Student Achievements
- 115 internships by the students during the AY 2021-22
- 32 students of 2018-22 batch successfully completed ‘Highfield Level 3 award in HACCP for Food Manufacturing certification from UK
- 50+ students completed various online courses offered by NPTEL, Coursera and edX platforms
- Merin Mathew, Nasarin T.S, Raima Jenny and Riya Ann Elias (2018-22 batch) under the guidance of Dr. Anju KA for getting selected for Kerala Agriculture University-RAISE 2022 startup program funded by Central Government with a grant in aid upto 5 lakhs.
- Miss Sherin Tom of Batch 2018-22, bagged first prize with a cash award of INR 4.5 lakhs in MARS Sustainability Packathon 2021, organized by MARS WRIGLEY Confectionary, USA for her idea on ‘Egg shell Nanoclay Biodegradable film’
- Merin Mathew, Nasarin T.S, Raima Jenny and Riya Ann Elias (2018-22 batch) bagged first prize with cash prize of Rs 6000/- in ‘YUREKAA, Idea pitching event’ organized by The KHADI EXPO 2022 in collaboration with IEDC SB College Changanacherry. 9/3/2022.
- Miss Minsu Mary Varghese qualified NIFTEM Thanjavur All India Entrance Exam with First rank for M.Tech (Food Technology) in Food Safety and Quality Assurance
- Miss Richi Anna of 2017-2021 B.Tech graduated batch student got international paid internship at Italian based company – Colosseum at Doha, Qatar.
- Sneha Karayil Santhosh, Sreelekshmi B, Ann Maria Johny, Reeba Jacob, Amalu Sara Sabu and Liliya Shaju, (2018-22 batch) completed Food Safety Supervisor Level 2 Manufacturing from Food Regulation and Compliance Centre (FRCC), New Delhi.
- Gilna Geevar, Megharaj Jayraj, Rajendhu, R S Akhila Rajan, Neha Haris and Gowripriya Madhusoodhanan (2018-22 batch) completed QMS and QA for Food Industry from Food Regulation and Compliance Centre (FRCC), New Delhi
- Sayana Latheef (2018-22 batch) completed ‘Entrepreneurship Development Program’ by MSME Technology and Development Centre
- Varsha Arialal (2018-22 batch) completed Laboratory Testing for Quality Assurance and Kaizen for Food Industry by Food Regulation and Compliance Centre (FRCC), New Delhi
- Alina Mary Kuruvila, Ann Maria Johny, Aravind Biju, Emlyn Susan Alexander and Reeba Jacob of S4 participated in ‘Reboot Kerala Hackathon’ on theme ‘Food’ conducted by Government of Kerala in association with ASAP on 28, 29 February and 1 March 2020.
- Vivek Biju Varghese of S6 bagged 3 rd prize in pencil drawing DAKSHA 2020 at CEP, Poonjar.
- Vivek Biju Varghese and Tony Thomas of S6 won first prize in ‘Cryptics’ (quiz) at PRATITYA 2020.
- Sandra Mohan of S6 and Ann Jospeh of S2 were part of the KTU C Zone table tennis team who were first runners-up.
- Ansu Mary Varghese, Minsu Mary Varghese, Naeema Basheer, Mariya Mathew of S6 and Sneha Karayil Santhosh of S4 were a part of the winning team of KTU C Zone chess championship (women).
- Gowripriya Madhusoodhanan, Neha Haris, Rajendhu I , Megha Raj Jayarajan and RS Akhila Rajan of S4 won first Prize for Food Adulteration Competition organized by Sri Sakthi Institute of Engineering and Technology, Coimbatore on 7th February 2020.
- Diya Sarah Paul of S4 secured third place for Theme show conducted during ‘RASAM’, Cultural fest organized by Providence College of Engineering, Chengannur on 7 th and 8 th February 2020
- Avanthika V of S4 secured second prize for Face Painting Competition organized as part of RAGAM, cultural fest organized by NIT, Calicut on 12 th January 2020
- Ann Maria Johny, Avanthika V and Joyal Jose of S4 secured third position for basketball competition during Vidyut Sports and Cultural Fest organized by Amrita School of Engineering, Kollam during 24 th to 27 th January 2020.
