Designation: Professor and Dean
UG : B. Sc. (Engg) degree in Civil Engineering from Mar Athanasius College of Engineering, Kothamangalam, University of Kerala (1983), in First class with Distinction
PG : M. Tech. degree in Transportation Engineering from Indian Institute of Technology Madras (1994), with the award of Devaraj Memorial for Best outgoing student of the Division.
Ph. D. in Pavement Design from Cochin University of Science and Technology, Cochin. (2004)
Professional Experience:
Retired Principal, Mar Athanasius College of Engineering, Kothamangalam(2015-2018).
Principal-in-Charge, Saintgits College of Engineering, Kottayam.(January -June , 2020).
Dean, Civil Engineering, Saintgits College of Engineering, Kottayam (from July 2018 onwards)
Dean, Academics, Saintgits College of Engineering, Kottayam( from September 2022 onwards)
Total Teaching : 38 years
Research : 18 years
- Krishnapriya M. G., Soosan George T., Bybin Paul, Total Travel Time Analysis for Students in a Metropolitan area: A study from India, International Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering. University of Belgrade, Serbia, Europe Volume 9(4), pp. 419-430, 2019
- Krishnapriya M. G., Soosan George T, Mode choice behaviour of students, integrating residential location characteristics: a study from Kochi City, India, European Transport, Issue 79; ISSN 1825-39976 ,September 2020 issue
- Krishnapriya M. G., Soosan George T, Bybin Paul, Mode choice analysis of workers: a case study from Kochi city, Presented in 31st Kerala Science Congress (KSC), at Fatima Mata National College, Kollam on February 02-03, 2019
- Krishnapriya M. G., Soosan George T, M.V.L.R. Anjaneyulu, Time-of-Day Choice Behaviour of Commuters in Kochi City, India, Presented in World Conference of Transport Research (WCTR), at IIT Bombay on May 26-31, 2019
- Shilpa, Soosan George, Studies on Performance of Isolated Footing with Load Transfer Platform, International conference on Engineering and Construction Management (SECON ’21) organised by the Department of Civil Engineering, Federal Institute of Science and Technology (FISAT), Kochi, India.” Proceedings of SECON’21. SECON 2021. Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering, vol 171. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007
- Soosan George, “Travel Survey instrument Design Integrating Residential Location Characteristics and Survey Administration for Kochi City , India”, International Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering, Aug 2018.
- T . G Soosan, A. Sridharan, Babu T Jose and B M Abraham, ”utilization of Quarry Dust to Improve the Geotechnical properties of Soils”, ASTM Geotechnical Testing Journal, Vol 28, Number 4, July 2005, Pa 391-400.
- A. Sridharan, T . G Soosan, Babu T Jose and B M Abraham , ”Shear strength Studies of Soil-Quarry Dust Mixes”, Geotechnical and Geological Engineering Journal , Springer volume 24,Number 5, 2006, pa 1163-1179.
- Soosan George T, Alice T V and Mini M I,“Improvement of Kaolinite Clay Subgrade Using Coir Fiber Waste”International Journal of Emerging Technology & Advanced Engineering ,ISSN 2250-2459, Volume 3, Issue 3, March 2013, Pa 988-995.
- Mini M I,Soosan George T, Rema Devi M“Estimation of Travel Demand from the city Commuter region of Muvattupuzha Municipal Area”International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology,ISSN2319-8753, Volume 2, Issue 3, March 2013, Pa 624-628.
- Milimol Philip, Sreelatha T, Soosan George T,“An Activity Based Characteristic Study onTravelbehavior of Middle Class” International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology, Vol. 2, Issue 7, July 2013.
- Milimol Philip, Sreelatha T, Soosan George T,”Modelling on Mode Choice Behavior of Rural Middle Class Residents – An Activity Based Approach”, International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering Website: www.ijetae.com (ISSN 2250-2459, ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal, Volume 3, Issue 7, July 2013.
- Soosan George T,Krishnapriya M G, MilimolPhilip,”Activity Based Modelling for Mode Choice Analysis of Towns- A Case Studyin Kerala” International Journal of Civil Engineering,IJCE, (ISSN 2278-9987, ISSN(E)2278-9995, Volume 3, Issue 1, JAN 2014, 1-6.
- Soosan George T, Farhan M C, Vandana R. N , Swetima R., Hura B.” Activity Based Trip Generation Model”, International Review of Applied Engineering research, (ISSN 2248-9967, , Volume 4, Issue 2 ,121-126
- Soosan George T, Ansiya T. A., ubina C. K., Riyamole v., Vishnu k. S. .”Impact Analysis of Kochi Metro rail poect”, International Review of Applied Engineering research, (ISSN 2248-9967, , Volume 4, Issue 2,107-112
- Eldhose C, Dr.Soosan T G,” Studies on Scrap Tyre Added Conrete for Rigid Pavements”, International journal of Scientific Engineering and Technology,(ISSN:2277-1581), Volume No.3, Issue No. 12, pp:1414-1417.
