Designation: Assistant Professor – Senior Grade
Education: M.Tech (PhD)
Professional Experience
Teaching : 10 years 1 month
Industry : 2 years 7 months
Other experience: Certified Automation Engineer (PLC, DCS, SCADA, Drives, Panel designing)-3 months, Certified Embedded varsity associate trainee-2 months, Yokogawa certification on DCS Fundamentals and Engineering-1 week, Honeywell certification on EPKS C200/C300 fieldbus configuration (at JRD Tata Automation centre)-1 week.
UG : Applied Electronics & Instrumentation (MG University)
PG : Control & Instrumentation (Karunya University)
Ph.D. : Chemical Engineering – Process Control (NIT Calicut)
International Journals
- Communicated a manuscript titled “ Multiobjective optimization of FCCU using Response Surface Methodology” to Chemical Product and Process Modelling.(2nd Review)
- Communicated a manuscript titled “ Modelling and simulation of a Fluid Catalytic Cracking Unit using Machine Learning ” to Chemical Engineering and Technology journal.(Under review)
- Published a paper titled “Comparison of the Steady state Performances of 2×2 Regulatory Control Structures for Fluid Catalytic Cracking Unit” in Arabian Journal of Science and Technology.(IF-1.5)
- Published a research paper titled “Predictive control of coagulant dosage in water treatment plant” in International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology, 3(7), 2014.
- Published a research paper titled “Speed control of a DC motor using fractional order proportional derivative (FOPD) control” in International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology, 3(1), 2014.
International Conference
- Presented a poster titled “Parametric sensitivity studies in an SSR FCC unit” in 34th Kerala Science Congress on 10th–12th February 2022.
- Presented a poster entitled “Steady state simulation of a Fluid Catalytic Cracking Unit using Aspen HYSYS” in 30th Kerala Science Congress on 28th–30th January 2018.
- Presented a paper entitled “A patient rehabilitation system using a Man-Machine Interface design” at 1st National Conference on Man Machine Interaction(NCMMI) held on 25th April 2014, organized by VIT Chennai.
- Presented a paper entitled “Fractional Order Proportional Derivative Speed Control” at the International Conference on Emerging Trends in Advanced Engineering Research held on 20-21st February 2012, organized by Baselios Mathews II College of Engineering
- Ultrasound based measurement device for latex extract from rubber trees to estimate instantaneous dry rubber content. Application Number: 202041052999, Application Date: 04.12.2020 Publication Number: 202041052999, Publication Date: 11.12.2020
Workshop/Seminars Attended
- Five day DTE sponsored FDP on ‘Tools and platforms for technology enabled learning’ by Govt womens polytechnic, Kottackal(17-8-20 to 21-8-20).
- Five day KTU sponsored FDP on Robotics and control by Department of Robotics & Automation. Adi shankara college.
- Four day National level FDP on Emerging research trends in VLSI, MEMS and signal processing.(10-13 Aug 2020)
- Five day FDP on ‘Pervasive Industrial competence’ organized by Dept of I&C, NSSCE.
- Five day FDP on ‘Advancements in electrical engineering’ organized by Dept of EEE, NIT Silchar.
- Five day workshop on Advanced techniques in energy and wastewater treatment-MHRD sponsored(2-7-18 to 7-7-18).
- Two day International Conference on Energy and environment-global challenges(ICEE 2018)(9-3-18 to 10-3-18).
- One day workshop on ‘Advances in Biomedical engineering and research’ conducted by Electrical Engineering department-NITC.
- One day workshop on ‘ACS on Campus-Preparing your manuscript, peer review, scifinder’ jointly organized by American Chemical Society and NITC.
- Two day TEQUIP sponsored workshop on ‘Patent and Intellectual Property Rights’ jointly organized by KSCSTE and NITC.
- One day TEQUIP sponsored workshop on ‘Research Writing: Technical and language aspects’ conducted by Mechanical Engineering department-NITC.
- One week TEQUIP sponsored workshop on ‘Novel Seperation Technologies’ conducted by Chemical Engineering department-NITC.
- Two day TEQUIP sponsored workshop on ‘Advanced Optimization techniques in Chemical Process Industries’ conducted by Chemical Engineering department-NITC.
- Two day TEQUIP sponsored workshop on ‘Advanced Mathematical approaches in Chemical Engineering’ conducted by Chemical Engineering department-NITC.
- Ten day ISTE workshop on ‘Control Systems’ conducted by IIT Kharagpur.
- Three day workshop on ‘Soft Computing Techniques in Advanced Power System Analysis conducted by EEE department of Saintgits college of engineering.
- Two day ISTE Workshop on ‘Steps to Research’ conducted by Amal jyothi college of engineering, Kanjirappalli.
- Three day IEEE Workshop & Conference on ‘Solid State Circuits’ conducted by ECE department of Saintgits college of engineering.
- Two Week ISTE Workshop on ‘Signals and Systems’ conducted by IIT Kharagpur.
- One day IEEE workshop on ‘Xilinx based FPGA Design’ conducted by ECE department of Saintgits college of engineering.
- One week workshop on ‘Industrial Automation’ conducted by AEI department of Saintgits college of engineering.
- One week workshop on ‘ORCAD, Matlab & DSP Processors’ conducted by ECE department of Saintgits college of engineering.
- Two week AICTE sponsored workshop on ‘System simulation with Matlab, Maple & LabVIEW’ conducted by Instrumentation department-NSS College of engineering.
- Three day NBA Orientation/Training programme focused on ‘Facilitation of Outcome-Based Education and Accreditation’ conducted by Saintgits college of engineering.
- Ten-day ISTE workshop on ‘Analog Electronics’ conducted by IIT Kharagpur.
