 2020 (11.00am to 12.00pm)through
Google Meet online platform. The guest speaker for the event was Mr. Alikhan Basheer, Project Engineer-1(Optics), India TMT Coordination Center (ITCC), Indian Institute of Astrophysics. Targeted audience: B.Tech and M.Tech Students.
● Department of ECE in association with ISTE conducted a webinar on”MICRO/NANO SYSTEMS TECHNOLOGY AND PROCESSES – AN INDUSTRY PERSPECTIVE “on 25 th May, 2020 (11.00am to 12.00pm) through Google Meet online platform. The guest speaker for the event was Dr. Laxma Reddy Billa, Senior module process engineer at Dynex Semiconductor Ltd., UK.Targeted audience: Faculty members and M.Tech Students.
AY 2018 – 19
● Department of ECE and ISTE Chapter jointly organized a workshop on 4 th August, 2018 on the topic “The Art of Scientific Writing – Document Preparation using Scientific Tools” for M.Tech students of our college and other colleges in Kerala. The resource person for the workshop was Dr. Siju K Swamy, Associate Professor, Department of Mathematics, SAINTGITS College of Engineering, Pathamuttom. 35 M. Tech students from our college and 6 faculty members (2 from ECE Department and 4 from other departments) attended the workshop. Workshop Coordinator – Er. Aravindhan A
● ECE Department in association with ASGEC and ISTE organized an expert talk on “Opportunities and Challenges in Space Research” for the first year and second year students of ECE Department on 3 rd May, 2019 from 3pm to 4.30pm in AB Seminar Hall. Er. Arun Raj, Scientist, VSSC, Trivandrum was the invited speaker. Coordinator – Er. Anu Raj
AY 2017-18
● Dr. Riboy Cheriyan, Dr. Ansal K A, Er. Abraham K Thomas, Er. Jyothish Chandran G & Er. Ajith Ravindran participated in the ISTE 28th Annual State Convention at Government Engineering College, Thrissur conducted on 9th December, 2017.
● Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering conducted a one week AICTE-ISTE Induction/Refresher Programme under AICTE-ISTE MoU titled “Refresher Course on Antennas and RF Devices” from 11 th June, 2018 to 16 th June, 2018. Total sanctioned budget is Rs 3,00,000/-. Coordinator – Dr. Ansal K A, Co-coordinator – Er. Aravindhan A. Received Rs 1,50,000/- as advance.
AY 2016-17
● The first Volume of Digital letters in ELECTRONICS by ISTE Students Chapter (Vol. 1, Issue 1, 2016), Department of Electronics and Communication engineering published in the month of October, 2016.
● Conducted a Circuit Design Competition on 22 nd March, 2017 from 4.00pm to 4.30pm for S8 ECE students. Rijoe Chacko Mathew got the 1 st prize.
● Conducted a Circuit Design Competition on 23 rd March, 2017 from 4.00pm to 4.30pm for S 6 ECE students. Vijith V Rao got the 1 st prize.
● Conducted a Circuit Design Competition on 27 th March, 2017 from 4.00pm to
4.30pm for S 4 ECE students. Both Anju Elsa Philip and Pavithra K P got 1st prize. All the 4 prizes were distributed during the Merit Day 2016-2017 conducted on 21 st April, 2017.