Designation: Assistant Professor
Education: B.Tech, M Tech, Ph.D (Pursuing)
Professional Experience
Teaching : 6 years
UG : Civil Engineering
PG : Transportation Engineering
PhD: Pavement Engineering (Pursuing)
International Conference
- Bituminous Emulsion Treated Base Layers for Low Volume Roads, Andrews, J.K., Radhakrishnan, V., Koshy, R.Z. and Prasad, C.S.R.K., International Conference on New Technologies and Innovations in Rural Roads, National Rural Infrastructure Development Agency, Ministry of Rural Roads, Government of India, May 2022, Technical Document pg: 335-348
- Scope of Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement Materials, Mathew, S.J., Puthepura, T.G., Soji, S.S., Manoj, N and Andrews, J.K., 2020, Proceedings of National Conference on Resilient Infrastructure
- Automated Pothole Sealer, Chandra, A., Mathew, A., Ann,A., Anagha,V and Andrews, J.K., Emerging Technologies for Sustainability, Conference Proceedings, 2019, pg43-52
- Developing a Green Practice Model for Sustainable Transportation Infrastructure, Mathew, A., Chandra, A. and Andrews J.K., Kerala Technological Congress, 2019, Vol 2, pg 501-506
- Comparative study on rheological properties of coir fibre and coir powder modified bitumen, Sreelatha, T., Koshy, B.I. and Andrews, J.K., Transportation Research Proceedings of CTRG 2017, pg 819-828
- Attended training on “Total Station Surveying” at Rajiv Gandhi institute of Technology on 18/9/2015
- Attended workshop on “Intelligent Transportation System for road safety” at Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Technology from 16/7/2015 to 17/7/2015
- Underwent a 5 day training on “Application of GIS and remote sensing in civil engineering” at CEK , Kottayam
- Participated in M Tech Thesis Presentation Contest-2016 held at RIT Kottayam
- Participated in the International Conference ”CTRG 2017” held at IIT Bombay
- Attended FDP on “Good to Great” at Mar Baselious Christian College of Engineering & Technology from 19/7/2016 to 21/7/2016
- Attended ASCE India Region Conference held at Mumbai in April 2019
- Attended FDP on the on the topic “Emerging Trends in Sustainable Developments in Transportation Infrastructure, held at TocH, Arakkunnam in September 2019
- Attended ASCE India Region Conference held at Erode in March 2020
- Completed online course on the topic “Mastering bitumen for better roads and innovative applications” in coursera in April 2020
- Completed online course on the topic “Characterization of bituminous materials” in NPTEL
- Attended FDP on the on the topic “Research Methodology and Scientific Writing, organized by Sree Buddha College, Alappuzha in June 2020
- Attended Online FDP on the on the topic “Research Avenues in Transportation Engineering”, organized by Albertian Institute of Science and Technology, Kochi from 10-15 August 2020
- Attended Online FDP on the on the topic “Bridging the Gap: Theory and Practice in Pavement Engineering” organized by Saintgits College of Engineering from 24-28 August 2020
- Attended 6-Day Short Term Training Program on the topic ” Emerging Trends and Practices in Pavement Geotechnics”, organized by the Department of Civil Engineering, TKM College of Engineering from 1-6 September 2020
- Completed online FDP on the topic “Infrastructure Engineering” organized by AICTE Training and Learning Academy (ATAL), from 21-25 September 2020 at NIT Suratkal.
- Attended Online FDP on the on the topic “Smart Materials and Technologies in Civil Engineering” organized by Department of Civil Engineering, College of Engineering Kidangoor from 22-02-2021 to 26-02-2021.
- Attended Online FDP on the on the topic “State-of-the-art Experimental and Numerical Techniques in Civil Engineering” organized by Saintgits College of Engineering from 01-22 March 2021
- Completed online FDP on the topic “Contemporary Technologies for Sustainable Road Construction” organized by AICTE Training and Learning Academy (ATAL), from 1 October 2021 at Siksha O Anusandhan University, Bhubaneswar
- Completed online FDP on the topic “Geomechanics for Structural Engineers” organized by AICTE Training and Learning Academy (ATAL), from 1 October 2021 at Saintgits College of Engineering, Kottayam
Events Organized
- Technical Session on Sustainable Pavement Construction practices for Low Volume Roads, at Saintgits College of Engineering on 29 February 2020
- Hands on Training programme on Quality Control Mechanism on PMU Works, at Saintgits College of Engineering, from 27-28 October 2020
Research Interest
- Pavement Design and Performance Evaluation
- Pavement Management and Pavement Deterioration Modelling
- Design and Construction of Pavements using Innovative Pavement Materials
- Published a patent for an equipment named ” LOW COST EQUIPMENT (LCE) FOR MEASURING PAVEMENT DEFLECTION BOWL “, Application Number- 202041046311, Journal Number- 45/2020, Journal Date- 06/11/2020
R & D Projects
1 | Distress Identification &Estimation in flexible pavements using image processing -(PI) | CERD, KTU | Rs72,000 | 2018 |
2 | Automated Pothole Sealer- (PI) | CERD, KTU | Rs25, 000 | 2018 |
3 | Floating Wave Breaker- (Co- PI) | CERD, KTU | Rs. 30,000 | 2019 |
4 | Development of a Low Cost Equipment for Pavement Performance Evaluation- (Co- PI) | CERD, KTU | Rs. 34,000 | 2019 |
5 | Construction and Evaluation of Pavement Test Section- (Co- PI) | L.S.G.D. Alappuzha | Rs. 25,00,000 | 2020 |
6 | Pavement Performance Evaluation- (Co- PI) | RAEUN Mercantile Private Limited | Rs. 50,000 | 2021 |
7 | Design Catalogues for Emulsion Treated Base Layers- (Co- PI) | CERD, KTU | Rs. 90,000 | 2021 |
8 | Early Age Strength Characteristics of Emulsified RAP Mixes-(PI) | KSCSTE | Rs. 10,000 | 2021 |
9 | Performance Evaluation of Emulsion Treated Base Layers in Low Volume Roads | DST-SERB-TARE | Rs. 18,30,000 | 2021 |
10 | Quality control of roads under Rebuild Kerala Initiative | PMU-RKI-LSGD | – | 2022 |
- Qualified as DST- SERB – TARE Fellow at N.I.T. Warangal
- SECOND RANK holder in M.G. University for M.Tech Civil (Transportation) Engineering, 2016
- Qualified GATE Exam in 2014.
Contact Details
Ph: 9447762085
Email: jithin.ka@saintgits.org