Designation: Associate Professor
Education: B.Tech, M Tech, Ph.D
Professional Experience
Teaching: 6 years
Research: 15 years
UG: B.Tech. Chemical Engineering, Govt. Engineering College Thrissur
PG: M.Tech. Chemical Engineering, IIT Bombay
PhD: Chemical Engineering, IITBombay
Postdoctoral Fellow: Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e), Eindhoven, Netherlands
International Journals
- Rajasree Retnamma, A. Q. Novais, C.M. Rangel, Michael A. Matthews., Kinetic modelling of self/hydrolysis of aqueous NaBH4 solutions by model-based isoconversional method, International Journal Hydrogen Energy, 39, 2014, pp 6567-6576.
- Rajasree, R. and Moharir, A.S., Simulation based synthesis, design and optimization of actual pressure swing adsorption (PSA) processes unit, Journal of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, 6, 2012, pp 336-345.
- Kinetics of hydrolysis of sodium borohydride for hydrogen production in fuel cell applications: A review, International Journal Hydrogen Energy, 36, 2011, pp 9772-9790.
- Rajasree, R., Ravikumar, V., Kulkarni, B.D., Performance enhancement of steam methane reforming using tubular packed-bed microreactors and dilution by adsorbent, Energy & Fuels,20 (2), 2006, pp 463-472.
- Rajasree, R., Hoebink, J.H.B.J., Schouten, J.C., Transient kinetics of carbon monoxide oxidation by oxygen over supported palladium/ceria/zirconia three-way catalyst in the absence and presence of water and carbon dioxide,Journal of Catalysis, 223, 2004, pp 36-43.
- Rajasree, R. and Moharir, A.S., Simulation based synthesis, design and optimization of pressure swing adsorption processes, Computers and Chemical Engg., 24 (11), 2000, pp 2493-2505.
International Conference
- Rajasree Retnamma, Carmen Rangel, Augusto Novais, and Michael A. Matthews, Kinetics of hydrolysis of sodium borohydride in aqueous-basic solutions, HYCELTEC 2013: IV Iberian Symposium on Hydrogen, Fuel cells and Advanced Batteries, June 26-28, Estoril, Portugal
- Michael A. Matthews, Lin Yu, Rajasree Retnamma, Augusto Q. Novais, Carmen M. Rangel., “Modeling the Kinetics of Sodium Borohydride Hydrolysis in Concentrated Aqueous Solutions”, 245th American Chemical Society (ACS) Meeting, 2013, April 7-11, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA.
- Michael A. Matthews, Lin Yu, Rajasree Retnamma, Augusto Q. Novais, Carmen M. Rangel., “Modeling the Kinetics of Sodium Borohydride Hydrolysis in Concentrated Aqueous Solutions”, 245th American Chemical Society (ACS) Meeting, 2013, April 7-11, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA.
- Rajasree Retnamma, Lin Yu, Carmen Rangel, Augusto Novais, Karl Johnson and Michael A. Matthews, Kinetics of self-hydrolysis ofconcentrated borohydride solutions at high temperatures, AIChE annual meeting, October 16-21, 2011, Minneapolis, USA.
- Rajasree R, Moharir, A.S., Simulation based synthesis, design and optimization of actual pressure swing adsorption (PSA) process unit, European congress on chemical engineering (ECCE), September 21- 25, 2011, Berlin, Germany.
- Rajasree, R., Ravikumar, V., Kulkarni, B.D., Optimum temperature policy for sorption enhanced steam methane reforming process for hydrogen production, World Hydrogen Energy Conference, May 16- 21, 2010, Essen, Germany.
- Rajasree Retnamma, Carmen Rangel, Augusto Novais, Lin Yu, Michael A. Matthews,. Modeling of self-hydrolysis of concentrated borohydride solutions, AIChE annual meeting, November 6-12, 2010, Salt Lake City, Utah, USA.
- Lin Yu, Amy Beaird, Ping Li, Karl Johnson, Rajasree Retnamma, Michael A. Matthews., Hydrogen liberated by sodium borohydride hydrolysis: Kinetics and material properties, AIChE annual meeting, November 6-12, 2010, Salt Lake City, Utah, USA.
- Rajasree Retnamma, Youngil Lim,Seong-Joon Kim and Kyung-Seun Yoo., Kinetic Modeling of Decomposition of Urea Solution Used in Selective Non-Catalytic Reduction (SNCR) of Nitrogen Oxides, North American Symposium on Chemical Reaction Engineering (NASCRE-2), Feb 4 -8, 2007, Houston, Texas, USA.
