Fluid Mechanics & Hydraulic Machines Lab
This Lab is intended to make the students aware of all the aspects which comes under the fluid flow. The experiments include flow measurement, practical applications of the basic principles of fluid mechanics and the study of major tools used. The hydraulics lab comprises of the performance tests of pumps and load tests on turbine test rigs.

Heat Transfer Lab
The Heat Transfer Lab focuses on experimental and computational studies on thermo-fluid sciences and its applications. The use of instrumentation and apparatus that are unique and/or special to the field of heat transfer are taught in this lab. It demonstrates the fundamental aspects of heat transfer and employ’s experimental principles and thought processes to solve engineering problems.
Mechanical Engineering Lab
The objective of the mechanical engineering lab is to impart practical knowledge on the working of some basic instruments that are worked based on basic principles of engineering. This lab gives a thorough idea about some principles that they have already studied in previous years. Students become aware of the practical applications of Mechanical Engineering branch in our day to day life. The lab has the facilities that help students understand theories and obtain the required hands on experience in all aspects of mechanical engineering.

Machine Tool Lab
The objective of Machine Tool Lab is to train students with different operations that can be carried out on lathe and milling machine. Students are well trained to prepare the models on lathe and milling machine. They also gain knowledge about different measuring devices like sine bar, Vernier calliper etc.
Advanced Machine Tool Lab
This lab emphasizes the use of different types of machines used in the production field and makes the students apt for the industry. To study the principle of operation, work holding and different operations of reciprocating machines like slotter and shaper. This lab acknowledges the scope of Computers in production technology and different expert systems used in manufacturing.

Heat Engines Lab
This lab helps the student understand the design concepts and principles of various engine components. It also imparts basic knowledge to students with respect to the transmission system of automobiles and will enable the student to understand the latest developments in the field. This lab promotes the ability to select the appropriate strategy and equipment needed to perform a repair task. The heat engines lab comprises of the performance tests on various engines.
Metrology & Mechanical Measurements Lab
This lab enables students to be familiar with the concepts of measurement. Students are trained to handle different measurement instruments like profilometer, strain gauges etc. The lab helps students to understand the importance of dimensions in the industry and a allows students to have a close study of accuracy during manufacturing and machining various mechanical components.

Computer-Aided Design (CAD) is the use of computers to assist in the creation, modification, analysis and optimization of an Engineering design. Computer-Aided Manufacturing (CAM) is the use of computer systems to plan, manage, and control the operations of a manufacturing plant through direct or indirect computer interface with plant’s resources. This lab, which is equipped with sufficient number of computer systems, helps the students to familiarize themselves with the use of software in design and analysis.
Research Lab
The faculty members carry out path breaking inventions by utilizing the facilities in the college and also provide technical support to various firms in designing equipment which in turn hone their Academic & Practical Knowledge. Above all, such activities inspire the student community to great extent. The Research Lab of the Mechanical Department is fully air conditioned and well equipped. It is also has a neatly furnished discussion area.