Recent Research- Covid tracker

The COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted millions of lives across the globe. While some have been lucky to win the battle against the virus, several others have faced devastating consequences. In our country, “Break the Chain” campaign controlled its spread to a great extent. Tracking a Covid-19 positive person and finding his/her route map was a major challenge for the health authorities. As a solution for this, we developed a device called Covid Tracker to make tracking easier and efficient. It was developed as contactless and effortless temperature and information retrieval system. Covid-19 Tracker verifies the temperature of each person, tracks and records their visit within the system. Here, a single sign up is required to record a person’s visit to any shop. Temperature verification is evaluated within Covid Tracker and after validation, the registration is done by scanning of QR code, which records the entry and exit of the customer. This makes tracking easier and precise for the authorities. A patent on Covid Tracker was published in ‘Official Journal of the Indian Patent Office’ (Issue No. 51/2020).
Major Areas of research
- Security and Privacy
- Cryptography
- Computer Networks
- Social Networking
- Deep Learning
- Internet of Things
- Blockchain
- IoT
- Cloud Computing
Research topics by Faculty member
Dr. Jubilant J Kizhakkethottam
Blockchain, Cryptography and Network Security, Information Security and Privacy, Cloud Computing, Visual Computing, Optimize blockchain platform performance in large-scale with new protocols, new network architecture and hardware, Human-computer interfaces for wallets in specific applications other than crypto-currencies (e.g. Identity).
Reni K. Cherian
IRIS – A Novel Approach to Blind Friendly Kitchen
Gokulnath G
Security and Privacy in public open access networks, Efficient data accumulation and usage preserving privacy, evading data manipulation and efficient dissemination of data for public usage
Aneena Ann Alexander
Resource Management of Scientific Workflows in Cloud, Optimize blockchain platform performance in large-scale with new protocols, new network architecture and hardware
Tibin Thomas
Adapting small scale devices like IoT into blockchains, Memory optimization in blockchain, Scalable consensus mechanism for resource-limited devices, Selfish node detection in network, Cryptography
Hari M
Blockchain in Cyber forensics
Jacob P Cherian
Social epidemics
Dr M D Mathew
Dean PG & Research
Saintgits College of Engineering
+91 481 2436169 [Ext-505]