- Rajasree Retnamma, Youngil Lim,Ho-Jae Park, Seong-Joon Kim and Kyung-Seun Yoo., Kinetic Modeling of Selective Non-Catalytic Reduction (SNCR) of Nitric Oxide Using Urea-Water Solution, AIChE National Spring, April 22- 27, 2007, Houston, Texas, USA.
- Rajasree Retnamma, Youngil Lim,Ho-Jae Park, Seong-Joon Kim and Kyung-Seun Yoo., CFD Modeling of Selective Non-Catalytic Reduction (SNCR) by Urea Solution in a Flow Reactor, European Congress of Chemical Engineering-6 (ECCE-6), Sep16 -20, 2007, Copenhagen, Denmark.
- Youngil Lim, Alan Lee, Heijung Son, R. Rajasree, and Sten Bay Jørgensen., Optimization of a six-zone simulated moving bed chromatographic process for the NPK fertilizer production, International Symposium on Ion Exchange in Korea,2006, October 19-20, Seoul, South Korea
- Rajasree R, Ravikumar V, Kulkarni B.D., Performance enhancement of steam methane reforming in tubular packed-bed microreactors, AIChE annual meeting, 30 Oct – 4 Nov. 2005, Cincinnati, Ohio, USA.
National Conference
- Youngil Lim, Byeong-Tae Ahn, Rajasree R, Hei-jung Son, Jung-Hyun Jin, Yeong-Hwan Lee, A Chromatographic Separation Simulation: FAST-Chrom/SMB, KIChE Fall meeting,Oct 27-28, 2006, Korea University, Seoul.
- Rajasree R, Moharir, A.S., Computer aided synthesis, design and optimization of pressure swing adsorption processes, Advances in Chemical Engineering, organized by Department of Atomic Energy, 1994, June 8-11, 2004, Mumbai, India.
Chapters in Books
- Sharma S.K., and Rajasree R., Wastewater treatment for heavy metal pollution abatement, Ch.8, Advancement in Wastewater Treatment, Goel, P.K., (ed.), 2000.
Participations :
Workshop/Seminars Attended
- Technical Education Quality Improvement Programme III (TEQIP III) Sponsored Faculty Development Programme on Recent Innovations and Developments in Electrochemical and Chemical Process Optimization – RIDECPO- 2019, NITC, Kozhikode, June 2019.
- First International Conference on Energy and Environment (ICCE2018), NITC, Kozhikode, March 2018.
- Workshop on Modelling and scale up of bioreactors, NITK, Surathkal, March 2017.
- Workshop on Carbon Capture, storage and re-use in India, IIT Bombay, September 2016.
- A Shale Gas Primer – Seminar, online, July 2013.
- Hydrogen Power Theoretical & Engineering Solutions International Symposium, Lisbon, Portugal, July, 2009.
- CHEMCON, Mumbai, December 2004
As resource Person
- Nonlinear Optimization Techniques, Faculty Development Programme (FDP) Programme on Mathematical Methods in Chemical Engineering, Government Engg. College Kozhikode, February 11-15, 2019.
- Optimization and its Applications, Faculty Development Programme (FDP) Programme on Advanced Techniques in Energy and wastewater Treatment, NIT Calicut, July 2-7, 2018.
- CHEMCON, Mumbai, December 1994
- Life Member, Indian Institute of Chemical Engineering (IIChE)
Research Interest
- Process Modelling, Simulation and Optimization
- Adsorption Technology
- Hydrogen Technology
- CO2 Capture
R & D Projects
- 2010 Portugal-U.S. Research Networks Program funded by LUSO-AMERICAN Foundation. on the project, “Mechanism of hydrolysis of sodium borohydride for H2 production in fuel cell applications”
- Awarded ‘Ciencia 2008’ by Foundation for Science and Technology, (Govt. of Portugal) and worked as Researcher at , National Laboratory for Energy and Geology, Lisbon, Portugal
- Awarded ‘BRAIN Korea 2006’ by South Korean Government and worked as Research Professor at Hankyong National University, South Korea, under this scheme.
- Awarded ‘Senior Research Associateship’ by CSIR (Govt. of India) and worked at NCL Pune, under this scheme.
Contact Details
Mobile: 9497668933
Email: rajasree.r@saintgits.org
Linkedin: www.linkedin.com/in/rajasree-retnamma-06405723