Recent Research- A Benchmark Experiment for the Measurement of Eddy Current on Metallic Surfaces during High Power Applications

The presence of eddy current is a major cause for heating and electromagnetic forces in mechanical structures used in high voltage and high current experiments, which may lead to collapse of mechanical structures. This research was aimed at the development of a benchmark experimental setup for measurement of eddy current developed on a metallic surface during a high current discharge. The experimental setup consists of a coil inserted through a torus shaped steel tube and a high current discharge is given through the coil by using a thyristor control circuit. The estimation of eddy current which is generated due to the high current discharge by measurements using a Rogowski coil wound across the torus structure is done and the proposed method is validated by simulation of the experimental setup in ANSYS software. The proposed non-destructive experimental method can be applied in varying atmospheric conditions and has potential applications in the field of electrical engineering.
Major Areas of research
- Renewable Energy Systems
- Electric Vehicle
- Power Systems
- High Voltage Engineering
- Power Electronics Systems
Research topics by Faculty member
Dr N Mahendran
Power Converters and Solar PV systems
Jisha James
Power Electronics
Fossy Mary Chacko
Power Quality
Distributed Generation and Power Electronics applications to power systems
Ancy Sara Varghese
Condition Monitoring of Power Equipment
Aparna Thampi
Multilevel Converters, Renewable Energy Systems
Abraham George
Embedded Systems, Machine Learning
Vinu Koshy Abraham
MEMS, Embedded Systems, Robotics
Polly Thomas
Electric Vehicles, Renewable Energy, Power Systems
Arun Sebastian
High Voltage Engineering, Smart Grid
Jineeth Joseph
High Voltage Engineering, FEM based Analysis of Power Equipment, Electromagnetic Wave propagation Studies in Power Equipment, Electromagnetic Interference and Compatibility, Power System Monitoring and Control
Elizabeth Rajan
Power Electronic Converters, Electric Vehicle
Amalu Philip
Power System Protection, Microgrid
Merin Antony
Renewable Energy Resources, Electric vehicle
Dr M D Mathew
Dean PG & Research
Saintgits College of Engineering
+91 481 2436169 [Ext-505]