Qualification: M.E. Structural Engineering
- U G: AMIE in Civil Engineering ( Visveswaraya Institute of Engineering Technology, Kottayam)
- P G: M.E in Structural Engineering (UVCE, Bangalore University, Bangalore)
Teaching Experience: 4 years
Research Experience: 5 years
Employment History
- Faculty Research Associate in Dept of Civil Engineering, SAINTGITS College of Engineering, Kottayam
(Sept 2015-Dec 2015) - Assistant Professor in Civil Engineering, SAINTGITS College of Engineering, Kottayam, (Jan 2016 – August 2018, on leave till Dec 2022 for higher studies)
Research Details
Pursuing research work on “A Study on the Structural Properties of Scrap Tyre Pad Base Isolators” at TKM College of Engineering, Kollam under APJ AKTU.
Period of work: Sept 2018 -Continuing
Journal/ Conference Publications:
- Ancy Mathew, Sajeeb R, Anandhakrishnan M, Seismic Performance Analysis of Masonry Building with Scrap Tyre Pad Isolators International Conference on Structural Engineering and Construction Management (SECON 2023) conducted by FISAT, Kochi.
- Anandhakrishnan M, Asif Basheer, Ancy Mathew, Experimental Evaluation Of Structural Properties Of Circular Scrap Tyre Pad (Cstp) Base Isolator, International Conference on Structural Engineering and Construction Management (SECON 2023) conducted by FISAT, Kochi.
- Ancy Mathew, U A Devangana, M Anandhakrishnan, R sajeeb, A shake table investigation on low-cost seismic isolation using unbonded scrap tyre pad isolators, Materials today proceedings, 2023, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.matpr.2023.04.527(Scopus Indexed)
- Ancy Mathew, Sajeeb R, Seismic Performance Of Multistoried Building Frames With Unbonded Scrap Tyre Pad Isolators, Sixth International Conference on Modeling and Simulation in Civil Engineering (ICMSC 2022)
- Anandhakrishnan M, Sajeeb R, Ancy Mathew, Evaluation of Vertical Stiffness of Scrap Tyre Pad Isolators with Change in Aspect Ratio, Sixth International Conference on Modeling and Simulation in Civil Engineering (ICMSC 2022)
- Ancy Mathew, F S Firdouse, R Sajeeb, Experimental and analytical studies on the compression properties of scrap tyre pad base isolators, Fifth International Conference on Modeling and Simulation in Civil Engineering, IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, Volume 491,2020. (Scopus Indexed)
- Nikhil V Jacob, Minsu Mariyam Varkey, Jesmi Michael, Nithin M Reji, Vivek Philip, Ancy Mathew, Study of Combined Action of Coupled Tuned Liquid and Mass Damper on Earthquake Response of Buildings, International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology, Volume 5, Issue 10, October 2018.
- Meera R Krishna, Ancy Mathew, Effect of CFRP Wrapping in Ductile Behaviour of RCC Beam Column Joint Under Cyclic Loading, International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology, May 2017
- Priya Prasannan, Ancy Mathew, Seismic Performance of RC Floating Column Considering Different Configurations, International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology,Volume 6, Issue 5, May 2017.
- H Sharada Bai, Chaithra P, Ancy Mathew, Ambrish G, Correlation Analysis on Seismic Response of Base-Isolated Multi-Storey Structures, International Journal of Earth Sciences and Engineering, Volume 09, October 2016.
- Devi Sreenivas, Ancy Mathew, Evaluation of Seismic Performance of Re-Entrant Cornered Buildings with Base Isolators, International Journal of Science Technology & Engineering, Volume 3, Issue 03, September 2016.
- Mareesha Susan B, Ancy Mathew, Analytical Study On Effect Of FRP Wrapping In Strengthening Of Beams With Rectangular Openings, International Journal Of Innovative Research In Technology,Volume 3, Issue 3,August 2016 .
- Mareesha Susan B., Ancy Mathew, Analytical Study on the Effects of Creating Circular Openings in RC Beams and Strengthening with CFRP Sheets and BFRP Sheets, International Journal of Science Technology & Engineering, Volume 3, Issue 02, August 2016.
- Devi Sreenivas, Ancy Mathew, Seismic Performance of Base Isolated Buildings with Plan Irregularity,International Journal of Science Technology & Engineering ,Volume 3,Issue 02 August 2016.
- H Sharada Bai, Ancy Mathew, Chaithra P, Ambrish G, Seismic Response of Base Isolated Infill Frames, Third National Conference on Futuristic Technology in Civil Engineering for Sustainable Development (NCFTCES), SJBIT, Bangalore, May 2015.
