Recent Research- Rebar Corrosion studies

Corrosion Assessment Giatec iCOR Equipment
Research studies have been carried out for detection of corrosion in the reinforcement, measurement of corrosion rate in concrete structures, measurement of in-situ electrical resistivity of concrete minimizing the effect of rebar, measurement of corrosion potential of rebar (ASTM C876), assessment of concrete durability on site and rehabilitation and repair of concrete structures.
Major Areas of research
- Structural Engineering
- Transportation Engineering
- Geotechnical Engineering
- Cement and Concrete Technology
Research topics by Faculty member
Dr. Anitha Joseph, Dr. Nivin Philip, Er. Sneha M. Varghese, Er. Aswathy Ann Mathew
Forensic Structural Engineering, Structural Dynamics and Health Monitoring
Dr. Reebu Zachariah Koshy, Dr. Soosan George T., Dr. Susan Rose, Er. Jithin K Andrews
Design, Construction, Evaluation, Maintenance Management of Pavements and Pavement materials
Dr. Hari G., Er. Hanna Paul, Er. Sindhu A. R., Er. Elsa Jacob Joseph
Landslide: Mitigation &Monitoring, Soil-Structure Interaction, Slope Stability and Soil Stabilization
Dr. Soosan George T, Dr. Reebu Zachariah Koshy
Activity Based Modelling, Network Level and Project Level Planning and Execution, Traffic flow Simulation
Dr Anitha Joseph, Dr. Nivin Philip
Acoustic Performance of Processed Glass Panels for Structural Applications
Er. Surya J Varma, Er. Milu Mary Jacob
Behaviour of Steel Concrete Composite Structures, Earthquake Resistant Structures
Er. Nekha Jose
Urban Flood Modelling
Er. Pinky Merin Philip, Er. Manoj C. M.
Smart and Novel Materials for Sustainable Structural Constructions
Dr M D Mathew
Dean PG & Research
Saintgits College of Engineering
+91 481 2436169 [Ext-505]