Designation: Assistant Professor (Sr)
Education: M.Tech
Professional Experience: 14 years
UG: B.Tech (Electronics and Communication Engineering)
PG: M.Tech (VLSI Design)
International Journals:
1. Anu C Kunjachan, Aradhana Prakash, Yamuna M. S, Libiya Pathrose
published a paper in Journal of Analog and Digital Devices, “Air Pollution Detection, Monitoring and Countering Using Drones”, Volume-6, Issue-3, September-December, 2021.
2. Anu C Kunjachan, Sojy Jacob published paper in IJARIIT “FPGA
Implementation of Built in Self Repair Technique for Hard and Soft Errors in Memories”, volume 3, Issue 3, May-June,2017
3. Shabana P B, Anu C Kunjachan published paper in IRJET “An Integrated ECC and BISR Scheme for Error Correction in Memory”, Volume 2, Issue 8, November 2015.
4. P. Karthigaikumar, Anu C. Kunjachan and K. Baskaran published paper in International Journal of Nano Electronics, Circuits and Systems, “0.18 um CMOS Implementation of Low Power Pseudorandom Bit Sequence Generator”,2010.
International/National Conference
1. Anu C Kunjachan, Pranav Pradeep, Brigit Saju, Joyal Johnson paper
presented and published, “RF-Controlled robot with night vision and
thermal imaging camera with surveillance” in National conference VLES ’23 hosted by ECE department of VJCET Vazhakulam on 15 th June, 2023.
2. Anjana S, Chandini Binu, Joann P Bernard, Anu C Kunjachan Presented and published a paper “ATM Theft Prevention System When Surveillance camera wire is found cut” in National conference VLES ’20 hosted by ECE department of VJCET Vazhakulam on 15th July 2020.
3. Amal Vijayan, Aril George, Bichu Sajeev, Anu C Kunjachan presented and published a paper “Multimedia Transmission using Advanced Li-Fi Technology” in VLES’19, National conference of ECE department on 9th May,2019
4. Sona Jose, Anu C Kunjachan, “Retinal Hemorrhage and Micro aneurysm Detection In Fundus Photographs”, NCEVEM’14, VJCET, Vazhakulam, 2014.
5. Anu C Kunjachan, Presented and published paper “FPGA Implementation of Low power Pseudorandom bit sequence Generator” in National conference NCVIT, at Government College of Technology, Coimbatore, 2010.
Workshop/Seminars Attended
- Participated in the “Five Day Faculty Development Programme (FDP) on the topic “Antenna and IC Design Flow using Ansys HFSS and Cadence EDA Tools” organized by the Department of Electronics Engineering in association with Saintgits IEEE SB and IEEE SSCS chapter, from 29th January to 2nd February 2024 at Saintgits College of Engineering.
- Participated in the FDP,” Building Advanced Data Analytics Application with Cloud” from 30 Oct. – 3 Nov. 2023 organized by EY and Edunet Foundation – Next Gen Employability Program
- Participated AICTE Training and Learning (ATAL) Academy Online Elementary FDP on “The Trends of Research and Development of Electronics and Communication Area” from 17/01/2022 to 21/01/2022 at National Institute of Technology.
- Coursera Project Build a Data Science Web App with Streamlit and Python done on 30 Aug 2022.
- Coursera Python Basics course done on Jan 20,2022
- Attended one-week AICTE sponsored STTP organized by MED, VJCET on the topic IoT based manufacturing and design on 23rd Nov,2020.
- Attended FDP on Digital System Design using FPGA- Simulation using VHDL and Verilog at ECE Dept, Sree Buddha College of Engineering, Alappuzha on 7th Nov 2020.
- Attended the seminar on Metamaterial Based Antenna Design &
- Beamforming Network at ECE Dept, Saintgits College of Engineering, Kottayam, on 7th Oct,2020.
- Attended one week FDP on International FDP on Microsystem design and Control Engineering, at ECE Dept, Saintgits College of Engineering, Kottayam, on 17th Sep,2020.
- Completed the course Deep learning.AI in Coursera on 1st Aug, 2020.
- Attended 3 days webinar on Communicative English for engineering students and teachers at MBITS, Kothamangalam on 26th June 2020.
- Attended FDP on Computer Architecture and Data communication organized by ECE Dept, VJCET on 17th December2020.
- Attended International Workshop on Laser Engraving and 3D Printing organized by MED, VJC on 03/12/2018STTP on Speech Processing ECE Dept., VJCET on 28/11/2016 to 02/12/2016.
- STTP on Digital image processing organized by ECE department of VJCET 27/06/2017 to 1/07/2017.
- Attended 2 days FDP on Advanced Speech Processing, organized by CSE department of VJCET 10/8/2015.
- STTP on signals and systems organized by IIT Kharagpur 02/01/2014 to 12/01/2014.
- Attended workshop on LabView at ECE department VJCET during from18/6/2012 to 19/6/2012.
- Attended workshop on Embedded Systems & PIC Microcontroller at ECE department VJCET during from 22/2/2007 to 2/3/2007.
- Project titled “ATM Theft prevention and security system when surveillance camera is cut and made out of order” funded by Kerala State Council for Science, Technology and Environment (KSCSTE), in the year 2020.
- Best Project Award won for the project titled “RF-controlled robot with night vision and thermal imaging for surveillance” in the year 2023.
Contact Details:
Phone: 9633360844
Email: anu.ck@saintgits.org
Linkedin: www.linkedin.com/in/anu-c-kunjachan-287b1a22a