Designation: Assistant Professor (Sr)
Education: B.Tech, M Tech
Professional Experience:
Teaching :12 years
UG :B.Tech – Electronics And Communication
PG :M.Tech – Communication Systems
International Journals
- Applications of Augumented Reality: A review of Studies, International journal of Advances in Engineering and Management (IJAEM), volume 3, issue-4, April 2021, pp: 252-255.
- Ajai Mathew, DEVI S (2016), Comparison of Error Diffusion Block Truncation Coding with Block Truncation Coding Technique, International Journal of Engineering and Management Research, Volume-6, Issue-4, July-August 2016,Page Number: 292-294.
- Ajai Mathew, Deepa Joseph (2015), Content Based Image Retrieval of Corel Images Along With Face Recognition, International Journal of Computer Science and Mobile Computing , Vol. 4, Issue. 11, November 2015, 136-142.
- Ajai Mathew, ROSY JOHN (2014), Image and Video Deblurring Algorithm Using Normalized Sparsity Measure, “International Journal of Advance Research in Computer Science and Management Studies”, Vol-2/ Issue-9/ 280-284.
International Conference
- Ajai Mathew, DEEPA JOSEPH(2015), Image Retrieval Using Bipartite Reiterative Algorithm,Proceedings of the International Conference organized by 2015 Intl. Conference on Computing and Network Communications (CoCoNet’15), Dec. 16-19, 2015, Trivandrum, India., IEEE.
As resource Person
- 5-day training program for VHSE Teachers in Optical fiber technology, sponsored by Directorate of Higher Education.
- 5-day training program for VHSE students in Optical fiber technology sponsored by PSSCIVE Bhopal.
- Chief Coordinator and Evaluator for India skills 2020 at District, Zonal and State levels.
Research Interest
- Low-power wireless communications for IoT network
- Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality
- Consultancy and Training programs in Optical Fiber communications.
- Consultant for Audio Video Installations.
- Internationally Certified in Fiber Optics Technology.
- Core Team member for the first WiSUN network deployment in India at IIIT-H.
Contact Details
Ph :91-9544409501
Email: ajai.m@saintgits.org