Designation: Associate Professor
Education: B.Tech, M Tech, Ph.D
Professional Experience
Teaching : 14 years and 10 months
Non Teaching: NIL
Research: 5 years
UG : Mechanical Engineering
PG : Machine Design
PhD: Tribology
Publication (latest come first)
International Journals
- Moolayil, J.T., A. Aravind, and S.K. Sasikumar. Effects on Viscosity and Oxidative Stability of Additive Enhanced RSO: A Study. In Kerala Technological Congress. June 2019
- Joseph, A.M., C. Paul, and A. Aravind. Effect of Si on machinability of Al-Si-Mg alloy and evaluation of tool life with the application of biodegradable esterified nano cutting fluid. in AIP Conference Proceedings. 2134, 050005, 2019. AIP Publishing.
- Aniyan, P.A., et al. Study on Havea brasiliensis (rubber seed) oil for development of a biodegradable lubricant. in AIP Conference Proceedings. 2134, 050007, 2019. AIP Publishing.
- Moolayil, J.T., A. Aravind, and S.K. Sasikumar. Study on physicochemical, rheological and oxidative properties of RSO with suitable additives. in AIP Conference Proceedings. 2134, 050003, 2019. AIP Publishing.
- Aravind, K. Prabhakaran Nair, and M. L. Joy, “Formulation of a novel biolubricant with enhanced properties using esterified rubber seed oil as a base stock,” Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part J: Journal of Engineering Tribology, p. 1350650118756243, 2018.
- Aravind, K. P. Nair, and M. L. Joy, “Physio-Chemical Characterization of Rubber Seed Oil (Hevea brasiliensis)- A Biodegradable Lubricant Substitute,” Technology Letters, vol. 3, pp. 20-24, 2016.
- Aravind, M. L. Joy, and K. P. Nair, “Lubricant properties of biodegradable rubber tree seed (Hevea brasiliensis Muell. Arg) oil,” Industrial Crops and Products, vol. 74, pp. 14-19, 2015.
International Conference
- Presented a paper in “International Conference on Advances in Tribology – ICAT14” titled “Physio-Chemical Property Estimation of Rubber Seed Oil (Hevea Brasiliensis) – A Biodegradable Lubricant Substitute.”
- Presented a paper titled “Study of Tribological, Rheological and Thermal Properties of a Biodegradable Lubricant Developed from Hevea Brasiliensis (Rubber Seed) Oil” in the 47th ISTE National Annual Convention held at Saintgits College of Engineering from 27th to 29th January 2018.
- Presented a paper titled “Enhancing Rheological and Thermal Properties of a Biodegradable Lubricant Developed from Hevea Brasiliensis (Rubber Seed) Oil using Additives.” in the 47th ISTE National Annual Convention held at Saintgits College of Engineering from 27th to 29th January 2018.
Workshop/Seminars Attended
- Attended “4th Summer School in Tribology” held on 25-29 June 2012 at Indian Oil Institute of Petroleum Management, Gurgaon
- Attended one-week FDP on “Applications of Finite Element Method to Engineering Problems from 9th – 15th December 2013 at NIT Calicut
- Participated in the “National Meet for Research Scholars in Mechanical Engineering – 2015” from 3-4 July 2015 under TEQIP-II at NIT Calicut
- Attended TEQIP – II FDP on “Recent Advances in Finite Element Methods to Solve Complex Engineering Problems” from July 19-25, 2016 at NIT Calicut
- Attended TEQIP – II FDP on “Industrial Tribology and its Recent Advances in Engineering” from October 21-23, 2016 at NIT Calicut
- Participated in the one day Workshop on “Patent rules Patent Drafting and IPR Development” jointly organised by Saintgits College of Engineering and Patent Information Centre – Kerala/KSCSTE held at Saintgits College of Engineering on 21st January 2017
- Attended the AICTE – QIP sponsored short term training program on “Recent Trends in Tribology and Surface Characterization” organised by CET – Centre for Interdisciplinary Research and Department of Mechanical Engineering at College of Engineering Trivandrum from 16th to 20th April 2018
- Attended TEQIP – II sponsored FDP on “Research: From Scratch to Success” organised by the Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, TKM College of Engineering from 7th to 11th of January 2019
