Designation: Assistant Professor -Senior. Grade
Education: B.Tech, M.E
Professional Experience
Teaching : 15 Years
UG : Electronics and Communication Engineering
PG : Communication Systems
International Journals
- Anu Raj, Alex J Kalathil, Juby P Shibu, Karthik S Nair, Sreeshilpa P Mohanan, “Vehicle Collision Avoidance System And Vital Health Monitoring”, International Journal of Novel Research And Development, Vol 8, Issue 6, June-2023
- Anju Sosa John, Greeshma Thomas, Sona Sussan Zacharia, Er.Anu Raj , Er. Agitha M S, “IoT Based Real Time Air and Noise Pollution Alert System for Asthma and Angina Patients “,International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET), Volume 9, Issue 5, May 2022.
- Ansal, K. A., Akhila Ann Kuruvilla, S. Keerthana, Keerthi Mariam Harries, Varsha Susan Johns, and Anu Raj. “A Dual Band Metamaterial Loaded CPW-Fed Antenna for GSM, WLAN, LTE and RFID Applications.” In Futuristic Communication and Network Technologies, pp. 461-468. Springer, Singapore, 2022.
- Aiswarya Manoj, Gautham Krishna S, Irene Sara Thomas, Anu Raj, Dr. Ansal K. A, “A Microstrip Fed antenna Loaeded with comb shaped stub on the ground plane for dual band Applications,” Science, Technology and Development, August, 2021.
- DhanushaP. B, R. Shyamraj and Anu Raj “Harnessing wind energy using bladeless windmills.” In 2018 International Conference on Circuits and Systems in Digital Enterprise Technology (ICCSDET), pp. 1-6. IEEE, 2018.
- Ansal K A, Anu Raj, Novel I J “Road Surface Damage Monitoring System using Machine Learning” In Journal of Electronic Design Engineering(MAT) Volume 4, Issue 3, Page 5-7, 2018.
- Aswathy, S. V., Brinta Mariam Baby, Keerthy Antony, Sera Mariam Robin and Er. Anu Raj. “Bus Identification for Blind.” Imperial journal of interdisciplinary research 2 (2016)
International Conference
- Ansal K A, Akhila Ann Kuruvilla, Keerthana S, Keerthi Mariam Harries, Varsha Susan Johns, Anu Raj ” A Dual Band Metamaterial Loaded CPW Fed Antenna for GSM, WLAN, LTE AND RFID Applications” in Proceedings of Virtual international conference on futuristic communication and network technologies, VICFCNT 2020, Velloore Institute of Technology, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, May, 2020.
- Ansal K A, Akhila Ann Kuruvilla, Keerthana S, Keerthi Mariam Harries, Varsha Susan Johns, Anu Raj “CPW Fed Octagonal Shaped Monopole Antenna With Single Notch at Wimax for Ultra Wide Band Application” in Proceedings of the National Conference on Advances in Communication, Signal Processing and Instrumentation(NCACSI 2020), August, 2020.
- DhanushaP. B, R. Shyamraj and Anu Raj “Harnessing wind energy using bladeless windmills.” in Proceedings of International Conference on Circuits and Systems in Digital Enterprise Technology (ICCSDET), Kerala, 2018.
- Anu Raj, Raj Mohan, “Remote Sensing Environmental Monitoring Using ICA Method and AR Process” Proceedings of National Conference On Innovative Vogue In Electronics and Communication Engineering, May, 2009.
- India patent titled “Low Cost Low Power Semi Automatic Water Level Controller” with application number 202041038481
- Indian patent titled “IoT Based Real Time Air and Noise Pollution Alert System for Asthma and Angina Patients” with application number 202241070248
Workshop/Seminars Attended
- Advanced Antenna and RF Technologies for 5G and IoT, Hindustan Institute of Technology and Science.,Chennai,Sep 2020
- International FDP on MIcrosystem Design and Control Engineering, SAINTGITS College of Engineering, Kottayam,Sep 2020
- IEEE APS 5 Day lecture series on Future Antenna Technologies, Kumaraguru College of Technology, Coimbatore,August 2020
- One week International workshop on machine Learning and computer vision application research challanges, NIT Silchar.TEQIP III, Aug 2020
- Tools And Platforms for Technology Enabled Learning, Government Women’s Polytechnic College Kottakkal, Aug 2020
- Advancements and Trends in Artificial Intelligence through Machine Learning, AICTE & College of Engineering Chenganur, December 2019.