- KrishnapriyaMolathGopi , Soosan George Thanelimalil , MathaVenkata Lakshmi RangaAnjaneyulu,”Travel survey instrument design integrating residential location characteristics and survey administration for kochi city, india“,International Journal for Traffic and Transport Engineering, 2018, 8(2): 198 – 212
- Reddy, M S, Soosan T G, Anand V V,” Train operations and platform Utility” Journal of Institution of Engineers, Vol 79, December 1998.
- Soosan George T, Babu T Jose, Benny Mathews Abraham,” Strength Behaviour of Lateritic soil- Quarry Dust Mixes”, Journal of New Building Materials and Construction World, August 2001, pg 46-52.
- Priya P M, Alice T v, Soosan George T, “ Effect of Superstructurs on Sesmic Load Analysis”, e Journal of New Building Materials and Construction World, August 2010 pg 178-184.
- Soosan George T, Babu T Jose ,” Growth of Vehicle Population and Traffic Safety”, Proceedings of International Conference in Safety and Fire Engineering”, CUSAT, November 199 , pg 305-313.
- Soosan George T, Babu T Jose, Benny Mathews Abraham,” Use of Quarry Dust in Embankment and Pavement Constructions”, Proceeding of the New Millinium Conference, IGC 2001, December 2001, pg 274-277.
- Soosan George T, Babu T Jose, Benny Mathews Abraham,” Improvement of Ground and Highway Sub- Bases using quarry waste”, Proceeding of the international Conference in Civil Engineering, IISc Bangalore, Vol 2, July 2001, pg 730-737.
- Soosan George T, Babu T Jose, Benny Mathews Abraham,” A study of influence of Compaction Moisture content on CBR”, Proceeding of the international Conference in Civil Engineering, IIT Kharagpur, Vol 2, January 2002, Vol 2, July 2001, pg 799-802.
- Organised ISTE short term Training Programme on “Tansportation System Management and Operations”-November 17-21, 2014
- Organised Workshop on “Research and Consultancy-26-6-2015
- Organised Workshop on Tilting foundations and remedial measures -12-08-2015 under Scholars-in-Residence Programme of KSHEC in collaboration with Division of Civil Engineering, CUSAT
- Life Member of Indian Society of Technical Education(ISTE) – LM 8833
- Life Member of Indian Geotechniacal Society(IGS) – KL 138
- Life Member of Institute for Exploring Advances in Engineering(IEAE) – IEAE2017773
R & D Projects
- Activity based travel demand Modelling integrating residential location characteristics funded by KSCSTE
Research Interest
- Pavement Design
- Transportation Engineering
Administrative Services and Other Duties
1. Principal in charge, Saintgits College of Engineering 1-1-2020 to 30-6-2020.
2. Expert Panel Member, Srishti 2020
3. Convenor, Student Welfare committee, Saintgits College of Engineering 2019-2020
4. Convenor, Womens’ Forum, Saintgits College of Engineering 2020-2021
5. Presiding Officer, Internal complaint committee, Saintgits College of Engineering 2021-2022
6. Chairperson –Pass board, S1-M Tech’ MCA’IMCA and MBA Saintgits College of Engineering 2021-2022
7. Convenor, Administrative Manual Committee, Saintgits College of Engineering 2020-2021
8. Member, Board of studies, Department of Civil Engineering, Saintgits College of Engineering 2021-2022
9. Member, Research Incentives Committee, Saintgits College of Engineering.
10. Member, Research and consultancy cell, Saintgits College of Engineering.
11. Dc Member, Ph. D scholars of KTU
12. Reviewer, International conference, Muthoot Institute of Technology, Ernakulam, 2021
13. Reviewer, International conference, FISAT Institute of Technology,Ernakulam, 2020,2021,2022
14. Dean Academics-from September 2022 onwards
15. Approved Research Supervisor (Kerala Technological University)
Research Supervisor
1 Ph. D. awarded under M. G. University
3 Ph. D. scholars (ongoing) under APJ Abdul Kalam Technological University
IEAE award for the Best Principal of the year 2017 (Kerala Region)
Devaraj memorial award for the Best Outgoing Student of Transportation Engineering Division from IIT Madras -1994
Contact Details
Phone : +91 9995120393
Email : soosan.gt@saintgits.org