- Webinar on “Microsoft Team”, organized by School of Computer Science and Engineering (SCOPE), Vellore Institute of Technology Chennai, 9th December 2020
- Participated in 6 day (One Week), All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE), New Delhi sponsored online Short Term Training Programme (STTP) Series on Recent Advances in Tribology and Surface Engineering: Series 1 of 4 – Introduction to Tribology and Surface Engineering, 17th to 22nd August 2020
- Participated in 6 day (One Week), All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE), New Delhi sponsored online Short Term Training Programme (STTP) Series on Recent Advances in Tribology and Surface Engineering: Series 2 of 4 – Tribology of Machine Components and Applied Tribology, 14th to 19th September 2020
- Participated in 6 day (One Week), All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE), New Delhi sponsored online Short Term Training Programme (STTP) Series on Recent Advances in Tribology and Surface Engineering: Series 3 of 4 – Introduction to Special Topics like – Nanotribology, Biotribology, Space Tribology, Biomimetics and Tribology in Industry, 12th to 17th October 2020
- Participated in 6 day (One Week), All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE), New Delhi sponsored online Short Term Training Programme (STTP) Series on Recent Advances in Tribology and Surface Engineering: Series 4 of 4 – Surface Characterisation and Treatments in Tribology, 23rd to 28th November 2020
- National Webinar on “Project Proposals Preparation and Funding Opportunities” conducted by the Department of Civil Engineering in association with ISTE Saintgits Chapter on July 30, 2020.
- Participated in Online Faculty Development Program on Technology for Education (T4Edu 4.0), organized by School of Computer Science and Engineering (SCOPE), Vellore Institute of Technology Chennai during 10th – 14th August 2020.
- Participated in the webinar Leading through the new normal on 27-06-2020 organized by PMI Kerala Academic Forum of Saintgits College of Engineering in collaboration with PMI Kerala Chapter
- Participation in the Webinar on “Overview of Intellectual Property Rights” Organized by Sreepathy Institute of Management And Technology in association with Innovation & Entrepreneurship Development Centre (IEDC-KSUM), IEEE Student Branch of SIMAT & Institution’s Innovation Council (IIC), 25/05/2020
- Participated in the webinar on “Writing a Winning Project Proposal” organized by the Internal Quality Assurance Cell, Mar Athanasius College Kothamangalam on 11.05.2020.
Research Interest
- Machine Design
- Tribology
- Bio lubricants
- Bio fuels
R & D Projects
- Enhancement of Tribological, Rheological and Thermal Properties of Rubber Seed Oil for Engine Oil Applications APJAKTU – CERD (Trivandrum, Kerala) 2017-05 to 2020-05|Grant GRANT NUMBER: KTU/RESEARCH 3/1430/2016
- Characterization and Formulation of an Environment Friendly Lubricant from Pongamia (Millettia Pinnata) oil using biodegradable additives
KTU/RESEARCH 2/4068/2019 dated 22/11/2019
Book Published
- Biodegradable Lubricant Potential of RSO, John Thomas Moolayil, Amith Aravind, ISBN: 978-620-0-11477-8
- First rank in M.Tech Machine Design 2008-2010 (MG University)
- Program convener of two day National Symposium held at the college.
- Had been the President of Interact Club (a part of Rotary Club).
- Secretary of the Mechanical Engineering Association of College (MOMENT).
- Executive committee member of the Placement cell of Sree Buddha College.
- An active member of Programme Committee for the International Conference on Advances in Tribology (ICAT14) organised by the Department of Mechanical Engineering, NIT Calicut
- Volunteered for the International Conference on Precision, Meso, Micro and Nano Engineering held at NIT Calicut during 13th – 15th December 2013
Contact Details
Ph: +91 9496 84 94 84
Email: amith.aravind@saintgits.org
Website: https://saintgits.org/saintgits-college-of-engineering/faculty/dr-amith-aravind/
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/dr-amith-3645411a7/
Orcid id: 0000-0003-2376-222X