Designation: Assistant Professor
Education: B.Tech, M Tech, PhD(Pursuing)
Professional Experience
Teaching : 8 years
UG : Civil Engineering
PG : Computer Aided Structural Engineering
PhD: Structural Engineering (Pursuing)
Publication (latest come first)
International Journals
- ‘Study on performance of beam-column joint with endplates & bolts under seismic loading’, International Research journal of Engineering & Technology, Volume 6, Issue 1, January 2019.
- Lal.G & A.Johny, “Vibration Control of Cantilever Beam with Multiple Cracks”, International Journal of Advances in Scientific Research and Engineering, Vol. 3(4), 76-85.
- Lal.G, & A. Johny, “Deflection Control of Cantilever Beams with Multiple Cracks”, Imperial Journal of Interdisciplinary Research, Vol. 3(1), 1863-1868.
- Alice Johny, Binu M Issac, Prabha C, “Laterally Loaded Pile in Cohesion less Soil”, International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology, Vol.3, Issue 09, September 2014.
International Conference
- ‘Experimental study on the shear behaviour of RC deep beam with longitudinal hole’, Proceedings of International Conference On Sustainable Innovations in Civil and Mechanical Engineering, ICSICM 2019 at Mangalam College of Engineering.
- ‘Reinforcing measures to reduce human induced vibration on steel stair steps’, Proceedings of International Conference On Sustainable Innovations in Civil and Mechanical Engineering, ICSICM 2019 at Mangalam College of Engineering.
- ‘Behaviour of RC corbels reinforced with GFRP bars’, Proceedings of International Conference on Sustainable Innovations in Civil and Mechanical Engineering, ICSICM 2019 at Mangalam College of Engineering.
- ‘Analytical study on shear behaviour of concrete beam with varying shapes of web openings’, Proceedings of IIIrd International Conference on Emerging Trends in Civil Engineering and Architecture (ETCEA), Trinity College of Engineering, Trivandrum, March 2018
- ‘Analytical study on the effect of dimensions of tapered cover plates and vertical stiffeners on replaceable I Beams to C, H S column joints’, Proceedings of IIIrd International Conference on Emerging Trends in Civil Engineering and Architecture (ETCEA), Trinity College of Engineering, Trivandrum, March 2018
National Conference
- ‘Study on performance of beam-column joint with endplates & bolts under seismic loading’, Proceedings of the 4th Kerala Technological Congress KETCON 2019 on 15-17 Feb 2019
- ‘Numerical study on the shear behaviour of RC deep beam with longitudinal hole’, Proceedings of National conference on Developments and Innovations in Civil Engineering (DICE’19) conducted by Mar Baselios Christian College of Engineering and Technology, Kuttikkanam.
- ‘Behaviour of RC corbels reinforced with GFRP bars’, Proceedings of National conference on Developments and Innovations in Civil Engineering(DICE’19) conducted by Mar Baselios Christian College of Engineering and Technology, Kuttikkanam.
- ‘Analysis of RCC sandwich beam with C&D waste concrete in tension zone’, Proceedings of National conference on Developments and Innovations in Civil Engineering (DICE’19) conducted by Mar Baselios Christian College of Engineering and Technology, Kuttikkanam.
- ‘Study on performance of beam-column joint with different joint conditions under seismic loading’, Proceedings of National conference on Developments and Innovations in Civil Engineering (DICE’19) conducted by Mar Baselios Christian College of Engineering and Technology, Kuttikkanam.
- ‘Experimental study on the shear behaviour of RC deep beam with longitudinal hole’, Proceedings of National conference on Advances in Civil Engineering (ACE) conducted by Amal Jyothy College of Engineering, Kanjirappally.
- ‘Analysis of RCC sandwich beam with C&D waste concrete in tension zone strengthened with chicken mesh’, Proceedings of National conference on Advances in Civil Engineering(ACE) conducted by Amal Jyothy College of Engineering, Kanjirappally.
- ‘Analysis of Beams with and without Bracings under Lateral loads’, Proceedings of National conference on Advances in Civil Engineering (ACE) conducted by Amal Jyothy College of Engineering, Kanjirappally.