- Ann Maria Johny , Avanthika V Sheethal P. Sethu and Joyal Jose of S4 and Haritha K V of S2 secured Second Position for C zone women basketball Tournament held at Amal Jyothi College of Engineering, Kottayam on 02.10.2019.
- Ann Maria Johny, Avanthika V, Emlyn Susan Alexander, Joyal Jose and Reeba Jacob of S4 secured First Position in Kabadi C zone championship organized by KTU at St.Joseph’s College of Engineering, Pala on13 th October 2019.
- Abitha Baby, Parvathi, Riya K Biju ad Urmi B of S2 secured runner up position for KTU C zone competition.
- Haniel Boby of S2 secured 1 st place for rock bank at KE college, Mannanam and second prize at Providence college of engineering, Alappuzha.
- 38 students from the Department have completed NPTEL courses in the last academic year.
- Nikitha Binu, Dona Merin, Irin Elsa Moncy and Rebecca Mary Rojoy (2020-2024 batch) Under for getting selected the guidance of Dr.Anju KA for Saintgits IEDC Ideathon Competition-Sparkup bagged Second Prize.
- Miss Mahima Mariam Manoj, Miss Nikitha Binu Qualified GATE 2023 Examination.
- Miss Dona Merin, Miss Hannah Mary Thomas and Mr Tarun Thomas Qualified CAT 2024 Examination.
- Ashitha K S, Khadeeja T S, Nisha G Poothicote and Saheersha KN(2020-2024 batch) Under the guidance of Dr.Elsa Cherian for getting selected for Ideate -Apeiron 2024, St Berchmans College Changanassery bagged First Prize.
- Amarthya Anna Biju, Kalyani Moolakadan, Karthik Mahadev and Rahul R Nath (2020-2024 batch) Under the guidance of Er.Ajna Alavudeen for getting selected for Idea Hackathon-GEC Palakkad bagged Third Prize.
- Nikitha Binu, Dona Merin, Irin Elsa Moncy and Rebecca Mary Rojoy (2020-2024 batch) Under the guidance of Dr.Anju KA for getting selected for Idea Pitching Competition Conducted By RIT IEDC bagged Third Prize.
- Ashitha K S, Khadeeja T S, Nisha G Poothicote and Saheersha KN(2020-2024 batch) under the guidance of Dr.Elsa Cherian got selected for SRISHTI – 10th National Level Technical Project Exhibition and achieved Internal project Runner up.
- Miss Dena Rose George & Miss Sherin K Thomas of S8 bagged Third Prize in Quiz Competition Organised by FSSAI and CSIR-NIIST.
- Nikitha Binu, Dona Merin, Irin Elsa Moncy and Rebecca Mary Rojoy (2020-2024 batch) Under for getting selected the guidance of Dr.Anju KA for Startup Idea competition National Level Technical Symposium, HICET, Coimbatore bagged First Prize .
- Nikitha Binu, Dona Merin, Irin Elsa Moncy and Rebecca Mary Rojoy (2020-2024 batch) Under for getting selected the guidance of Dr.Anju KA for AFSTI Poster Presentation and achieved Second Prize.
- Miss Athira Sabu Mathew, Miss Irin Elsa Moncy & Miss Samitha P Nair of S8 bagged First Prize in Poster Presentation ‘Conceptual design of a space food processor’ at Bannari Amman Institute of Technology, Tamil Nadu.
- Nikitha Binu, Dona Merin, Irin Elsa Moncy and Rebecca Mary Rojoy (2020-2024 batch) Under for getting selected the guidance of Dr.Anju KA for SRISHTI – 10th National Level Technical Project Exhibition and achieved Best Internal Project, Department of food Technology.
- 48 students of 2020-2024 Batch have present their ideas in internal stall of Department of food Technology. SRISHTI – 10th National Level Technical Project Exhibition.
- Miss Athira Sabu Mathew, Miss Janet Sam Mathai and Miss Rajeswari M S of S8 2020-2024 Batch participated for Poster Presentation ‘Inhibiting the growth of fermentative bacteria in Neera using Gene Modification’at Bann Mari Amman Institute of Technology, Tamil Nadu.
