Recent Research- Wearable devices and IoT

IoT-enabled wearables are smart devices that can be worn as external accessories, embedded in clothing and garments, implanted in the body, or even adhered to or tattooed on the skin. These devices are able to connect to the Internet in order to send and collect data, and receive the information that can be used for smart decision making. These wearables are becoming an increasingly important part of IoT technology and their development is moving from being simple accessories to more specialized and practical applications. Smart wearables can interact with an array of other devices, such as smartphones, for the purpose of computing and communication.
Major Areas of research
- Microwave & Millimeter Wave Devices
- Wireless Communication 5G and 6G
- VLSI and Embedded systems
- Biomedical Engineering
- Network Security
- Signal Processing
- Machine and Deep learning
- Internet of Things (IoT)
- Microelectromechanical systems (MEMS)
Research topics by Faculty member
Dr. Shajimon K john
FPGA-based System Design
Hardware Accelerators
Signal and Image Processing, Remote Sensing
Dr. Sudha T
Next Generation wireless Networks
Microwave & mmwave antennas
Internet of Things
Signal processing/Machine learning/deep learning applications in wireless communication 5G and beyond
Dr. Riboy Cherian
Very large Scale Integration
Dr. Binu K Mathew
Very large Scale Integration
Hardware Security
Reconfigurable Computing, IoT
Dr. Ansal K A
Microwave and Millimeter Wave Devices for 5G and 6G
Smart Wearables
Machine and Deep Learning Techniques in Image and Signal Processing
Dr. Saravanan K
Secure Computing
Dr. Youhan Sunny
Biomedical Engineering
Wearable Sensors & Diagnosis
Dr. Sreekala K S
Low power VLSI
Power and Leakage Reduction in VLSI Circuits
Dr. Beena A O
Wireless Communication
MIMO, 5G &6G
Er. Ajith Ravindran
Optical MEMS
VLSI Design
Dr M D Mathew
Dean PG & Research
Saintgits College of Engineering
+91 481 2436169 [Ext-505]