Dr. Asif Abdullah

Designation: Assistant Professor (Sr)

Education:  B. Tech., M. Tech., Ph. D.

Professional Experience
Teaching: 6 months

Research: 6 years

UG: Electrical and Electronics Engineering
PG: Power and Energy Systems

Ph. D.: Pattern Recognition of EMG Signals (National Institute of Technology Karnataka)


International Journals

  1. Asif Abdullah, Omkar S Powar, and Krishnan Chemmangat. “Application of fractal analysis based feature extractor for channel reduction of silent speech interface using facial electromyography”. International Journal of Intelligent Engineering and Systems, 2023, 16(3):428-439.
  2. Asif Abdullah, and Krishnan Chemmangat. “A Computationally Efficient sEMG based Silent Speech Interface using Channel Reduction and Decision Tree based Classification”. Procedia Computer Science 171, 2020, pp.120-129.

International Conference

  1. Aswathi. R, Asif Abdullah, Krishnan Chemmangat. “A Novel Strategy For Daily Electric Load Prediction By Combining An Average Trend Model With Supervisory Learning”. In Power and Energy Systems: Towards Sustainable Energy (PESTSE), 2018 Biennial International Conference.

Research Interests

  • Pattern Recognition of Biomedical Signals, Applications of Machine Learning in Electrical Systems

Contact Details

Ph: 8147515174

Email: asif.abdullah@saintgits.org