- One week AICTE-ISTE Induction/Refresher Programme under AICTE-ISTE MoU titled “Refresher Course on Antennas and RF Devices” at Saintgits college of Engineering.
- KSCSTE sponsored 2 day workshop on “Research Methodology, Writing Practices, Language & Soft Skills” organized by the Department of ECE in association with IETE at Saintgits college of Engineering.
- 6 days workshop on “Role of VLSI & Embedded Systems in Next Generation Wireless Technologies ”in association with Entuple Technologies, Bangalore & Pantech Pro Ed Pvt Ltd., Chennai at Saintgits college of Engineering.
- Advances in Wireless Communication and Networking at NIT, Calicut.
- ISTE STTP under Train Ten Thousand Teachers(T10KT) project on “CMOS, Mixed Signal and Radio Frequency VLSI Design” by IIT Kharagpur at Saintgits college of Engineering.
- Two day training of ANSYS HF Package by Entuple Technologies Pvt. Ltd., Bangalore.
- Embedded design using ARM AND ARDUINO at Saintgits college of engg.
- Signal Processing in VLSI System Design at Saintgits college of engg.
- IEEE SSCS sponsored hands on training on ANSYS HFSS at Saintgits college of Engineering.
- IETE Sponsored National Level Faculty Development Programme on CAD Tools in VLSI & Communication at Saintgits college of Engineering.
- Two-week ISTE workshop on Analog Electronics by IIT, Kharagpur.
- FDP on OrCAD,Mat lab and DSP Processors at Saintgits college of engg.
- Signals and Systems -IIT Kharagahpur at Saintgits college of engg.
- Introduction to research methodologies – IIT Bombay, Saintgits college of Engineering.
- Faculty Development Programme on Digital Logic Design Using HDL at Saintgits college of Engineering.
- Digital signal processing and VLSI at SCMS school of Engineering and technology, Angamaly.
Events Organized
- Organized an expert talk on the topic ‘Opportunities and challenges in Space Research” on May 3rd 2019 by Er. Arun Raj, Scientist, VSSC
- Staff in charge of HORIZON 2018(ASGEC In Charge 2018-2019)
- Conducted project competition 2019 in association with ASGEC
- Coordinator of Train the Trainers program on “Utilization of Canvas Instructure -A Leap Towards Professional Teaching Learning Process” ,Aug 2019
- Co-coordinator of KSCSTE sponsored 2 day workshop on “Research Methodology, Writing Practices, Language & Soft Skills” organized by the Department of ECE in association with IETE with a funding of Rs.40,000,Jan 2018
- Conducted Merit Day 2019 in association with ASGEC
- Coordinator of Train the Trainers program on “Signals and Systems” , January 2020
- Life member of ISTE : LM 73130
Research Interest
- Control engineering
- Digital signal processing
R & D Projects
- Spy Robot, January 2015.
- Bus Identification for blind, January 2016.
- Metamaterial inspired CPW fed multiband antenna for wireless applications, January 2020
- A Dual Band Metamaterial Loaded CPW Fed Antenna for GSM, WLAN, LTE and RFID Applications, January 2021
- IoT based Real Time Air & Noise Pollution Alert system for Asthma and Angina Patients, January 2022.
- Smart Aqua system, January 2022.
- Vehicle Collision Avoidance System with Vital Health Monitoring , January 2023
- Certified in MOOC courses conducted by course providers like Coursera, NPTEL,edX etc.
- Question Paper setter – Cochin University of science & Technology, Kochi.
- Co-coordinator of KSCSTE sponsored 2 day workshop on “Research Methodology, Writing Practices, Language & Soft Skills” organized by the Department of ECE in association with IETE with a funding of Rs.40,000/-
- Published a patent titled “Low Cost Low Power Semi Automatic Water Level Controller” with application number 202041038481
- Project Proposal Approved for funding by CERD for academic year 2021-2022 – “IoT based Real Time Air & Noise Pollution Alert system for Asthma and Angina Patients”
- Published a patent titled “IoT Based Real Time Air and Noise Pollution Alert System for Asthma and Angina Patients” with application number 202241070248.
- Alex J Kalathil, Juby P Shibu, Karthik S Nair, Sreeshilpa Mohanan secured third prize in National level project expo and competition organized by Electrical and Electronics Engineering Department,Mar Baselios Christian College of Engineering and Technology as a part of Egnizita 2023, Guide – Er.Anu Raj
Contact Details
Phone: 0481 2436169
Email: anu.raj@saintgits.org