Designation: Associate Professor and Chief Digital Officer
Dr. Naveen Punnoose is currently working as an Associate Professor in Mechanical Engineering, and Chief Digital Officer at Saintgits College of Engineering, Pathamuttom.
Prior to joining Saintgits, Dr. Naveen worked as a Senior Data Scientist at Resync Technologies, Singapore, a mid-stage start-up focusing on Energy Management. He was also a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the National University of Singapore, as part of an Energy Management Agency – Enterprise SG grant. He completed his Ph.D. education from the same institution, where he focused on data-driven failure prediction in manufacturing processes, and has several publications in the field. Dr. Naveen did his Bachelors and Masters in Mechanical Engineering from Purdue University, USA, with a focus on bio-inspired robotic systems.
Dr. Naveen has worked with many prestigious academic and industrial institutions in USA, Germany, India, and Singapore in both research and advisory roles, and has been an invited speaker to multiple conferences and events by professional bodies. A detailed resume is provided in the next page. His current interests include Engineering Education, Artificial Intelligence, Industry 4.0, and HVAC/ACMV Optimisation.
- PhD (Electrical and Computer Engineering, NUS)
- MS (Mechanical Engineering, Purdue University)
- BS (Mechanical Engineering, Purdue University)
Professional Experience
- Teaching : 3 years
- Non Teaching: 7 years
- Research: 7 years
- UG : Mechanical Engineering
- PG : Mechanical Engineering, Bio-inspired Robotics
- PhD: Electrical and Computer Engineering. Artificial Intelligence
International Conference
- N. J. Punnoose, P. Vadakkepat, A.-P. Loh, and E. K. Y. Yap, “Data driven quality estimation for production processes with lot-level quality control”, in IECON 2021 – 47th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society
- S. Pillai, N. J. Punnoose, P. Vadakkepat, A.-P. Loh, and K. J. Lee, “An ensemble of fuzzy class-biased networks for product quality estimation”, in 2018 IEEE 23rd International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA), IEEE, Sep. 2018.
Workshop/Seminars Attended
- Invited speaker to IEEE RASSE 2022 conference, Taiwan
- Panellist in UBS ESG Roundtable, Singapore
- Invited Speaker to Yuva conclave, WINGS 2023 at Saintgits
As resource Person
- RASSE 2023
- NUS ECE Graduate Conference
Events Organized
- RASEE 2023
- IEEE Professional Member
Research Interest
- Artificial Intelligence
- Industry 4.0
- Engineering Education
- HVAC/ACMV Optimisation
- Resync Technologies Pte Ltd, Singapore
- Graduate Research Scholarship (NUS)
- Trustee’s Scholarship, GEARE Travel Grant, and John M Bruce
Memorial Scholarship (Purdue)
Contact Details
Ph: 9539981485
Email: naveen.punnoose@saintgits.org
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/naveen-punnoose/