- ‘Experimental study on the behaviour of RC corbels reinforced with GFRP bars’, Proceedings of National conference on Advances in Civil Engineering(ACE) conducted by Amal Jyothy College of Engineering, Kanjirappally.
- Aswathy G & A. Johny, “ Experimental Investigation of Fibrous concrete using PVC fibres from e-waste”, 1 st National Conference on Emerging research and innovations in civil engineering, Sree Bhudha College of Engineering, Pathanamthitta.
- Lal G. & A. Johny, “Static Response of Cantilever Beams with Multiple Cracks”, 1st National Conference on Emerging research and innovations in civil engineering, Sree Bhudha College of Engineering, Pathanamthitta, 37,25-29.
Workshop/Seminars Attended
- AICTE Training and Learning Academy online elementary Faculty development program on “Geomechanics for Structural Engineers”, Saintgits College of Engineering (Autonomous), Kottayam, 01-05 December 2021.
- Faculty development program on “Innovative Research Areas in Civil Engineering”, ICI and Mangalam College of Engineering, Ettumanoor, 25-30 October 2021.
- Faculty development program on “Recent Advances in Seismic and Wind Load Analysis of Structures”, Mar Baselios College of Engineering and Technology (Autonomous), Thiruvanathapuram, 7-11 June, 2021.
- AICTE- ISTE Induction/ Refresher Programme on Induction Training for young Teachers, Government Engineering College, Thrissur, 19-24 February 2019.
- Faculty development program on “Research Avenues in Coastal Engineering”, AICTE and T.K.M. College of Engineering, Kollam, 14-19 January 2019.
- Faculty development program on “Advanced Concrete Technology”, M.A. College, Kothamangalam & Sponsored by AICTE, 7-10 December 2017.
- Faculty development program on “Rehabilitation of Structures Affected by Fire”, Mangalam College of Engineering, Ettumanoor, 10th January 2017.
- Faculty development program on “Sustainable Energy Management”, Mangalam College of Engineering, Ettumanoor, 26th November 2016.
- Faculty development program on “Reliability Analysis in Engineering”, Mangalam College of Engineering, Ettumanoor, 13th August 2016.
- Faculty development program on “Art of Teaching”, Mangalam College of Engineering, Ettumanoor, 21-22 July 2016.
- Faculty development program on “Earthquake Resistant Masonry Structures”, Mangalam College of Engineering, Ettumanoor, 11th July 2016.
- Faculty development program on “Soil Structure Interaction Analysis”, Mangalam College of Engineering, Ettumanoor, 09th March 2016.
- AICTE sponsored (QIP) short term course on “Advanced Techniques for Sustainable Water Resource and Environmental Management”, T.K.M College of Engineering, Kollam, 15-20 February, 2016.
- Faculty development program on “Concepts Coaching”, ICT Academy of Kerala & Mangalam College of Engineering, Ettumanoor, 04-06 January 2016.
- Faculty development program on “Use of NMEICT & Other e-learning Resources for Classroom Teaching”, Mangalam College of Engineering, Ettumanoor, & NITTR, 01-05, July, 2015.
- National Seminar on “Finite Element Analysis Using PLAXIS 3D”, Cochin University of Science and Technology, 14th February, 2014.
- ISTE short term training program on “Advanced Concrete Technology”, Mar Athanasius College of Engineering, Kothamangalam, 08-14 December 2012.
- Associate Member of Institution of Engineers of India (AM159755-0), Chartered Engineer
- Life Member of Indian Society for Technical Education (LM 119847)
- Member – RILEM
Research Interest
- Design of Concrete Structures
- Retrofitting
- Concrete Technology
- Bridge Engineering
- Earthquake Resistant Design
- Rebuild Kerala Initiative
- Southern Railway
- The Ramco Cements Ltd., Kottayam
- PWD Roads Section
Contact Details
Ph : +919400424835
Email : alice.j@saintgits.org
Website :Linkedin : linkedin.com/in/alice-johny-993a07123