- Associate Member of Institution of Engineers( AM148639-2)
Research Interest
- Seismic Base Isolation
- Earthquake Resistant Design
- Publications in National and international journals (including SCOPUS indexed)/ conferences with relevant citations.
- Best paper award for the paper titled ‘Experimental Evaluation Of Structural Properties Of Circular Scrap Tyre Pad (CSTP) Base Isolator’, International Conference on Structural Engineering and Construction Management (SECON 2023) conducted by FISAT, Kochi.
- Served as a resource person for a online webinar on ‘Seismic Isolation for Earthquake Protection of Structures’ conducted by Managalam College of Engineering on 11th November 2023.
- Attended 6 day AICTE ATAL FDP on Emerging Technologies in waste Management at SCMS School of Engineering Technology from 15-20 January 2024.
- Attended KTU sponsored Five-day faculty development programme on Building Information Modeling Tools for Digital Transformation in Construction, organized by Albertian Institute of Science and Technology, from 06-10 March, 2023.
- Attended TEQUIO-II sponsored Five-day faculty development programme on Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Civil Engineering, organized by TKM College of Engineering, from 30 January- 03 March, 2023.
- Attended AICTE Training and Learning online Faculty Development Programme on Advances in Earthquake Engineering organized by LBS College of Engineering, Kasargod from 26 30 July 2021.
- Attended AICTE Training and Learning online Faculty Development Programme on Earthquake Response and vibration control of lifeline structures organized by College of Engineering, Pune from 5-9 July 2021.
- Attended AICTE Training and Learning online Faculty Development Programme on Earthquake Engineering organized by College of Engineering, Pune from 4-8 January 2021.
- Attended AICTE Training and Learning online Faculty Development Programme on Earthquake Engineering organized by t LD College of Engineering, Ahmedabad from 1-5 December 2020.
- Attended National webinar on Project proposal preparation and funding opportunities organized by SAINTGITS college of engineering Kottayam on July 30, 2020.
- Attended Webinar on Online Tools for Researchers, organized by Albertian Institute of Science and Technology, July 7, 2020.
- Attended Webinar on Supplemental damping and energy dissipation devices organized by Indian Society of Earthquake Technology, IIT Roorkee on 20 June, 2020.
- Attended Two-day national open seminar on Getting Aligned to the publishing process- Author workshop, organized by Elsevier on 25 september, 2020.
- Attended Three-day faculty development programme on Research Methodology and Scientific Writing, organized by Sree Budha College of Engineering, 29th June to 1st July, 2019.
- Attended Webinar on Online Tools for Researchers, organized by Albertian Institute of Science and Technology, July 7, 2020.
- Volunteered and attended Fifth national International Conference on Modelling and Simulation in Civil engineering (ICMSC) at TKM College of Engineering, December 2019.
- Attended Faculty development Programme on Water Thoughts: A Journey Through water Buildscapes, conducted by department of Architecture College of Engineering during 15-19 July, 2019.
- Participated in short term course on Research Avenues in Coastal engineering, organized by Department of Civil engineering, TKM College of Engineering during 14-19 January 2019.
- Participated in 47th ISTE National Annual Convention held at SAINTGITS College of Engineering from 27-29, January 2018.
- Participated in 28th Annual state convention of ISTE held at Government Engineering College Thrissur on 9th December 2017.
- Attended Two-day workshop on Design and Development of Sustainable Concrete in the Era of Global Warming, National Institute of Technology, Karnataka, January 9-10,2017.
- Attended and volunteered National Level Technical Project Exhibition and competition -SRISHTI 2017, at SAINTGITS College of Engineering.
- Attended Two-day Faculty Development Programme on Application of ANSYS in Civil Engineering, Bishop Jerome Institute, Kollam,26-27 July 2016.
- Attended A Faculty Development Programme on Applications of GIS and Remote Sensing in Civil Engineering, College of Engineering, Kidangoor, January 11-15,2016
- Attended A three day Indo-Norwegian Training program on Seismic Design of Multi-storey Buildings-IS 1893 Vs Euorocode 8, Bangalore Institute of Technology,Bangalore.May 31- June 2,2015
- Volunteered and attended a seminar on Milestones in concrete technology, University Visveswaraya College of Engineering, Bangalore, October 15,2014.
- Attended Two-day National Seminar on Concrete Panorama And Deminar at BMS College of Engineering, Bangalore,25-26 February 2014
- Attended Two-day seminar on Earth Quake Resistant Design Of Foundations, University Visveswaraya College of Engineering, Bangalore,23-24 October,2013.
Duties and Responsibilities
- Curriculum Development Committee Member- Civil Department
- Syllabus Development Committee Member- Civil Department
- ISTE Department Coordinator