- Three day Conference, ‘ICGITS 2013:International Conference on Global Innovations in Technology & Sciences’ conducted by Saintgits college of engineering.
- Two-day ISTE workshop on ‘Aakash for education’ conducted by IIT Bombay.
- One week workshop on ‘EPKS C200/C300 Fieldbus Configuration’ conducted by Honeywell Automation India Limited.
- One week workshop on ‘DCS Fundamentals & Engineering’ conducted by Yokogawa India Ltd.
- One day course on ‘High-performance computing’ conducted by IBM India and Karunya University, Coimbatore.
- Certified Automation Engineer (Prolific Technologies – 3 months course), PLC(Allen Bradley, Siemens, Modicon), DCS (Microware), Drives (Altivar 28), SCADA(In Touch) & Panel Designing.
- Certified Embedded Varsity Associate Trainee (Emblitz Technologies – 2 months course)
As resource Person
- Resource person for the external talk/practical session on ‘Breath is life-a yoga and wellness program’ on 26-10-21 at Govt polytechnic college, cherthala.
- Delivered an expert talk on ‘HART Calibrator’ at Electronics & Instrumentation department, Vimal Jyothi Engineering College.
- Resource person for 3 hr talk(workshop) on “Interfacing Arduino with LabVIEW” on 10-1-20 (9:30 am to 12:30 pm) at Saintgits college of Engineering.
- Resource person for a 1 day class (workshop) on “Introduction to embedded system and robotics” on 28-9-21 at Saintgits college of Engineering.
- Resource person for the session “Tinkercad basics” on 19-2-21(10:00 am to 11:30 am) at Saintgits college of Engineering.
- Resource person for the session “Robotics design” on 19-2-21(2:00 pm to 3:30 pm) at Saintgits college of Engineering.
- Resource person for the session “Sensor Integration for robotics and system design” on 22-2-21(10:00 am to 11:30 am) at Saintgits college of Engineering.
- Resource person for the session “Home Automation” on 23-2-21(2:00 pm to 3:30 pm) at Saintgits college of Engineering.
- Resource person for the session “3D design” on 22-2-21(2:00 pm to 3:30 pm) at Saintgits college of Engineering.
- Resource person for a 3 hr talk(workshop) on “Introduction to EDA tools” on 23-1-20 (1:30 pm to 4:30 pm) at Saintgits college of Engineering.
MOOC Courses
Complete list is available in this link – https://bit.ly/3D1AYuv
Events Organized
- Core committee member of Nakshatra 2022.
- Coordinator of a 2 day workshop on ‘Introduction to Arduino programming & EDA tools conducted from 9/1/20 to 10/1/20.
- Coordinator of a 3 day workshop on ‘Electronics, design and automation’ conducted on 19/2/22, 22/2/22 and 23/2/22.
- Co-coordinator of a one-week workshop on ‘Industrial Automation’ conducted by Prolific Technologies.
Research Interests
Process Modeling:
- Process models are needed to better analyze and design controllers for processes. We are currently investigating methods for parameter estimation of nonlinear continuous-time systems as well as unstable systems. The development of tuning techniques is being explored for use online for process control.
- Models are not perfect; therefore, a key aspect of my research is the implementation of uncertainty analyses to assess process variability under uncertainty. I strongly believe that model uncertainty is essential for designing efficient mathematical tools that can be realistically applied in practice for process improvement.
Process Control:
- We develop methods and procedures used by thousands of practitioners, researchers and students around the world for process control system analysis, tuning and training.
- We want to find an improved control structure where acceptable operation under all conditions is achieved with constant set points for the controlled variables.
- More generally, the idea is to use the model offline to find properties of the optimal solution suited for online implementation.
- Current research efforts in our lab seek to extend these methods to such important areas:
- Whole-plant modeling, simulation, and control.
- Automated controller design and tuning.
- Controller performance monitoring.
- Multivariable process identification and control.
- IoT, Image Processing, Big Data and Machine Learning in Process Industry.
Other research interests:
- Control Systems
- Multivariable Controller Design
- PID Controller Tuning
- Unstable System Stabilization
- Process Dynamics and Control
- Nonlinear Systems and Analysis
- Design and Analysis of Biological Systems
- Computer Vision
- Intensified Systems and Control
- Automation
- Embedded systems
R & D Projects
- CoPI of the project ‘Analysis of human exhaled breath volatile organic compounds using electronic nose system for pulmonary diseases. Funding agency: CERD, Fund sanctioned: 80000/-.
- Initial phase SCADA design for ‘Development of application software for the design of fully automated community micro irrigation system’ for KIIDC.
- Judge of Srishti 2022-Robotics stream.
- Proposed an idea, ‘Early disease detection using advanced bioplasmic sensors’ for My big idea competition in 2020 and won 2nd prize.
- Certificate of appreciation for organizing the first international conference on energy and environment global challenges(ICEE 2018), during March 9-10,2018, conducted by the department of chemical engineering, NIT Calicut.
- Certification of appreciation for organizing MHRD-sponsored FDP on ‘Advanced techniques in energy and wastewater treatment’ conducted from 2-7th July 2018 by the department of chemical engineering, NIT Calicut.
- Judge of Robotics projects in Srishti-2019.
- Judge of Instrumentation projects in Srishti-2014.
Contact Details
Phone: 8281130325/8848031190
Email: anish.thomas@saintgits.org
Academics: https://sites.google.com/saintgits.org/ats-personal-website/home?authuser=0
Advisory: https://sites.google.com/saintgits.org/aei2019-23batch/home
Linkedin: linkedin.com/in/anish-thomas-6996b463