- 32 students of 2020-2024 batch participated in AFSTI Poster Presentation.
- Amarthya Anna Biju, Kalyani Moolakadan, Karthik Mahadev, and Rahul R Nath participated in Pitch Fest 3.0- Kufos Business incubation center.
- Alan Roy, Jainth B S, Hitesh Roy and Samitha P Nair participated in Pitch Fest 3.0- Kufos Business incubation center.
- 16 students of S8 2020-24 batch participated in Ideate-Apeiron 2024 at St. Berchmans college, Changanassery.
- Miss Athira Sabu Mathew and Miss Janet Sam Mathai of S8 2020-2024 Batch participated for Quiz Competition – Organized by FSSAI(Eat Right Millet Mela).
- Navina Sebastian, Kevin Babu, P R Jith and Simone Eliz Mammen participated in Idea presentation -National Conference.
- Miss Navina Sebastian participated in Quiz Competition – Organized by FSSAI(Eat Right Millet Mela).
- Aleena Viju ,Richa Anna Sunil, Safia Shamsudeen,Vismaya Vinod of S8 2020-2024 Batch participated for Fish Tank Competition.
- Ashitha K S, Khadeeja T S, Nisha G Poothicote and Saheersha KN(2020-2024 batch) Participated in Model Presentation Competition By HICET Coimbatore.
- Ashitha K S, Khadeeja T S, Nisha G Poothicote and Saheersha KN(2020-2024 batch) Participated in Business Entreprenurial Summit and award conducted By Girideepam B-School.
- Libin Joseph, Jebin S Sam, Dena Rose George, Anand John of S8 2020-2024 Batch participated for Idea Hackathon -GEC Palakkad.
- Ashitha K S, Khadeeja T S, Nisha G Poothicote and Saheersha KN(2020-2024 batch) Participated in International Conference on Food For the Future: Exploring Sustainable and innovative Food Practices -Idea presentation conducted by Bannari Amman Institute, Erode, Tamil Nadu.
- Sherin K Thomas, Dena Rose George of S8 2020-2024 Batch participated for- Poster Presentation MGU and NIPST.
- Sherin K Thomas,Safar S, Saaniya Vipin, Nandha G Nair of S8 2020-2024 Batch participated for Paper Presentation Esculent National Level Symposium, HICET.
- 16 Students participated in YIP 5.0 Idea Submission.
- 38 Students participated in YIP 6.0 Idea Submission.
- The students of food technology department 2021-25 batch have achieved remarkable success in various academic, extracurricular, and professional endeavors.
- Notably, Minu Cyriac, Fazna B, and Sruthi M secured the second position in the CHEMYSTERY’ event organized by the Department of Chemical Engineering at Amal Jyothi College of Engineering, Kanjirappaally, as part of Azure 2023.
- Nandana Krishnan and Anju Rachel Cherian clinched the second position in the ‘MILLET UTSAV’ event organized by the Department of Food Engineering at the same institution
- Jasmine Sebastian excelled by securing the first position in the ‘FOOD SAFETY QUIZ,’ while Dilsha Youseph attained the second position in the same event, both conducted by the Department of Food Technology.
- Numerous students participated in workshops and seminars, including those organized by NIT Calicut in connection with Ragam 2023 and KVASU, Mannuthy, Thrissur. These achievements underscore the talent, dedication, and versatility of our students, reflecting positively on the reputation of our institution.
- The students of the Food Technology batch 2021-25 have demonstrated their commitment to continuous learning and practical experience.
- Each student has successfully completed at least one Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) from esteemed organizations such as NPTEL, SWAYAM, and Coursera. Additionally,
- All students have completed a minimum of one internship at various food industries, allowing them to apply theoretical knowledge to real-world scenarios and gain valuable hands-on experience in their field of study.

