“With electronics as the mediator, the commercial and non-commercial fields will have a flawless interaction.” At present, it will come as an easy way to solve the interaction issues through applied science. In general, students will prefer this field for so many merits it holds.

Recently most of the researches are going on in the field of Wearable devices and IoT which includes advancement in the field of VLSI, Embedded Systems, Communication, Automation, Signal and image processing.

IoT-enabled wearables are smart devices that can be worn as external accessories, embedded in clothing and garments, implanted in the body, or even adhered to or tattooed on the skin. These devices are able to connect to the Internet in order to send and collect data, and receive the information that can be used for smart decision making. These wearables are becoming an increasingly important part of IoT technology and their development is moving from being simple accessories to more specialized and practical applications. Smart wearables can interact with an array of other devices, such as smartphones, for the purpose of computing and communication.
Major Areas of Research
- Microwave & Millimeter Wave Devices
- Wireless Communication 5G and 6G
- VLSI and Embedded systems
- Biomedical Engineering
- Network Security
- Signal Processing & Image Processing
- Machine and Deep learning
- Internet of Things (IoT)
- Microelectromechanical systems (MEMS)
- Robotics
- Automation
Research Interest Areas by Faculty Members
SL NO. | Name of the Faculty | Research Interest Areas |
1 | Dr. Sudha T | Next Generation wireless Networks Microwave & mmwave antennas Internet of Things Signal processing/Machine learning/deep learning applications in wireless communication 5G and beyond. |
2 | Dr. Shajimon K John | FPGA-based System Design Hardware Accelerators Signal and Image Processing, Remote Sensing |
3 | Dr. Riboy Cheriyan | VLSI System Design Internet of Things (IoT) Microwave and Millimeter Wave Devices for 5G and 6G Next Generation Wireless Networks Signal and Image Processing |
4 | Dr. Pradeep C | VLSI AI-IoT Intelligent Transportation for Smart Cities in India FPGA-based System Design |
5 | Dr. Rahul Antony | Microfluidics and MEMS Devices Robotic System Design Image Processing and Data Analysis |
6 | Dr. Ansal K A | Microwave and Millimeter wave Devices Artificial Intelligence Microwave Imaging |
7 | Dr. Sreekala K S | Low Power VLSI Microelectronics Internet of Things Analog and Digital VLSI Design |
8 | Dr. Beena A O | Wireless communication Artificial Intelligence Machine Learning and Deep Learning Signal and Image Processing |
9 | Dr. Starlet Ben Alex | Speech Signal Processing Artificial Intelligence Machine Learning Deep Neural Networks |
10 | Dr. Binson V A | Biomedical Instrumentation Sensors Electronic nose applications Machine learning |
Research Scholars
Sl. No. | Name of the Scholar | Date of Enrollment | Name of Research Supervisor | Area of Research |
1 | Mr. Prince Abraham | 08.03.2022 | Dr. Pradeep C | Intelligent Transportation Systems |
2 | Mr. Jagadish Chandran G | 30.11.2021 | Dr. Ansal K A | MIMO Systems |
3 | Ms. Girija V R | 18.11.2021 | Dr. Sudha T | Natural Language Processors |
4 | Ms. Girija M G | 18.11.2021 | Dr. Sudha T | MIMO Systems |
5 | Mr. Ajeesh S | 18.11.2021 | Dr. Riboy Cheriyan | Energy efficient wireless sensor networks |
6 | Ms. Merlin Thomas | 18.11.2021 | Dr. Riboy Cheriyan | FPGA based Digital System Design |
7 | Mr. Arun J S | 17.11.2021 | Dr. Pradeep C | Machine Learning models in FPGA for Smart Mobility Application |
8 | Mr. Bibin Binu Simon | 17.11.2021 | Dr. Riboy Cheriyan | Medical data analysis with Artificial Intelligence |
9 | Ms. Sherin Joseph | 18.12.2020 | Dr. Shajimon K John | High Frequency Transformer (HFT) for Medium Voltage Solid State Transformer (SST) Application |
10 | Mr. Vinu Koshy Abraham | 18.12.2020 | Dr. Rahul Antony | Micro Electro Mechanical Systems |
11 | Ms. Anisha Muhammed | 01.08.2020 | Dr. Shajimon K John | Intelligent Transportation Systems |
12 | Ms. Hanna Mathew | 01.08.2020 | Dr. Shajimon K John | VLSI Signal Processing |
13 | Mr. Anish M George | 01.08.2020 | Dr. Shajimon K John | Hardware Accelerators using FPGAs |
14 | Ms. Vidya K R | 17.12.2018 | Dr. Shajimon K John | Digital Image Forensics Using Deep Learning Technics |
15 | Mr. Ashwin P V | 01.07.2018 | Dr. Ansal K A | Machine learning |
16 | Mr. Harinarayanan Nampoothiri M G | 11.12.2017 | Dr. Rahul Antony | Advanced Control Strategies for Multi-Terrain Navigation in Autonomous Robots |
17 | Ms. Veena A Kumar | 11.12.2017 | Dr. Rahul Antony | Image Retrieval Using Machine Learning Techniques |
18 | Mr. Vinayakumar B | 01.12.2016 | Dr. Rahul Antony | Modern Control Strategies for a Gravitational Water Vortex Power Plant |
19 | Ms. Remya Ravi K | 01.12.2016 | Dr. Rahul Antony | Image Processing using Machine Learning |
Research Publications (Academic Year: 2021-22)
Sl No. | Name of Faculty | Article Title | Journal/Book Chapter/ Conference | Volume /Page No. | Indexed in | Academic Year |
1 | Dr. Shajimon K John | A comparative study of state-of-the-art image splicing localization methods using fully convolutional neural network | IEEE International Conference on “Signal Processing, Informatics, Communication and Energy Systems 2022 (IEEE SPICES 2022)” | 326-332 | Scopus | 2021-22 |
2 | Dr. Riboy Cheriyan | Nemo: Energy Efficient Location Tracker for Dementia Patients Using LoRaWAN and Adaptive GPS Duty Cycling Strategies | In book: Internet of Things and Its Applications, Part of the EAI/Springer Innovations in Communication and Computing book series (EAISICC) | (1), 511-521 | Scopus | 2021-22 |
3. | Dr. Riboy Cheriyan | Investigation and survey of a wearable multiband antenna for ISM band applications | 2021 International Conference on Disruptive Technologies for Multi-Disciplinary Research and Applications (CENTCON | 285-288 | Scopus | 2021-22 |
4 | Dr. Pradeep C | Design of an IoT System for Machine Learning Calibrated TDS Measurement in Smart Campus | 2021 IEEE 7th World Forum on Internet of Things (WF-IoT) | 877-882 | Scopus | 2021-22 |
5 | Dr. Ansal K A | A Microstrip Fed antenna Loaded with comb shaped stub on the ground plane for dual band Applications | Science, Technology and Development Journal | 10, (8), 172-179 | Web of Science | 2021-22 |
6 | Dr. Ansal K A | A Dual Band Metamaterial Loaded CPW-Fed Antenna for GSM, WLAN, LTE and RFID Applications | Sivasubramanian, A., Shastry, P.N., Hong, P.C. (eds) Futuristic Communication and Network Technologies. VICFCNT 2020. Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering | 792, 461-468 | Scopus | 2021-22 |
7 | Dr. Ansal K A | Dual Band Meandered Fed Circular Microstrip Patch Antenna | 2021 2nd International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communication, Embedded and Secure Systems (ACCESS) | 1-4 | Scopus | 2021-22 |
8 | Dr. Ansal K A | A Two Element CPW Fed MIMO Array for UWB Applications | 2021 2nd International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communication, Embedded and Secure Systems (ACCESS) | 1-6 | Scopus | 2021-22 |
9 | Dr. Ansal K A | A CPW Fed Meandered Metamaterial Loaded Antenna for Wireless Applications | 2021 2nd International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communication, Embedded and Secure Systems (ACCESS) | 1-5 | Scopus | 2021-22 |
10 | Dr. Ansal K A | Meander Slotted ACS fed Antenna with Stepped Ground Plane for UWB Applications | 2021 2nd International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communication, Embedded and Secure Systems (ACCESS) | 13-17 | Scopus | 2021-22 |
11 | Dr. Ansal K A | A novel ACS fed antenna with comb shaped radiating strip for triple band applications | Materials Today Proceedings Science Direct Elsevier 2021 | 51, 332-338 | Scopus | 2021-22 |
12 | Dr. Ansal K A | A Novel Microstrip Based Band Reject Filter for Biomedical Sensing Application | ECS Transactions (The Electrochemical Society) | 107, (1), 9979 | Scopus | 2021-22 |
13 | Dr. Ansal K A | Border Surveillance System Using Machine Learning | Journal of Xi’an University of Architecture & Technology (JXAT) | 14, (5), 290-296 | Scopus | 2021-22 |
14 | Dr. Rahul Antony | MPC Based Path Planning for Wheeled Mobile Robots in Environments with Varying Slip | IR2021: Advances in Robotics – 5th International Conference of The Robotics Society, Kanpur India dated 30th June, 2021 to 4th July, 2021 (ACM Digital Library) | 3, 1-6 | Scopus | 2021-22 |
15 | Dr. Rahul Antony | A comparative study of state-of-the-art image splicing localization methods using fully convolutional neural network | 2022 IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing, Informatics, Communication and Energy Systems (SPICES) | 326-332 | Scopus | 2021-22 |
16 | Dr. Sreekala K S | Impact of Single Event Transient Effects on Adiabatic Logic Circuits | Materials Today Proceedings Science Direct Elsevier 2022, AIES 2021: Artificial Intelligence and Energy Systems | 58, (1), 339-344 | Scopus | 2021-22 |