Faculty Achievements
- 45 Faculty development programmes attended from the Department during the academic year 2021-22
- Dr Anju K A was invited as a resource person for Seminar on ‘Value addition in Agriculture’ Conducted by Department of Agriculture, Government of Kerala as part of Manthrisabha Varshikom at Alappuzha on 12th May 2022
- Dr Girilal M and Sony George got elected as Executive Members of Association of Food Scientists and Technologists India (AFSTI), Cochin Chapter
- Dr Anju KA was invited to deliver a talk on Food and Health Conference at HSS & VHSS Brahmamangalam Poshan Assembly on 21 and 22nd October 2021
- Dr Elsa Cherian reached the final round in the Kanara Entrepreneures Business Plan All India Contest bagging a cash prize of Rs 10,000.
- Dr. Girilal M was resource person for an online course conducted by Centre for Bioscience and Nanoscience Research, Coimbatore on Food Safety and Analytical Microbiology on 7th July 2021.
- Indian Patent published by Er Veerapandi L and Er Suresh Kumar J ‘A process for preparation a ready to drink flavoured porridge with natural and chemical preservatives and product thereof’. Date of filing: 08/08/2022, Published date: 19/08/2022, Application number: 202241045150.
- Indian Patent published by Dr Anju KA, Er Sony George, Riya Ann Elias, Raima Jenny, Nasarin T S and Merin Mathew: ‘Development of Instant Tea Capsule’. Date of filing:24/06/2022, Published date: 22/07/2022, Application number: 202241036241
- Indian patent by Dr Jobil J Arackal: ‘Assessing the role of lean manufacturing techniques and its impact on management and consumer behaviour’. Date of filing: 06/12/2021, Application number: 202111056641.
- Canadian patent by Dr Jobil J Arackal: ‘A method of deep learning-based coffee Leaf disease recognition model based on computer vision’. Date of filing: 05/01/2022
- Dr. Girlal M published a research article on Metal nanoparticles induced stress physiology analysis on freshwater fish and plant system. Journal of Nutrition and Obesity. 2019; 2(1): 63. Doi: 10.18875/2639-1252.C2.2019.
- Dr. Girilal M is Invited as speaker at National Conference in ‘Exploring Bionanoscience in Pharma, Agri, Food Science and Industrial Microbiology’ at Centre for Bio science and Nano science Research, Coimbatore during 30 and 31 st August 2019.
- Dr. Girilal M is Invited as speaker for SCON ‘Food Science Conference 2019:International Conference on Food Science, Nutrition and Public Health’ held during June 27th and 28th 2019 at Singapore.
- Dr. Elsa Cherian published a research article on Production of biodiesel from pork fat using alumina-doped calcium oxide nanocomposite as heterogeneous catalyst. Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects (2019). DOI: 10.1080/15567036.2019.1637971.
- Dr. Elsa Cherian published a book chapter on Immobilized Biocatalysts in Bioethanol Production: Scale-up Opportunities for Commercialization" was published in Horizons in Bioprocess Engineering, R.Pokagu(ed) by Springer Nature Switzerland. 2019. 241-262.
- Dr. Elsa Cherian published a book chapter on Biofuel Production from Agricultural Waste—An Economical Approach.2020. Alternative Fuels and Their Utilization Strategies in Internal Combustion Engines. 65-80. Springer, Singapore
- Dr. Lakshmi Mohan awarded PhD from National Institute of Technology Calicut, Kerala for the thesis titled, “Studies on the anticancer activities of selected traditional medicinal plants with a detailed cytotoxic mechanism of indirubin” on September 29, 2019.
- Er. Sony George College coordinated for the Reboot Kerala Hackathon conducted by Government of Kerala in association with ASAP,2019-2020 in the college level.
- Er. Sony George presented a paper on ‘Standardization of physical, chemical and organoleptic properties of an extruded crunch from Fenneropenaeus indicus (shrimp)’ at the International Conference on Sustainable Development, which will be held during 18- 20 December 2019 at Kalasalingam Global Conference organized by Kalasalingam Academy of Research and Foundation
- Dr. Lakhmi Mohan and Dr. Elsa Cherian participated “International Lecture on Cell Cycle and Cell Death” on the 10th and 11th of October,2019 organized by EMBO at MACFAST, Thiruvalla.