17 | Er. Jyothish Chandran G | Real Time 3D Capturing System for Quality Analysis | 021 2nd International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communication, Embedded and Secure Systems (ACCESS) | 193-197 | Scopus | 2021-22 |
18 | Er. Jyothish Chandran G | Digital Health Infrastructure | Gunjan V.K., Zurada J.M. (eds) Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Recent Trends in Machine Learning, IoT, Smart Cities and Applications. Part of the Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems book series (LNNS), Springer, Singapore. | 237, 704-714 | Scopus | 2021-22 |
19. | Dr. Youhan Sunny | Prediction of pulmonary diseases with electronic nose using SVM and XGBoost | IEEE Sensors Journal | 21, (18), 20886-20895 | SCIE | 2021-22 |
20 | Er. Anu Raj | A Microstrip Fed antenna Loaeded with comb shaped stub on the ground plane for dual band Applications | Science, Technology and Development Journal | 10, (8), 172-179 | Web of Science | 2021-22 |
21 | Er. Anu Raj | A Dual Band Metamaterial Loaded CPW-Fed Antenna for GSM, WLAN, LTE and RFID Applications | Sivasubramanian, A., Shastry, P.N., Hong, P.C. (eds) Futuristic Communication and Network Technologies. VICFCNT 2020. Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering | 792, 461-468 | Scopus | 2021-22 |
22 | Er. Maheswary Sreenath | Meander Slotted ACS fed Antenna with Stepped Ground Plane for UWB Applications | 2021 2nd International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communication, Embedded and Secure Systems (ACCESS) | 13-17 | Scopus | 2021-22 |
23 | Er. Rizwana Akbar | Design and construction of a portable e-nose system for human exhaled breath VOC analysis | Materials Today Proceedings Science Direct Elsevier 2022, AIES 2021: Artificial Intelligence and Energy Systems 2021 | 58, (1), 422-427 | Scopus | 2021-22 |
24 | Er. Nisha Thankachan | Design and construction of a portable e-nose system for human exhaled breath VOC analysis | Materials Today Proceedings Science Direct Elsevier 2022, AIES 2021: Artificial Intelligence and Energy Systems 2021 | 58, (1), 422-427 | Scopus | 2021-22 |
25 | Er. Sita Radhakrishnan | Multilayer perceptron neural network model development for mechanical ventilator parameters prediction by real time system learning | Biomedical Signal Processing and Control (Elsevier) | 71, 103170-103177 | SCI | 2021-22 |
26 | Er. Sita Radhakrishnan | Multi Parameter Adaptive Neuro Fuzzy Inference System Model For Blood Oxygen Saturation Level Maintenance Of Ventilated Patients | International Journal of Aquatic Science | 12, (3), 1519-1528 | Web of Science | 2021-22 |
27 | Er. Ajith Ravindran | Optical Grating Techniques for MEMS-Based Spectrometer—A Review | IEEE Sensors Journal | 21, (5), 5645-5655 | SCI | 2021-22 |
28 | Dr. Binson V A | Prediction of pulmonary diseases with electronic nose using SVM and XGBoost | IEEE Sensors Journal (IEEE Xplore) | 21, (18), 20886-20895 | SCI | 2021-22 |
29 | Dr. Binson V A | Artificial Intelligence Based Breath Analysis System for the Diagnosis of lung cancer | Journal of Physics: Conference Series published by IOP Publishing (International Conference on Mechatronics and Artificial Intelligence (ICMAI) 2021, Gurgaon, India dated 27th February, 2021) | 1950, (1), 012065 | Scopus | 2021-22 |
30 | Dr. Binson V A | Discrimination of COPD and lung cancer from controls through breath analysis using a self-developed e-nose | Journal of Breath Research (IOP Science) | 15, (4), 046003 | SCI | 2021-22 |
31 | Dr. Binson V A | Noninvasive detection of COPD and Lung Cancer through breath analysis using MOS Sensor array based e-nose | Expert Review of Molecular Diagnostics (MEDLINE-indexed journal) | 21, (11), 1223-1233 | SCI | 2021-22 |
32 | Dr. Binson V A | Detection of COPD and Lung Cancer with electronic nose using ensemble learning methods | Clinica Chimica Acta (ScienceDirect Elsevier) | 523, 231-238 | SCI | 2021-22 |
33 | Dr. Binson V A | Exhaled Breath Volatile Organic Compound Analysis for the Detection of Lung Cancer-A Systematic Review | Journal of Biomimetics, Biomaterials and Biomedical Engineering | 56, 17-35 | ESCI | 2021-22 |
34 | Er. Harinarayanan Nampoothiri | MPC Based Path Planning for Wheeled Mobile Robots in Environments with Varying Slip | AIR2021: Advances in Robotics – 5th International Conference of The Robotics Society, Kanpur India dated 30th June, 2021 to 4th July, 2021 (ACM Digital Library) | 3, 1-6 | Scopus | 2021-22 |